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yù gào
  • announce in advance;herald;advance notice;prophesy;prediction;prognostication;portend;notice;harbinger
预告 [yù gào]
  • (1) [announce in advance;herald]∶预先告知

  • (2) [advance notice]∶事先通知的

  • 新书预告

预告[yù gào]
  1. 在英国杜鹃鸟是春天的预告。

    In England the cuckoo is a herald of spring .

  2. 预告登记对保障当事人的权利、保护不动产交易安全、维护市场信用具有重要作用。

    Herald that the credit registering to protect immovable property business safety , to defend a marketplace to the right ensuring an interested party , has the important effect .

  3. 下周节目预告请见第12页。

    Turn to page 12 for a preview of next week 's programmes .

  4. 欲知离自己最近的演出的详情,请查询当地文娱预告杂志。

    For details of the nearest performance look in the local listings magazines .

  5. 未来7天通过电视和卫星转播的每一项体育赛事都列在节目预告单上。

    Every sporting event on television and satellite over the next seven days is listed

  6. 你在早晨广播一台的新片预告节目中就能听到他悦耳的声音。

    You hear his dulcet tones on the Radio 1 trailers in the morning .

  7. 让人误以为充满暴力色彩的该部影片的预告片

    a misleadingly violent trailer for the film .

  8. 据预告,该书正在编写中。

    The book was announced in preparation .

  9. 点击这里,可以观看预告片。

    You can see the trailer here .

  10. 梅里米尔韦导演。预告。2月12日开幕。(西公园长老会教堂,165W.86St.212-868-4444。)

    Merri Milwe directs . In previews . Opens Feb . 12 .( West Park Presbyterian Church , 165 W . 86th St . 212-868-4444 .)

  11. Fox昨日(5月17日)发布了该剧回归版的全集预告片,看到原班人马悉数回归,当年追剧的感觉又回来了。

    Fox released the first full-length trailer for the revival1 series yesterday and seeing the original gang back together again brought all the feels .

  12. 庆典活动包括在HBOMax流媒体平台上交互式的《权游》聚焦页面直播节目,订阅用户可以欣赏到150多个幕后花絮、剧组访谈、剪辑片段和预告片。

    The celebratory event includes an interactive page on the HBO Max streaming service , live now , with over 150 videos of behind-the-scenes extras , cast interviews , clips , and trailers available to subscribers .

  13. 美国驻外领事们预告,还有几百万人正在准备离开战争破坏的地区。

    American consuls warned that millions more were preparing to leave war-ravaged districts .

  14. 天文学家能精确地预告未来日食月食的日期、时刻和时长

    Astronomers can accurately foretell the date , time , and length of future eclipses .

  15. 那么这支预告片证实了什么呢?

    So what does the trailer confirm ?

  16. 既然没在预告片中看见,那么传言会实现吗?

    Is that even really happening given that we do not see them in this trailer ?

  17. 这段2分钟的预告片信息量很大,展现了回归版十集的主要剧情,该剧将在明年播出。

    The jam-packed two-minute trailer sets up the main plot for the ten-parter which is due to air next year .

  18. 上周日(8月22日)预告片遭到泄露,迫使漫威和索尼本周一(8月23日)抢在影迷蜂拥去看盗版预告片之前发布了高清版正式预告片。

    The trailer was leaked online Sunday , forcing Marvel Studios and Sony to get a high-quality version out into the world Monday , before too many eager eyes got to the pirated version .

  19. 《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》日前发布了第一支预告片,在第三部中这位高人气超级英雄将继续在漫威电影宇宙中手吐蛛网飞檐走壁。

    The first trailer has been released for “ Spider-Man : No Way Home , ” a continuation of a trilogy that has given us the popular superhero web-swinging around in the Marvel Cinematic Universe .

  20. 尹蔚民表示,网上流传的针对不同群体的延迟退休时间表系误读。中央政府制定延迟退休方案将会小步慢走、渐进到位,而且会提前公示、预先预告。

    Yin said the online guideline for when people of different ages should retire is fake , and the central government will take much slower , gradual steps in extending the retirement6 age , and will inform the public in advance .

  21. TVInfo模块负责显示频道节目的预告信息。

    TV Info is responsible for displaying the forecast information of Live program .

  22. 最近几年,GDP增长目标一再下调;正面盈利预告已经转为负面预警。

    In recent years , GDP growth targets have been falling ; profit warnings have turned negative .

  23. 大约一年前,我们给KidsReact放了美国队长的预告片。

    About a year ago , we showed the Captain America movie trailer on kids react .

  24. 一些电影公司已经在这样做了。比如在某部电影上映前一个礼拜,他们就开始在Twitter上推广电影的预告片。

    The week before the film comes out , they 're promoting trailers on Twitter .

  25. King先生在2月10号发表最新的经济预测的同时也对自己的公开信内容作了预告。

    Mr King gave a foretaste of what he will write when he presented the bank 's latest economic forecasts on February10th .

  26. 《冰与火》的预告片是对乔治·R·R·马丁原著《冰与火之歌》的致敬。

    The fire and ice of the trailer are a nod to the George RR Martin book series the show is based on , A Song Of Fire And Ice .

  27. 高级技术布道师BrianKeller为其发布了预告,但该产品现在还没有得到官方的支持。

    Senior Technical Evangelist Brian Keller offered the caveat that this is as yet an unsupported product .

  28. 从预告来看,虽然有点儿像漫威和DC式超级英雄被本土化的意思,但影片的特效颇为震撼。

    From the trailers , the film looks a bit like a Chinese answer to Hollywood superheroes like those in the DC and Marvel films , but the special effects are quite impressive .

  29. 预告的背景音乐是一首非常现代化的歌曲,来自威尔士另类摇滚乐队TheJoyFormidable今年早些时候发布的新歌《WolfsLaw》。

    The trailer is set to a very modern song Wolfs Law by Welsh alternative rock band The Joy Formidable , released earlier this year .

  30. 《暮光之城:月食》的首个预告片因被传至YouTube视频网上,已吸引了数百万人观看。

    Millions of people have watched the first trailer for The Twilight Saga : Eclipse movie , which has been leaked to YouTube .