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lián máng
  • in a hurry;immediately;at once;instantly;promptly
连忙 [lián máng]
  • [promptly;at once] 立即;马上

  • 连忙道歉

连忙[lián máng]
  1. 他连忙去那儿。

    He went there promptly .

  2. 听到这闻所未闻的美妙歌喉,薛谭连忙向秦青道歉,请求老师留下自己继续学习。

    Hearing the dulcet3 voice that he had never heard before , . Xue Tan apologized to his teacher immediately , and pleaded his master to let him stay there to continue his study .

  3. 她倒抽了一口气,连忙用手掩着嘴。

    She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth .

  4. 她连忙解开绑着脚踝的绳子。

    She hurriedly untied the ropes binding her ankles

  5. 詹姆斯起身走过来,但是女孩子们却连忙后退。

    James got to his feet and started to come over , but the girls hastily backed away .

  6. 她发现自己说错了,连忙改口。

    She corrected herself as soon as she found she had made a mistake .

  7. 他连忙道歉。

    He hastened to apologize .

  8. 我连忙冲进屋子,可是当我要拿起话筒时,电话铃已经不响了。

    I hurried into the room , but the telephone stopped ringing as I picked up the receiver .

  9. 两个弟子发现自己受骗,连忙赶上去追她。

    The servants realized they had been tricked and chased her .

  10. 馆竖子连忙拉住他的袖子,劝阻说:

    Guan Zhuzi hold him back by the sleeves and persuaded him ,

  11. 它连忙后退了两步,把大海的情形告诉青蛙,说:

    He quickly retreated two steps and told the frog about the sea :

  12. 颜回好不容易弄到了一点米,连忙烧火做饭。

    Yan Hui managed to get some rice and cooked it in no time .

  13. 大官连忙问道:“你笑什么?”

    The high official asked hastily : " What are you laughing about ? "

  14. 黔敖一听,连忙向他表示歉意。

    As soon as Qian Ao heard this , he quickly apologized to the man .

  15. 富人连忙问他:“你干得怎么样了?”

    The rich man asked him in haste : " How are you doing ? "

  16. 墙洞凿成后,他连忙把生着疮的脚,伸进隔壁邻居家里。

    After the hole was made , he hurriedly stretched his foot into his neighbour 's house .

  17. 西施连忙按着胸口,皱着眉头,扶坐在花园的椅子上。

    Quickly pressing her bosom2 , she sat down with knitted brows in a chair in the garden .

  18. 躲在梁上的小偷听了,很惭愧,连忙翻身落地,磕头求饶。

    Much ashamed upon hearing this , the thief hiding on the beam promptly2 jumped down to the ground , kowtowed and begged for forgiveness .

  19. 燕王知道后,非常高兴,连忙派人前去拜师学习。

    The King of Yan was very glad when he heard of this , and quickly sent someone to acknowledge the man as master and learn from him .

  20. 一天,有个名叫“和氏”的楚国人,在一座山里得到一块没有雕琢过的玉石,连忙拿去献给楚厉王。

    One day , a man named He Shi of the State of Chu got a piece of uncarved jade1 in a hill . He quickly went to present it to King Li of the State of Chu .

  21. 旁人提醒主人:“如果你听了你的朋友的建议,不但用不着酬劳大家,还不会遭受损失。”主人醒悟过来,连忙去请自己的朋友。

    Someone reminded the host of this , " Had you listened to your friend , you would not have to reward us and would not have suffered losses . " The host awaked to this and went to invite his friend immediately .

  22. 那个识宝的人看了,差一点儿笑出声来,连忙用手捂住了嘴巴,贴近他的耳朵,轻轻地告诉他说:“这是一块石头,跟瓦片一样一钱不值!”

    When the man who knew about treasures saw it , he nearly burst into laughter , but quickly covered his mouth with his hand . He whispered close to the other 's ear : " This is a piece of stone , as worthless as a tile . "

  23. 蜘蛛看见蛇要走,连忙用蛛丝悬着,从网上垂下来,蛇见机会来了,便又昂着头等着,蜘蛛见蛇回来,仍然退回到网上。

    When the spider saw the snake leaving , it came down from the web hanging with a thread . The snake thought this was an opportunity , and then waited with its head high in the car . Seeing that the snake came back , the spider came back to the web .

  24. 我连忙垂下头,同时平静自己激动的心情。

    I quickly hung my head , while calm my excitement .

  25. 电话响了,她连忙跳起来去接。

    The phone rang and she jumped up to answer it .

  26. 谢利连忙放下铅笔,仿佛它烫了她的手指似的。

    Shirley dropped the crayon as if it burned her fingers .

  27. 我连忙躲避,使自己不被砸到。

    I dodged the rocks and managed not to be hit .

  28. 她连忙低头,单膝跪下。

    Quickly she lowered her head and dropped to one knee .

  29. “我知道在这里很不合适。”她连忙解释说。

    " I know it looks quite odd ," she explained rapidly .

  30. 我连忙跑去找我的邻居,告诉他们事情的真相。

    Soon I ran to my neighbors and told them the facts .