
lián dài zé rèn bǎo zhènɡ
  • suretyship of joint and several liabilities
  1. 银行或者非银行金融机构的税款保函,其保证方式应当是连带责任保证。

    A letter of duty guarantee as issued by a bank or a non bank financial institution shall be of the mode of joint liability guarantee .

  2. 再次,笔者根据混合共同担保中保证的方式的不同,将其分成了一般保证与物保的混合和连带责任保证和物保的混合两类。

    Thirdly , the author divides mixed co-guarantee into the mix of guarantee and real security and the mix of joint and several guarantee and real security .

  3. 一般保证情况下,保证人享有先诉抗辩权;而在连带责任保证情况下,保证人并无此权利。

    For general guarantee , the guarantor is entitled to the right of discussion , but for joint guarantee , the guarantor does not have this right .

  4. 担保中心对借款人的贷款提供了担保,开发商是否就不需要再为银行提供阶段性连带责任保证了?

    Assure the center was offerred to the loan of borrower assure , whether doesn 't development business need to offer level sex for the bank again did joint liability assure ?

  5. 连带责任保证应当遵循契约约定原则,赋予保证人代位权和免责请求权,以充分保护保证人的利益,最大限度地给予保证人救济;

    Such as : Joint suretyship should follow the principle of contractual specifications so as to ensure guarantor ' subrogation and a claim to exemption from liability , offering relief to guarantor to a maximum degree ;

  6. 答:担保中心成立后,只要担保中心对个人住房贷款提供担保,就会相应免除开发商对银行提供阶段性连带责任保证。

    Answer : assure after the center holds water , should assure only the center is offerred to individual housing loan assure , can absolve development business to offer level sex to the bank accordingly joint liability assures .

  7. 本文在对民事连带责任和连带保证相关的基本概念作了理论上的界定的基础上,作为后面论述的理论根据和基础。

    Before exploring the theory , author defines the notion of civil joint - responsibility and relevant notion of joint-guarantee .