
lián rèn
  • Reelection;renew one's term of office;be reappointed or reelected consecutively
连任 [lián rèn]
  • [be reappointed consecutively;renew one's term of office] 接连两次或两次以上担任某一职务

  • 连任国家总统

  1. 他想在下届选举中寻求连任。

    He intends to defend his seat in the next election .

  2. 与里根政府日益紧密的关系差点让他失去了连任的机会。

    His increasing alignment with the Reagan administration nearly cost him re-election .

  3. 越南战争使约翰逊总统连任的希望破灭了。

    The Vietnam War dashed President Johnson 's hopes of a second term of office

  4. 他连任十年大使。

    He took up office as an ambassador for ten years continuously .

  5. 这位连任三届的州长拒绝辞职,并否认对自己的指控。

    The three-term governor has refused to resign and has denied he did what has been alleged .

  6. 具体来说,作为总统,乔治华盛顿拒绝连任第三届(thethirdterm)。

    George Washington , in particular , refused to act as president for a third term .

  7. 在1840年,OK成为美国总统马丁·范布伦竞选连任的宣传标语,虽然范布伦最后失败了。

    By 1840 , it served as a slogan for President Martin Van Buren 's unsuccessful reelection campaign .

  8. ???罗伯特佐利克(RobertZoellick)在2月17日宣布不再寻求连任世界银行(WorldBank)行长职务。

    Robert Zoellick announced on February 17 that he would not seek a second mandate as president of the World Bank .

  9. 10年前,反对同性婚姻的立场帮助乔治圠布什(GeorgeW.Bush)以微弱优势赢得总统连任。

    Ten years ago , opposition to gay marriage powered George W. Bush 's narrow re-election victory .

  10. 即便是第一次海湾战争的胜利,也未能保障老布什(GeorgeBush)在1992年获得连任。

    Even victory in the first Gulf war was not enough to secure the elder George Bush re-election in 1992 .

  11. 保守党策略师希望,选民最后会投奔由保守党政府连任所提供的安全,类似于1992年助推约翰•梅杰(JohnMajor)保住首相职位的趋势。

    Conservative strategists hope that voters will make a final switch to the security offered by a continuation of a Tory government , similar to the trend that put John Major back into power in 1992 .

  12. 所有这些都不会让经济回升的速度快到可以迅速降低失业率,并让美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)在今年11月的总统大选中轻松获得连任。

    None of this adds upto the kind of rapid economic reboundthat would drive unemployment down quickly and give President Barack Obama an easy shot at re-election in November .

  13. 刚刚连任德国总理的安哥拉默克尔(angelamerkel)表示,奥巴马使国际外交的基调向着对话的方向迅速改变。

    Angela Merkel , the newly re-elected German Chancellor , said Mr Obama had rapidly changed the tone of international diplomacy towards dialogue .

  14. 情报委员会主席罗杰斯在Cumulus广播公司的密歇根分公司宣布他今年不会再寻求连任。

    Intelligence Committee Chairman Rogers announced he would not seek reelection this year on a Michigan affiliate of the Cumulus radio network .

  15. 现年76岁、刚刚获得连任的总理莫汉辛格(MAnmohanSingh)高贵睿智,是个充满魅力的人物。

    Manmohan Singh , the 76-year-old prime minister who has just won re-election , is a charmingly intellectual and courtly figure .

  16. 发生在曾荫权(donaldtsang)连任前几个月的这场抗议,已经变成了一个政治问题。

    The protests , which occurred just months before Donald Tsang secured a second term as chief executive , became a political issue .

  17. 正如民调分析者比尔麦金塔夫(billmcinturff)所观察到的,总统赢得连任时美国消费者信心指数平均为95。

    As pollster bill mcinturff observes , the average US consumer confidence index when a president wins re-election is 95 .

  18. (胡佛同年在连任选举中被击败。)这次会议如今在历史书上占用的脚注主要与富兰克林罗斯福(FranklinRoosevelt)的莽撞有关。

    ( Hoover was voted out in the meantime . ) The footnotes the conference now occupies in the history book relate mainly to Franklin Roosevelt 's petulance .

  19. 自1940年罗斯福(FranklinD.Roosevelt)总统以来,还没有哪位现任总统在失业率更高(目前为7.9%)的情况下赢得连任。

    No sitting president since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940 has won re-election with a higher unemployment rate , which stands at 7.9 % .

  20. 在老布什(GeorgeH.W.Bush)和卡特(JimmyCarter)的任期内,有一段时间失业率飙升,而这正好是他们任期的最后一年,最终他们没有连任。

    Presidents George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter saw rising unemployment during what turned out to be their last year in office , and they weren 't re-elected .

  21. 对于正在谋求连任的欧盟贸易专员阿什顿女男爵(baronessashton)来说,这个时机尤为尴尬。

    The timing is particularly awkward for Baroness Ashton , the European Trade Commissioner , who is seeking reappointment to the next Commission .

  22. BinguwaMutharika寻求连任,希望他所代表的民主进步党能够占据议会的大多数。

    President Bingu wa Mutharika is seeking a second term and a majority in parliament for his Democratic Progress Party .

  23. 现年51岁的奥巴马击败65岁的前马萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)连任总统。罗姆尼力争当选总统已有六年时间。

    In retaining the presidency , Mr. Obama , 51 years old , defeated former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney , age 65 , who had been seeking the office for six years .

  24. 第四季于周五在Netflix上演,重新拾起了这个紧张的时刻,并且继续讲述安德伍德谋求连任的历程。

    The fourth season , which went live on Netflix on Friday , picks up where that charged moment left off , while also continuing to follow Underwood as he campaigns for re-election .

  25. 杰瑞·布朗两度担任加州州长,他于1975年,也就是帕特·布朗在连任竞选中败给罗纳德·里根(RONALDREAGAN)的八年之后,到达萨克拉门托,开始了第一个任期。

    Jerry Brown arrived in Sacramento for the first of two stints he would serve as governor in 1975 & just over eight years after Pat Brown was defeated for re-election by Ronald Reagan .

  26. 杰瑞·布朗两度担任加州州长,他于1975年,也就是帕特·布朗在连任竞选中败给罗纳德·里根(RonaldReagan)的八年之后,到达萨克拉门托,开始了第一个任期。

    Jerry Brown arrived in Sacramento for the first of two stints he would serve as governor in 1975 - just over eight years after Pat Brown was defeated for re-election by Ronald Reagan .

  27. 传统而言,世行行长实际上由美国任命,而欧洲则掌控着国际货币基金组织(imf)总裁一职,奥巴马政府对提名佐利克连任的想法反应冷淡。

    Traditionally , the US has in effect nominated the president of the world bank and European governments the managing director of the International Monetary Fund , and the Obama administration was cool to the idea of reappointing Mr Zoellick to a second term .

  28. 左翼总统ManuelZelaya试图组织一场违宪的公投来让他连任,其后洪都拉斯发生军事政变。

    There was a military coup in Honduras after Manuel Zelaya , the leftist president , tried to organize an unconstitutional referendum to allow him to stand for a second term .

  29. 尼克松总统在第一次宣誓就职的时候用了他的中间名Milhous,而在连任宣誓的时候却没有用。

    Richard Milhous Nixon used his middle name at his first inauguration , but dropped it at his second .

  30. 塞普•布拉特(SeppBlatter)连任国际足联主席,他站在那里,数十名喜气洋洋的支持者拥抱他、亲吻他,甚至把他从地面上举起来。

    Giddy at his victory in Fifa 's presidential election , Sepp Blatter stood while dozens of his jubilant supporters hugged , kissed and even lifted him off his feet .