
  • 网络essen;Assen;Esson
  1. 日本财务大臣尾身幸次(kojiomi)表示,在埃森举行的会议上,欧洲国家表达了对日元的担忧。

    European countries voiced concern about the yen at the meeting in Essen , said koji Omi , the Japanese finance minister .

  2. RWE塔楼,埃森

    RWE Tower , Essen

  3. 埃森晢咨询公司分析师库兰认为,政府对科技展越来越感兴趣是必然的,因为科技已经成为我们生活中的一大部分。

    Curran , the Accenture analyst , said that increased government interest in the show makes sense as technology becomes a larger part of our lives .

  4. MarcelPohl在短短20个月内,就在德国埃森经济管理学院(FOM)完成了共计60门考试。

    Marcel Pohl completed a total of 60 examinations during his 20 months at the Essen-based School of Economics and Management ( FOM ) .

  5. MaxEisenbud(麦克斯。埃森巴德)和IMG公司-你们是最棒的团队,感谢你们对我的照顾和帮助。

    To my agent Max Eisenbud and the entire IMG Team - for being the best management company in the world and for taking care of me every day 。

  6. 上周末在埃森举行的七国集团(G7)峰会上,保尔森向中国央行行长周小川谈到加快汇率改革进程的必要性。

    He spoke to Zhou Xiaochuan , governor of the People 's Bank of China , at last weekend 's Group of Seven summit in Essen of the need for faster progress .

  7. 视乎特定流派,瑜伽可以是一种颇为激烈的训练干预手段,德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学(UniversityofDuisburg-Essen)结合医学研究员霍尔格·克莱默(HolgerCramer)介绍说。他目前研究的是瑜伽对身体的作用。

    Depending on the specific style , yoga is a quite intensive exercise intervention , said Holger Cramer , a research fellow in integrative medicine at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany , who is studying the physical impact of yoga .

  8. 埃森记忆扑克牌的方法与马伦略有不同。

    Von Essen uses a slightly different technique to remember cards .

  9. 从北京埃森焊接展看焊接健康与安全的发展

    Brief view of health and security from Essen Exhibition Beijing

  10. 这些工程包括于韦斯屈莱市和埃森剧院歌剧院。

    These works include the Jyvaskyla City Theatre and Essen Opera House .

  11. 嗳呀,你下一次恐怕要我轰炸埃森市了!

    Why , you will be asking me to bomb Essen next !

  12. 第九届北京&埃森焊接与切割展览会筹备情况通报

    The 9th Beijing ESSEN Welding & Cutting Fair Report for preparing and arrangement

  13. 第三届北京·埃森焊接展览会介绍

    The 3rd International Welding Fair of Beijing-Essen '94

  14. 其中一人来自海因斯贝格,另一人来自埃森。

    One of them is from Heinsberg , and the other is from Essen .

  15. 离开埃森丁后我第一次躺下来哭了起来。

    For the first time since leaving Essendean , I lay down and cried .

  16. 同期胰肾联合移植12例报告&德国埃森大学的经验

    Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation : report of 12 cases-the experience of university hospital Essen , Germany

  17. 埃森的德意志关税同盟煤矿工业区

    Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen

  18. 科学家们现在正在研究这片坠落在德国埃森的陨石。

    Scientists are now studying the pea-sized meteorite which crashed to Earth in Essen , Germany .

  19. 这是我第一次听说埃森丁地域以外我的家族成员。

    It was the first time I had heard of any of our family outside Essendean .

  20. 与马伦一样,埃森发现自己的记忆爱好也很晚。

    Like Mullen , Von Essen also discovered a love of memorising things late in life .

  21. 我们所经历的塔里埃森

    Taliesin That We Have Experienced

  22. 从第十一届埃森国际焊接博览会看电弧焊设备的发展

    Looking Forward to the Development of the Arc welding Equipments through 11 International welding Fair in Essen

  23. 彼得.埃森曼是20世纪下半叶最重要的建筑理论家和建筑师之一。

    Peter Eisenman is one of the most important architectural theorists and architects in the late 20th century .

  24. 从埃森丁走出来的可怜的乡下男孩成了大房子和农田的主人!

    The poor country boy who had walked from Essendean was the owner of a fine house and farmland !

  25. 德国中西部一城市。是鲁尔河流域埃森的工业城郊。人口54887。

    A city of west-central Germany , an industrial suburb of Essen on the Ruhr River . Population , 54,887 .

  26. 这表明中国机械工程学会、德国埃森展览公司和德国焊接学会的合作是建立在牢固基础之上的。

    This shows that the cooperative work between CMES , Messe Essen GmbH and DVS stands on a solid foundation .

  27. “这打消了德国主流经济学家的所有顾虑,”杜伊斯堡-埃森大学的格哈德·博世如是说。

    " This contradicts all the fears of mainstream economists in Germany ," says Gerhard Bosch of the University of Duisburg-Essen .

  28. 埃森指出:犹太人,特别是较年轻的犹太人大批离开犹太文化已经有好几年的历史了。

    Jews , especially younger ones , have been dropping out in large numbers for years , Mr Eisen points out .

  29. 今年将举办第十二届北京·埃森焊接与切割展览会。

    This year , the " Beijing Essen Welding and Cutting " fair will now take place for the twelfth time already .

  30. 埃森每天训练的时间也很短,随后也只是在参赛前将训练延长到每天最多五个小时。

    Von Essen also trained for small amounts of time each day , before gearing up to five hours a day just before competitions .