
cuò è
  • stunned;dumbfounded
错愕 [cuò è]
  • [startled;astonished] 仓卒惊愕

  • 良不得已,错愕迎科。--韩愈《曹成玉碑》

  1. 我被威尔士队解聘时,既失望又错愕。

    I was both disappointed and amazed when I got the chop from the Wales team .

  2. 某人去朋友家拜访,发现朋友竟然在跟自家的狗下象棋,大为错愕。他旁观了一会儿,当时就震惊了。

    A man went to visit a friend and was amazed to find him playing chess with his dog . He watched the game in astonishment for a while .

  3. 比尔克林顿(billclinton)争取两名被关押在朝鲜的美国记者获释的使命,在韩国引发错愕,韩国民间指责政府未能尽力营救本国公民。

    Bill Clinton 's mission to free two US reporters held in Pyongyang has caused consternation in South Korea , where the government is accused of not doing enough to get its own citizens back .

  4. TerriOrbuch密西根大学的婚姻治疗师和社会学教授说,他们在我们眼中是十全十美的一对,这是我们为什么感到错愕的原因。

    " They were seen as this perfect couple , that 's why we 're traumatized ," says Terri Orbuch , a marriage therapist and sociology professor at the University of Michigan .

  5. 你看到我的罪行?我该感到错愕吗?

    Do you see my guilt ? Should I feel fright ?

  6. 施梅林对路易斯的汹汹来势感到错愕

    Schmeling is stunned by the ferocity of Louis ' attack .

  7. 我的朋友和时装界震惊万分,错愕不已。

    My friends and the fashion industry were in shock and disbelief .

  8. 哥印拜陀的实业家们也表示感到愤怒与错愕。

    Industrialists in coimbature have also expressed anger and dismay .

  9. 私下里,英国官员对诺亚的言论感到错愕。

    Privately British officials were astonished by the remarks .

  10. 中国人对安全的态度经常会引起外籍人士的错愕。

    The Chinese attitude to safety often causes sharp intakes of expatriate breath .

  11. 莱安娜是个大美人。艾莉亚错愕地道。

    Lyanna was beautiful , Arya said , startled .

  12. 都市的变化,令人错愕。

    The change in the city is overwhelming .

  13. 他在7月接受采访时称,自己对该事故感到震惊和错愕。

    He said in an interview in July that he was stunned and appalled by the incident .

  14. 这一逆转不仅让法国、也让其它许多工业化国家错愕。

    It has been greeted with dismay not just in France but in many other industrialised nations .

  15. 其它的食人族先是一阵错愕,然后开始对探险家怒目相视!

    The man-eater of other is an astonishment first , begin to be inspected to explorer glower photograph next !

  16. 某人去朋友家拜访,发现朋友竟然在跟自家的狗下象棋,大为错愕。

    A man went to visit a friend and was amazed to find him playing chess with his dog .

  17. 都市的变化,令人错愕。公园的喷水池,盖起了高架道路。

    The change in the city is overwhelming . The fountain in the park is torn down for a highway .

  18. Chilesaurusdiegosuarezi绝对是恐龙中的“鸭嘴兽”,因为这两个物种都让科学家十分错愕。

    The Chilesaurus diegosuarezi is truly the platypus of dinosaurs , in that scientists responded to both with stunned disbelief .

  19. 如果发现平庸让阿伦特感到错愕,这倒是如今的我们所期待的,或者说它正无处不在地包围着我们。

    If finding banality was surprising for Arendt , it is now what we expect and what everywhere surrounds us .

  20. 它也许不再擅长赢得选举,但它拥有上演令人错愕的政治闹剧的难得天才。

    It may no longer be much good at winning elections but it boasts a rare genius for staging jaw-dropping political farce .

  21. 有些地方的公寓已卖到令人错愕的价位,各国央行和财政部已开始收紧与房地产相关的刺激措施。

    Apartments are selling for staggering prices , and central banks and finance ministries have begun to rein in property-related stimulus measures .

  22. 醉汉一时错愕,随即轻声地边嘲笑边发牢骚,从吧台凳子上爬下来走人。

    The drunk is briefly surprised , then softly scoffs , grumbles , climbs down from the bar stool , and leaves .

  23. 摩根大通内部人士表示,一些伦敦(温特斯的办公地点)银行家对赶走温特斯的决定感到错愕。

    JPMorgan insiders said some bankers in London , where Mr winters was based , were dismayed by the decision to oust him .

  24. 一天,18岁的王金晶错愕地发现一夜之间自己的笔记本电脑,手机还有一些现金统统被盗。

    One day the 18-year-old was shocked to discover that his laptop , a mobile phone and some cash had been stolen overnight .

  25. 可接下来让人错愕不已的是,本周美国政府竟然决定全面恢复同利比亚的外交关系。

    All the more striking , then , that the American administration should have decided , this week , to restore full diplomatic relations .

  26. 她非常错愕地看着我,说道:但如何才能有足够多的粮食,让饿肚子的人吃饱饭呢?

    She looked at me , horrified , and said , But how are you going to produce enough food to feed the hungry ?

  27. 她非常错愕地看着我,说道:“但如何才能有足够多的粮食,让饿肚子的人吃饱饭呢?”

    She looked at me , horrified , and said , " But how are you going to produce enough food to feed the hungry ? "

  28. 女人用购物解压、购物发泄都早已不是秘密了,但是根据最新一份调查显示女人在一生中的购物时间,不仅令人错愕,因为数字说女人一生中要花8个月来“血拼”。

    Their love of shopping is no secret - especially at this time of year . But according to a new survey women spend eight months of their lifetime bargain-hunting .

  29. 在9.11事件之后,美国官员援引了道尔的作品,要求以战后占领日本的模式在入侵伊拉克之后占领该国。道尔表示他听到这一消息以后有些错愕。

    Mr Dower discusses his surprise at hearing his own work cited after 9 / 11 , when American officials evoked the post-war occupation of Japan as a model for post-invasion Iraq .

  30. 雷曼破产一年后,其破产的原因已经和那些相片相片上表情错愕的雷曼员工抱着装有个人物品的箱子离开了办公室一样广为人知。

    A year on from Lehman 's bankruptcy , the reasons for its demise are as well-known as the photos of employees leaving its offices bearing boxes of belongings and expressions of stunned disbelief .