
  • 网络Economic miracle;Wirtschaftswunder
  1. 这些就是用来粉碎他们所谓的经济奇迹的事实。

    These are the facts that explode their so-called economic miracle

  2. 1981年的预算促成了一场经济奇迹的出现。

    The 1981 budget was the springboard for an economic miracle

  3. 意大利的经济奇迹一直是个谜。

    The Italian economic miracle has always been a mystery

  4. 中国有6100万“留守儿童”(leftbehindchildren),中国大陆经济奇迹把他们变得几乎和孤儿一样。

    China has 61m so-called " left behind children , " all but orphaned by the mainland economic miracle .

  5. 正如三一学院(TrinityCollege)的菲利普莱恩(PhilipLane)指出的那样:爱尔兰曾经创造过真正的经济奇迹&在1994年至2000年期间产出、就业和生产率快速增长。

    As Philip Lane of Trinity College notes : There was a genuine Irish economic miracle , with very rapid output , employment and productivity growth during the 1994-2000 period .

  6. 后者的结果更为正面,它带来了马歇尔计划(marshallplan),为德国经济奇迹和欧洲大陆其它地方恢复经济提供了资金,最终导致了欧盟(eu)的建立。

    The latter , far more positive , resulted in the Marshall plan that financed the German wirtschafts-wunder and economic revival across the rest of the continent , which led to the eventual establishment of the EU .

  7. 中国加入WTO之后,中国市场将吸引更多的国外跨国公司来华投资,中外合资企业是我国引进国外直接投资的主要形式,它在创造经济奇迹的同时,也将会面临管理上的困惑。

    As China entered WTO , the market in China will attract more and more foreign companies to invest in China . Joint venture is the main approach to attract foreign direct investment in China , they will create economic miracle and also management dilemma at the same time .

  8. 在中国有这样一种看法,即上世纪80年代日元的升值,终结了日本的经济奇迹,伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)政治经济学专家马克曼格(MarkManger)表示。因此他们非常不愿意重蹈覆辙。

    There is a perception in China that the currency revaluations of the 1980s ended the Japanese economic miracle , says Mark Manger , an expert on political economy at the London School of Economics , so they are very reluctant to follow suit .

  9. 于是,资本主义回到了中国,中国经济奇迹开始萌芽。

    Capitalism had returned and the Chinese economic miracle had begun .

  10. 东亚经济奇迹证明了这种经济发展模式的合理性;

    The East Asia Marvel proved the reasonability of the development model .

  11. 中国的经济奇迹即将结束?

    Is the Chinese economic miracle set to end ?

  12. 过去数十年间,亚洲发生了很多经济奇迹。

    Asia has been home to many economic miracles over the past few decades .

  13. 这一经济奇迹引起了学术和政策层面的大讨论。

    The economic miracle has aroused academic and policy dimensions of the great debate .

  14. 中国无疑是个经济奇迹。

    China is undeniably an economic miracle .

  15. 我们正目睹一个经济奇迹。

    We are witnessing an economic miracle .

  16. 显然,资本积累只能为中国和印度的经济奇迹提供一半左右的解释。

    Apparently capital accumulation explains only roughly half the economic miracles on China and India .

  17. 中国一定是做了非常对的事才产生了我们见到的经济奇迹。

    China must have done something supremely right to produce the economic miracle we observe .

  18. 之后又使德国在二战后的复苏中再创经济奇迹。

    After the Second World War , it made Germany recover and establish economic marvels .

  19. 但是这并不意味这中国的经济奇迹是个统计数字假象。

    But this does not mean China 's economic miracle has been just a statistical artefact .

  20. 中国是一个经济奇迹,这已经被多次提到。

    well , it 's an economic miracle , well , it 's already been mentioned .

  21. 在他书写的历史中,创造经济奇迹的英雄多为移民或中学辍学者,而且经常是移民中的中学辍学者。

    The business heroes in his history are mostly immigrants or high-school dropouts and often both .

  22. 政府等待经济奇迹的出现,与此同时所有的产业都已垮掉。

    The government waits for an economic miracle while , in the meantime , whole industries collapse .

  23. 中华民族不仅能够创造经济奇迹,也一定能够创造新的文化辉煌。

    The Chinese nation can not only create economic miracles but also make brilliant new cultural achievements .

  24. 韩国的高等职业教育非常普及,它为韩国创造经济奇迹提供了人才保障。

    Higher vocational education is very popular in Korea , which provides talents for make economy wonder .

  25. 德国经济奇迹深层根源探究及其对中国改革之启示

    A Deep Research on German ' Economic Miracle ' and the Enlightenment to the Reform of China

  26. 在西德,在柏林这里,这里正进行着经济奇迹。

    In West Germany and here in Berlin , there took place an economic , the Wirtschaftswunder .

  27. 但欧洲有种普遍的观点认为,是改革为德国造就了新的经济奇迹。

    But the story told across Europe is that the reforms have caused a new German economic miracle .

  28. 经济奇迹创造了巨额财富,日本迄今仍有大量百万富翁。

    The economic miracle created enormous amounts of wealth , and there are still plenty of Japanese millionaires .

  29. 在最近这个国家的全部经济奇迹后面的真正英雄终于从默默无闻中显现出来。

    The true hero behind all of the nation 's recent economic miracles has finally emerged from obscurity .

  30. 他们在努力工作创造韩国经济奇迹的同时,将积蓄投资给了下一代。

    As they worked to create Korea 's economic miracle , they invested their savings in the next generation .