
  • 网络Franchise;economic franchise
  1. 贯彻《行政许可法》,应当定位在授予采矿经营特许权、颁发《采矿经营特许证》。

    It goes on to look at that the implementation of " Administrative licensing law " should award the managerial franchise and license of mining .

  2. 采用这种投资方式时,投资者和经营者首先从政府或所属机构手中取得项目的建设和经营特许权协议。

    To start a BOT project , the investor and operator should first get a concession agreement from the government or its management institution .

  3. 国家电网称,这些巴西资产每年将产生1.10亿美元的营收,并带有将30年经营特许权再延长20年的选择权。

    The new Brazilian assets will earn revenues of $ 110m a year , according to State Grid , which has an option to extend the 30-year licence for a further 20 years .

  4. 通过借鉴国外的BOT项目融资模式,由项目所在国政府或所属机构为项目的建设和经营提供一个特许权协议,作为项目融资的基础,从而,可以减少项目建设的初始投入。

    This paper introduces the foreign BOT project financing mode , in which a charter of protocol in constructing and running of the project will be provided by the government or the institution who owns the project .

  5. 从特许连锁经营的本质出发,指出特许连锁经营的核心是特许权的转让,对特许连锁经营合同的特定内容规则进行了较详尽的探讨;

    The article is firstly about chain franchising based on franchise rights transfer and franchise contract .