
  • 网络economic ideas
  1. 通货膨胀是对看来稳定的经济观念和基准的严重歪曲。

    Inflation is a great distorter of seemingly fixed economic ideas and benchmarks .

  2. 传统文化决定一个民族的经济观念,影响本民族经济的发展。

    S : Traditional culture influences national economic ideas and affects the national economic development .

  3. 经济观念包括:在生产领域,要树立市场观念;

    Economic conception includes : market conception in the industrial fields ;

  4. 运用知识经济观念指导水机设计优化

    Optimization of hydraulic machinery design using the concept of knowledge economy

  5. 这种经济观念也关系到旅游消费收入的增加。

    This economic concept also considers the income multiplier of these tourist expenditures .

  6. 当前正统的经济观念是自由市场观念和无约束贸易观念。

    The current economic orthodoxy is of a free markdt and unregulated trade .

  7. 关于早期希腊人经济观念问题的商榷

    Discussion on the Economical Concept of Early Greece

  8. 正确引导群众树立社会主义市场经济观念

    Establishment of Mass Concept of Socialist Market Economy

  9. 其着重点在于树立社会主义市场经济观念;

    Setting the opinion of socialist market economy ;

  10. 目的探明军事化管理对个体经济观念的影响。

    Objective Explore the influence of a clear militarization management to the individuals economic idea .

  11. 家训是传统家庭表达经济观念的重要文献。

    The family precepts are important documents expressing the economic concepts of the traditional Chinese family .

  12. 罗马社会强烈的财产意识和经济观念,在英格兰得以传承和延续。

    The strong sense of property and economic concepts of Rome were inherited and continued in England .

  13. 强化经济观念提高经济意识,搞好成本预测、确定成本控制目标;

    Strengthening economic idea , raising economic awareness , predicting construction cost and determining the goal of controlling cost ;

  14. 总结和分析宋代家训中的经济观念,可以让我们对宋代社会经济发展变化多一些具体而真实的认识。

    By summarizing and analyzing the economic ideas , we could get more concrete and true understanding about Song 's society development .

  15. 但部分乡镇企业,由于生态经济观念的淡薄,已成为严重污染环境的污染源。

    In the meantime , some of them , because of lacking the concept of eco-economics , made severe pollution of the environment .

  16. 随着市场经济观念逐步深入人心,各级政府逐渐放松了对烟叶和烟草制品的管制。

    Along with market economy idea gradually win support among the people , various governments gradually relaxed the control on tobacco and tobacco products .

  17. 文章从基本素质、市场经济观念、理财原则三个方面论述了市场经济对财务专家的要求。

    The paper discusses market economy demand for financial specialist form three aspects of basic quality , market economy sense and managing money matters .

  18. 货币需求理论是整个货币经济观念的重心,也是宏观经济理论的重要组成部分,同时也是中央银行宏观控制的决策依据。

    The theory of money demand is the key point of monetary research , the important part of macroeconomics and the base of macro-control by central bank .

  19. 在经济观念领域仍然存在着对生产资料所有制的不同理解和关于社会主义实行市场经济的争论;

    In the realm of economic ideology , there is still different understanding about the ownership of means of production , and debate over socialist market economy .

  20. 随着市场经济观念的确立,现代化的发展,带动了城市化进程的步伐,体育运动成为大众文化消费的主体内容之一。

    With the establishment of the ideas of market economy and the development of urbanization process , sports has become one of main contents of popular cultural consumption .

  21. 这一切决定了华北农民经济观念在清末民初的变动是一个复杂的过程,传统与变迁是其最明显的特征。

    Determined by these , the change of North China 's peasants ' economic points of view was a complicated process , whose conspicuous features were tradition and changes .

  22. 农村经过三十年的发展特别是市场经济观念的广泛渗入,使我国农村发生了翻天覆地的变化,影响是巨大的,深远的。

    With the development of economy for over thirty years , especially the socialist market economy percolated wide , earthshaking changes have taken place in rural area in China .

  23. 商人阶层对贵州早期现代化的作用主要表现为:现代经济观念的输入、对现代工业化的推动、城市化的影响、政治参与的扩大等。

    The introduction of the modern economic views , the impetus to the development of modern industrialization , the advancement into the urbanization , and the development of participation in politics .

  24. 因而,必须引导农民树立现代市场经济观念、法制观念、科学观念,使农民实现从传统人格向现代人格的转变。

    Therefore , we must guide farmers to foster modern market economy idea , legality idea and scientific idea and make farmers realize the change from traditional personality to modern personality .

  25. 二是由于受计划经济观念的影响,我国国家扶持政策一直向大企业倾斜,对中小企业的扶持力度明显不够。

    Second , due to the impact of the concept of planned economy , our national policy has been to support large enterprises tilt , support for SMEs has obviously not enough .

  26. 本文论述了国内外设备管理模式的发展历史和研究现状,并指出传统的发电设备管理在认识上存在片面性和局限性,缺乏经济观念。

    The paper discussed the developing history and research status of equipment management mode abroad and home , and pointed out the partial and limited understanding of conventional equipment management and the lack of economic conception .

  27. 伴随着国际商事主体对高效率、低成本经济观念的追求以及对和谐、自治等法律观念的崇尚,商事主体们不断探寻着最优的争议解决方式。

    With international business subject to the pursuit of high efficiency , low cost economic concept and of harmony and autonomous legal concepts , business subjects are constantly exploring the best way to resolve the dispute .

  28. 随着可持续发展、生态经济观念日益深入人心,可回收包装也越来越受到人们的关注。

    As the time goes by , people around the world are more familiar with the motion of sustainable development and ecological economics , and begin to pay more and more attention to the returnable package .

  29. 平等作为人类追求的一个理想,最初体现在经济观念中,后来延伸到政治、法律和道德领域,推动着人类文明的发展。

    As one of the ideals of human pursuit , equality was first embodied in the concept of economy and later found its way into politics , law and morality , propelling the development of human civilization .

  30. 结合施工企业当前的实际情况,对成本管理中存在的主要问题进行了客观分析,并从质量成本管理、工期成本控制、强化经济观念等方面提出了解决问题的相应对策。

    Combined with present situations of construction enterprises objective analysis is carried out according to the major problems existed in cost management . And from quality cost management , time cost control and other aspects corresponding solutions are proposed .