
  • 网络new vitality;new energy
  1. 综合节水改造让老系统焕发新活力

    Comprehensive water conservation renovation , a new vitality for old system

  2. 台东三路商业步行街:老商业街焕发新活力

    Commercial Pedestrian Mall at TAIDONG SAN ROAD Old Commercial Street Radiates with New Vitality

  3. 对于一些举办完大型赛事后就关闭不用的体育场馆,应寻求更为功能化、商业化的管理模式,为它们注入新活力。

    More functions and business modes could be explored to rejuvenate1 some venues2 that have fallen into disuse after hosting just one major event .

  4. 目前兴起的Web服务技术、XML技术给地理信息Web应用带来了新活力,并与空间数据集成技术、空间数据可视化技术相结合,为解决地理信息孤岛问题提供了有力的支持。

    Now , web services and xml technology brings much spark to the geographic information application in web . The paper uses these new technologys , and combines spatial data integration and visualization technologys in order to provide supports for sharing geographic information .

  5. 人们期待竞选的胜利者对臃肿的联合国官僚机构注入新活力。

    The victor will be expected to inject new life into a bloated U.N. bureaucracy .

  6. 这给党的发展带来了新活力,也提出了新挑战。

    This has injected new vitality in and given new challenges , as well , to the growth of the Party .

  7. 叶适敢于对人对事直接予以评定,并不曲颜附和,引反讽手法入挽词,挽词创作注入新活力。

    Ye Shi dares to be assessed , not curved face with irony , lead into the epitaph epitaph , creating new vitality .

  8. 在未来几个月里,我们期待更多美国家庭能得到减免,并为我们的经济注入新活力。

    And in the coming months , we expect more Americans to take advantage of these rebates , and inject new energy into our economy .

  9. (四)贯彻三个代表重要思想,必须以改革的精神推进党的建设,不断为党的肌体注入新活力。

    To carry out the important thought of Three Represents , it is essential to push forward Party building in a spirit of reform and instill new vitality in the Party .

  10. 通过分析,笔者认为将语用学的一些基本理论应用于作品分析可以为文学批评提供一个崭新的视角,为传统的文学批评注入新活力。

    Besides , the author sees that applying some fundamental theories in pragmatics to the study of literature can provide a new perspective and inject fresh energy to traditional literary criticism .

  11. 为进一步促进双向投资,下一步我们将继续做好以下几项工作,努力为困境中的世界经济增添新活力。

    In order to further promote two-way investment , we plan to take the following actions in the immediate future in order to inject fresh vitality into the troubled world economy .

  12. 虽然他的前辈学成后返回日本,为油画灌注了新活力,不过藤田嗣治企图在国际舞台上发光,把影响力带到世界各地。

    While his predecessors took their education back to Japan to revitalize oil painting there , Foujita sought to be recognized on the world stage , influencing both spheres of the art world .

  13. 文化上,引导不同文明取长补短、包容互鉴,为人类文明大发展、大繁荣注入新活力。

    In the cultural field , there is a need to encourage different civilizations to draw on each other 's strengths in the spirit of inclusiveness and inject fresh vitality to great development and prosperity of human civilization .

  14. 在信息化和经济全球化发展形势的推动下,信息技术作为高新技术的一种,得到了广泛的应用并给制造业企业注入了新活力,同时它为制造业企业工艺创新的发展提供了源动力。

    By the driven of information and economic globalization , information technology have been used widely as one of the high-teches , has made affection to manufacture enterprise , and has enabled process innovation which has a wider space for development .

  15. 我们需要给这个地区的经济注入新的活力。

    We need to reinvigorate the economy of the area .

  16. 他以新的活力和决心工作着。

    He worked with renewed vigour and determination .

  17. 语义Web出现给Web服务的发展注入了新的活力。

    The appearance of Semantic Web services has injected new vitality to the development of Web service .

  18. 近年来,随着网络技术的兴起,为CAI软件的发展带来了新的活力。

    The booming of network brings fresh vigor to the expanding of CAI soft .

  19. XML具有简单、开放、可扩充、灵活、自描述等特性,它给Internet注入了新的活力。

    Because XML has the nature of simplicity , openness , extensibility , flexibility and self-descriptive , it breathes new energy into Internet .

  20. XML的出现为Web应用注入了新的活力,其自定义标记语言的特点使标记更加灵活,语义明确。

    1998 . XML lends new vigor to web application and the feature of self-defined markup language makes the mark more flexible , more comprehensive .

  21. 随着包装企业的不断壮大,各种包装CAD软件相继出台,给传统的包装印刷业增添了新的活力。

    With the rapid development of packaging enterprise , all kinds of packaging CAD software appeared , which infuses new life into the traditional industry of Packaging and Printing .

  22. 我国加入WTO,将全方位推进我国经济国际化,为世界经济注入新的活力,进而为建立公正的国际经济秩序做出贡献。

    China 's entry into WTO will not only push the course of its economic internationalization but also contribute to fresh the world economy and establish a fair minded international economic order .

  23. 以WiMAX为代表的新型宽带无线接入技术,为宽带无线市场注入了新的活力。

    On behalf of new broadband wireless acess technology , WiMAX bring new energy to broadband wireless markets .

  24. 本文讨论如何使用Linux操作系统为较旧但功能正常的计算机系统赋予新的活力,让其充当服务器、媒体播放器或瘦客户机。

    This article describes how to use the Linux operating system to repurpose an older but functional computer system , giving it a new life as a server , a media player , or a thin client .

  25. 固网智能化为PSTN提供丰富业务创造了条件,能进一步挖潜PSTN的潜力,为PSTN赋予了新的活力。

    The intelligentized PSTN can create the conditions for providing abundant services , further excavate the potential capability of the PSTN , and revitalize the PSTN .

  26. DB29的到来为非结构化的、不能存储在RDB中的这90%的企业数据注入了新的活力。

    The arrival of DB29 breathes new life into the90 % of enterprise data that is unstructured and not storable in an RDB .

  27. Facebook通过一次简单的升级,使自己摆脱了大量乏味的营销广告牌(相当于霓虹灯招牌),迫使企业更真诚、更亲密地与受众交流,给自己品牌的Page注入新的活力。

    In one deft move , Facebook has purged itself of petabytes of stale marketing schlock ( the equivalent of so many flashy neon signs ) , obliged companies to engage more earnestly and intimately with their audiences and reinvigorated its brand pages .

  28. 在试者使用MF3后,我的身体整个状态都完全恢复正常,并感觉每天都注入新的活力!

    After having tried MF3 , my body system is totally restored and re-energized everyday !

  29. LG确信OLED会为消费者需求注入新的活力,因为这种最适合软性显示器的技术令电视能做成各种形状。

    The company is convinced OLED can breathe new life into consumer demand because the technology , best suited for flexible display , allows TVs to be made in all sorts of shapes .

  30. 随着电力通信网中数据业务的急剧增加,传统的以SDH技术为基础的电力承载网需要向分组交换网络演进,分组传送网技术(PTN)的引入使得传送网技术焕发出新的活力。

    With the exponential growth of data services in the network , the traditional electric power communication network with SDH technology-based needs to evolve to packet-switched network . The introduction of Packet Transport Network ( PTN ) will make the transport technology improve easily .