
  1. 根据人物形象和题材的不同分类,解读新现实主义文学中蕴含的儒家和文化因素。

    According to the characters and themes of different classification , interpretation of the new realism literature with Confucianism " Mediation " culture factors .

  2. 这主要是因为他的作品在反浪漫主义传统的新现实主义文学的基础上,对于生活本质的进一步的挖掘。

    Basing his works on the new realistic fictions that oppose the old romantic tradition , he strives to make further explorations of the true reality of life .

  3. 新现实主义文学作为20世纪末的一个重大的、具有强烈现实感的文学思潮,对其从思潮特征上予以整体分析和研究显得尤为重要。

    As a major , with a strong sense of reality and the trend of thought in literature , the new realism from the ideological trend be on the characteristics of the overall analysis and research is very important .

  4. 本文在借鉴这一研究成果的基础上,结合相关研究成果,力求从思潮特征入手对新现实主义文学创作进行探究,挖掘新现实主义文学中与儒家文化相契合的和的内涵。

    In this article from this on the basis of research results , with the relevant research results , to the trend of thoughts of new realism to explore , explore new realism literature and Confucian culture fit " Mediation " connotation .

  5. 蕴含儒家和文化因素的新现实主义文学全方位的涉及了改革进程申的种种困境,以宏观的视角观照社会,将社会矛盾和改革中的各类困难暴露无遗。

    Contains the Confucian " and " cultural factors of the new realism literary all-round involved in the process of the reform of all kinds of difficulties , to the macro perspective of social , social contradiction and Reform in all types of difficult completely unmasked .

  6. 新时期现实主义文学发展中的几个问题

    Steady Evolution ── Problems In Development of New-Period Realistic Literature

  7. 转型与嬗变&新时期现实主义文学的精神走向

    The Pattern Transform and Transmutation : On the Spiritual Trend of the New-period Realistic Literature

  8. 1997年,被誉为美国新现实主义少年文学开拓性作品的《局外人》迎来了它出版30周年纪念日。

    In 1997 , the outsiders , the ground-breaking work in American young adult literature , celebrated its 30th anniversary of publication . Its author S. E.

  9. 从现实主义基本审美原则出发,考察新时期现实主义文学主要有三种精神类型;理想性现实主义,批判性现实主义,个人化现实主义。

    An observation made in the fundamental principle of realism would reveal that there exist in realistic literature for the new period three spiritual types : ideal realism , critical realism , and personalized realism .

  10. 新写实小说与现实主义文学观念的嬗变

    " The New Realism " Novels and Evolution of the Concept of Realistic Literary

  11. 现实·新写实·新现实&新时期现实主义文学的三次流变

    Realism , neo-truthfulness and neo-realism & The three transformations of realism in contemporary times

  12. 新现实主义小说现实品格论&兼论新现实主义小说与改革文学、新写实、先锋文学之不同

    On the Realistic Character of New Realistic Novel & Also on the Differences Between New Realistic Novel and Reform Literature , New True-life Literature and Vanguard Literature

  13. 新现实主义和先锋派俗文艺是当代美国文坛的两大主流。这主要是因为他的作品在反浪漫主义传统的新现实主义文学的基础上,对于生活本质的进一步的挖掘。

    The neo-realism and the avant-garde pop literature are considered the two major schools in the American literary circle . Basing his works on the new realistic fictions that oppose the old romantic tradition , he strives to make further explorations of the true reality of life .