
  1. 附注:1。刊户对所刊登广告内容的合法性、真实性负责。

    NOTES : 1 . The trust unit must be responsible for the adverting content of legalization and authenticity .

  2. 该文通过引入模糊表达式对QoS属性的需求进行描述,使用户对QoS的需求描述更加灵活;

    So here , users can express their QoS preference more flexibly through importing fuzzy set to describe the QoS requirement ;

  3. 信息技术的发展使用户对Web服务的要求越来越多样化,而传统的动态Web发布技术难以满足这种变化,可扩展标记语言的出现无疑给这种变化带来新的发展契机。

    Information development enables user to make high demand of Web server , while traditional Web release technology can not suit this need . The emergence of XML technology bring new opportunity for solving this problem .

  4. Web2.0时代的到来,使用户对互联网产品的界面设计与交互设计都有了新的认识,Web产品的交互设计也已经逐渐成为了评价互联网产品优劣的重要标准。

    With the advent of the Web 2.0 era , users have a new understanding about the user interface design and interaction design of internet products . The interaction design has gradually become an important criterion for evaluating the merits of Internet products .

  5. 相对网页邮箱而言,MailBox具有良好的可操作性、友好的界面风格以及更快的处理速度,支持用户多邮箱账号的统一管理,支持离线编辑、修改和阅读邮件,使用户对邮件管理更加快捷方便。

    Contrast Web mail , Mailbox has good maneuverability , style-friendly interface and faster processing speed , enabling users to unified management of multiple email accounts , support for offline edit , modify , and read messages , allowing users quicker and more convenient for mail management .

  6. 检测报告显示的结果清晰明确,使用户对钢丝绳的安全状态一目了然。

    Testing result is available at any time through terminal display or printing .

  7. 许多云存储提供商实施控制,使用户对其成本有更大的控制权。

    Numerous cloud storage providers implement controls that give users greater control over their costs .

  8. 网络图的分页绘制,使用户对设备的依赖大大降低了。

    The method of outputting leaf by leaf makes users th depend on equipment to fall greatly .

  9. 使用户对弯管流量计的选型、安装和使用方面更加方便。

    Thus , it is convenient for the users to choose , fix and use elbow flow meters .

  10. 内容管理系统可以使用户对网站的管理更加方便,使网站的外观设置更加灵活、多变。

    It makes people to manage the web site easier and makes the web site more flexible and changeable .

  11. 由于近些年虚拟仿真技术的不断进步,使用户对系统的仿真效果提出了更高的要求。

    Since the improvement in virtual simulation technology , more demands are required by users to the simulated fidelity .

  12. 然而,农村道路条件的不断改善,使用户对驾驶舒适性的要求不断提高;

    However , since the countryside roads are continuously improved , the requirement of operators for comfortable driving is also rising ;

  13. 主要的研究结果如下:1、蛋鸡养殖户对三聚氰胺的认知水平不高。

    The main findings are as follows : 1 , Layers farmers on the cognitive level of melamine are not high .

  14. 耶户对他的军长毕甲说,你把他抛在耶斯列人拿伯的田间。

    Jehu said to Bidkar , his chariot officer , 'Pick him up and throw him on the field that belonged to Naboth the Jezreelite .

  15. 农机维修服务还存在较多问题,只有约8%的农机户对农机维修服务十分满意。

    There are still many problems on agricultural machinery maintenance service . Only around 8 % of machine owning families are satisfying on the maintenance service .

  16. 实践表明,系统的两种交互模式的集成使用户对机器小车的控制具有成本低、操作性强等优点。

    The practice shows that the integrated system with two interactive modes has the metrics of controlling the intelligent car with low cost and easy operation .

  17. 您将对数据进行格式设置和组合,然后在模型中呈现数据,这将使用户对问题领域产生清晰的心理图景。

    This will involve reformatting and combining data to present it in a model that will give the user a clear mental picture of the problem domain .

  18. 如果他们行使这一权力,预计提高限额会扩展到所有存款,因为大企业撤户对银行的影响会是毁灭性的。

    If they use the authority , it is expected to extend to all deposits , as the loss of large corporate accounts for banks can be devastating .

  19. 在这个理论推导的过程中我们得出要使用户对副本的查询及更新消息量最小,都取决于查询频率与副本更新频率的比值。

    In the process of theoretical derivation we search that minimizing the number of searching and updating of the replicas based on the ratio of searching frequency and updating frequency .

  20. 数据库与应用软件的紧密结合使用户对数据库性能的需求逐渐提高,尤其是在海量存储的数据库系统中变得愈加明显。

    The tight relationship and fusion with the application system makes the users improve the requirement of it performance , especially in the database with a mass mount of data .

  21. 什么会使用户对您的应用程序感到满意,或者是什么使他们向您的客户服务团队发送电子邮件,抱怨应用程序有多糟糕?

    What is informing the experience of the users that are either satisfied with your app , or are e-mailing your customer service team griping about how awful the app works ?

  22. 如何在高层住宅楼中解决好电气设计与施工中的一些关键问题,是确保高层住宅楼的建设质量和满足住宅户对生活必备建筑设施需求的要求。

    How to solve some the key issue in electrical designs and construction for the high-level apartment buildings is required for their construct quality in order to guarantee the house users ' teleorganic construction establishment .

  23. 实际应用表明,这些可视化效果能表达各种不同的轨道信息,并使用户对探测器的飞行过程有全面、直观的认识。

    Practical use of this visualization method shows that it can express many kinds of orbit information , and also helps user to gain a complete and intuitive view of the flying process of space probe .

  24. 是什么原因使用户对移动支付业务不愿尝试呢?影响用户使用意愿的关键因素有哪些?如何才能针对消费者的特点和需求发展移动支付业务?这些都具有很高的研究价值和意义。

    Why the users are not willing to use the mobile payment ? What are the key factors that affect the usage intention ? How to develop the mobile payment business based on consumers ' characteristic and needs ?

  25. 应用程序的封面就如同商品的外包装,一个有声有色、形式多样、引人入胜的多媒体封面将会使你的软件更加充满魅力,使用户对该软件产生深刻、良好的印象。

    The logo of application program is just like the commodity packaging , and a multimedia logo which is valid , dramatic and attractive will add more charm to your software to show user a deep and good impression .

  26. 通信业务的迅猛发展使用户对通信带宽的需求激增,与高速高带宽的核心网相比,局域网的速度越来越成为全网络整体性能提升的瓶颈。

    The rapid development of communication services surges in demand for communications bandwidth . Compared with the high-speed and wide-bandwidth core network , the speed of local area network ( LAN ), should be accelerated and the broadband must be widened .

  27. 第六,江苏农村低、中等、中高和高收入户对于居住消费的欲望最强,而且消费潜力也比较大,而中低收入户对食品消费的欲望最强,但消费潜力却不足;

    Sixthly , the income of low , middle , mid-high and high classes in countryside have stronger appetite for the housing expense and their consumption potential is great , while the mid-low household has theirs for food consumption but low potential .

  28. 实证研究表明:花卉种植户对技术、信息需求程度、希望签订合同的程度、希望得到货款的确定性是影响农户选择的主要因素。

    The real diagnosis research indicates that the factors as follows would affect the peasant household choices : the demand degree for technology and information , the flowers planters ' expectation of signing the contract , and also the definitude of obtaining the loans .

  29. 他的公司把他扫地出门,并于1997年出售给了WizardsoftheCoast,这个狂想的暴发户出版商对游戏规则进行了大刀阔斧的修改。

    His company , having thrown him out , was sold in1997 to Wizards of the Coast , an upstart fantasy publisher that made sweeping changes to the rules .

  30. 改厕户居民对卫生厕所的满意度高达94.8%。

    94.0 % of the peasants in latrine-improved households satisfied the sanitary latrines .