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  • household;family;door;one-panelled door
  • 一扇门,门:门~。窗~。~枢不蠹。夜不闭~。

  • 人家:~口。~主。门~之见(亦指派别上的成见)。

  • 会计部门称账册上有业务关系的团体或个人:~头。开~。

  • 门第:门当~对。

  • 姓。


(单扇的门,泛指门) one-panelled door; door:

  • 户外活动

    outdoor activities;

  • 门户

    door; gate;

  • 足不出户

    never step out of doors; confine oneself within doors


(人家; 住户) household; family:

  • 几百户人家

    several hundred families;

  • 家家户户

    each and every family;

  • 全村共三十户。

    There are thirty households in the village.


(门第) family status:

  • 门当户对

    be well-matched in social and economic status (for marriage)


(户头) (bank) account:

  • 存户

    (bank) depositor;

  • 我想在一家银行开个户。

    I want to open an account with [at] a bank.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 户尊

    Hu Zun

  1. 多功能新型燃气设备在单户取暖上的应用

    Many-function new type gas equipment used in single door heating

  2. 也就不用消户啦,对吗?

    Also need not disappear door , right ?

  3. 系统产生的能量足以给几千户人家供暖。

    The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes .

  4. 这帮歹徒向当地30多户商家勒索过钱财。

    The gang extorted money from over 30 local businesses .

  5. 这是最应当得到帮助的一户人家。

    This family is one of the most deserving cases .

  6. 由于电缆损毁,8,000户家庭顿时落入一片黑暗之中。

    8,000 homes were plunged into darkness as electricity cables crashed down

  7. 暴发户不得不去想法获得大家的接受和认可。

    The nouveau riche have to find a way to be accepted

  8. 拉米克住在高耸的山脊上一片有400户人家的地方。

    Rammick lives high on a ridge in a 400-home subdivision .

  9. 寻求避难的家庭户增加了17%。

    The number of families seeking shelter rose by 17 percent

  10. 公司通过与种植户签订长期合同得到保障。

    The company is buffered by long-term contracts with growers .

  11. 昨天,3万户家庭逐渐恢复了供电。

    Electricity lines to 30,000 homes were gradually being restored yesterday

  12. 这个村子里只住了50户人。

    The village is a settlement of just fifty houses .

  13. 邻居们认为隔壁的那户人家已经搬走了。

    The neighbors thought the family next door had moved .

  14. 那户人家把马养在屋前的小围场里。

    The family kept horses in the paddock in front of the house .

  15. 在英国,有254,000户住户安装了有线电视。

    In the UK , 254,000 homes are cabled .

  16. 大火正威胁着大约60户人家,居民已经从该地区撤离。

    The fire is threatening about sixty homes , and residents have evacuated the area

  17. 凯德夫人的房子和她女儿的公寓就隔了几户人家。

    Mrs Cade 's house was only a few doors down from her daughter 's apartment .

  18. 那户人家的家长贾瓦德先生治家严苛,名闻乡里。

    The patriarch of the house , Mr Jawad , rules it with a ferocity renowned throughout the neighbourhood

  19. 有10万户左右的家庭在地震中失去了家园,其中许多家庭还没有得到安置。

    Many of the 100,000 or so families who lost their homes in the earthquake have still not been rehoused

  20. 银行官员称,他们没有义务追踪每个贷款户的每笔资产。

    Bank officials argued that it is not their job to chase down every asset of every bank debtor .

  21. 要为600万户有此需求的家庭进行住宅隔热隔音处理得花将近25年的时间。

    It will take almost 25 years to insulate the homes of the six million households that require this assistance

  22. 对印度的暴发户来说,他们现在不得不为奢侈品支付更为高昂的税款。

    As for India 's nouveaux riches , they will now have to pay still higher duties on luxury goods .

  23. 他童年时由地方政府照管,曾被送到什罗普郡的一户农民家里寄宿。

    As a child in the care of a local authority he had been boarded out with a farmer in Shropshire .

  24. 她不得不去那户人家充当佣人。

    She had to go into service of that family .

  25. 我想在一家银行开个户。

    I want to open an account with [ at ] a bank .

  26. 全村共三十户。

    There are thirty households in the village .

  27. 家给户足。

    Every household is well provided for .

  28. 他分得了一户三室的套房。

    He was allotted a three-room flat .

  29. 乔治不知道简[珍妮]住在那条街上的哪栋房子里,因此他就东一家西一户漫无目的地按门铃。

    George didn 't know which house on the street was Jane 's so he began ringing doorbells hit or miss .

  30. 两只大熊猫在动物园里落了户。

    The two pandas have begun their new life in the zoo .