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  1. 利用Excel建立人体生物节律表

    The Use of Microsoft Excel to Set Up Human Biological Rhythm Table

  2. 结论人视交叉上核加压素mRNA的昼夜节律性表达可能是在基因水平调控人体生物节律的重要机制之一。

    Conclusion The diurnal rhythm of vasopressin mRNA in the SCN is considered as an important molecular mechanism to control human biological rhythm .

  3. 人体生物节律优生辅助系统的研究与实现

    The Study and Implementation of Human Biological Rhythms Well-Bear Assistant System

  4. 对人体生物节律与体操运动关系的探讨

    Relationship between the Human Body 's Biological Rhythm and Athletic Gymnastics

  5. 影响人体生物节律的褪黑素与住宅光环境设计

    Melatonin which Influences People 's Body Rhythms and House Luminous Environment Design

  6. 人体生物节律理论与运动能力初探

    A Study on the Relationship Between Biorhythms and Sports Performance

  7. 浅谈人体生物节律与运动训练

    On body 's biological rhythm and athletic training

  8. 人体生物节律可作为大学生预防运动损伤的医务监督的辅助手段。

    Biothythm of human body can be taken as an assistant method in preventing sport injury of college students .

  9. 本文讨论人体生物节律中昼夜节律对成绩的影响,以及如何把它运用于组织中长跑训练。

    This paper has explored the influence of circadian rhythm on the results and how to use it to train .

  10. 松果体激素美乐托宁又名褪黑激素,除与人体生物节律的形成与调控密切相关外,还在心血管系统功能的调节中发挥重要作用。

    Pineal hormone melatonin plays an important role in regulation of multiple cardiovascular functions as well as in the formation and organization of biorhythms .

  11. 暴露于日光下(尤其是午睡),(容我碎碎念一句,不怕皮肤癌么?),有助于避免午睡,巩固人体生物节律。

    By exposing yourself to sunlight ( particularly in the afternoon ), you help prevent midday sleepiness and reinforce your body 's circadian rhythms .

  12. 人体生物三节律在田径训练和比赛中的运用

    Application of rule of three Biological phases of human body in training and competition of track and field

  13. 主要内容包括:1.对飞行训练中人体昼夜生物节律的影响因素进行了考察。采用计算机方差分析,研究了该节律性对训练成绩的影响。

    The effect of circadian rhythm on flight training was studied . Analysis base on computer dispersion was used to evaluate the effect of this factor on flight training results . 2 .

  14. 虽然人们对于它的评价褒贬不一,在争论中也有人说它是伪科学,但人体生物钟节律理论在人们的日常生活和生产中起着重要作用,应用广泛。

    In this period , people have different comments on it , some of them think it is a false science , But it plays an important role in people 's lives and in production of agriculture and industry , it is used widely .