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rén hé
  • People and;support of the people;unity and coordination within one's own ranks
人和 [rén hé]
  • [support of the people;unity and coordination within ones own ranks] 指人心归一,上下团结

  • 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。--《孟子.公孙丑下》

  • 越明年,政通人和,百废俱兴。--宋. 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

人和[rén hé]
  1. 已有几百人和警方一同搜寻一名失踪的十几岁孩子。

    Hundreds have joined a police hunt for the missing teenager .

  2. 她对周围的人和事毫无兴趣。

    She took no interest in the people and things around her .

  3. 他在研究人和动物之间错综复杂的相似与不同之处。

    He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals .

  4. 斯里兰卡人和他们的印度兄弟有共同的祖先。

    Sri Lankans share a common ancestry with their Indian brethren .

  5. 很多克罗地亚人和斯洛文尼亚人把独立看作通往民主的捷径。

    Many Croats and Slovenes saw independence as the fast track to democracy

  6. 林赛这个人和他的电影一样,很难归类。

    Lindsay , like his films , is hard to categorise

  7. 许多母亲将儿子看成是未来的保护人和赡养人。

    Many mothers see their son as a potential protector and provider .

  8. 进出这里的所有人和物他们都会记录。

    They log everyone and everything that comes in and out of here

  9. 我们花了很多钱买波希米亚玻璃制品送人和自用。

    We splurged on Bohemian glass for gifts , and for ourselves .

  10. 我们看到一幢幢大楼倒塌,砸在人和宠物身上。

    We watched buildings fall on top of people and pets

  11. 我非常钦佩他的为人和成就。

    I have a very high regard for him and what he has achieved

  12. 搞艺术的人和知识分子容易持“左倾”观点。

    Artistic and intellectual people tend towards left-wing views .

  13. 塞尔维亚人和克罗地亚人之间的争斗由来已久,而且非常激烈。

    The quarrel between the Serbs and the Croats is old and bitter .

  14. 这个委员会包括11名民主党人和9名共和党人。

    The committee contains 11 Democrats and nine Republicans .

  15. 该影片受到了影评人和公众的高度评价。

    The film met with considerable critical and public acclaim

  16. 记者招待会上一直没人和我说话。

    Nobody ever spoke to me at press conferences

  17. 弗洛伊德的病人的典型家庭结构是父母二人和两个孩子。

    The typical family structure of Freud 's patients involved two parents and two children

  18. 但是有一群人和其他人走散了,其中有6名妇人和23个孩子。

    But a group of six women and 23 children got separated from the others .

  19. 摩尔达维亚人和罗马尼亚人使用同一种语言。

    Moldavians and Romanians share a common language

  20. 这本好书对于喜欢出门旅行的人和足不出户的神游爱好者都是理想的选择。

    This great book is ideal for both the travelling supporter and the armchair fan .

  21. 岛外的人和岛民结婚之初只能获得三年的居住权。

    Outsiders who wed islanders are given only three years ' right of abode at first .

  22. 44年来,他一直致力于帮助那些穷人、病人、无人照料的人和失去生活依靠的人。

    For 44 years he had ministered to the poor , the sick , the neglected and the deprived .

  23. 我过去总是拒绝聚会邀请,因为我知道每当有人和我说话,我就会脸红。

    I used to refuse invitations to parties because I knew I 'd go crimson every time someone talked to me .

  24. 他比较了1916年英国人和法国人的成就,结论是法国人在各方面都做得更好。

    He compared the achievements of the British and the French during 1916 and concluded that the latter were better all around .

  25. 红色信号灯表示人和车辆不能通行。

    The red traffic light indicates that every person and vehicle must stop .

  26. 你能区分英国人和美国人吗?

    Can you know an Englishman from an American ?

  27. 特别是文化人和青年学生,感觉敏锐,首当其冲。

    The most susceptible , and the first to be affected , are the intellectuals and the young students .

  28. 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。

    The time isn 't as important as the terrain ; but the terrain isn 't as important as unity with the people .

  29. 英国人和法国人合作设计了那颗卫星。

    The British cooperated with the French in designing the satellite .

  30. 人和行李一齐到了。

    The luggage arrived at the same time as the passengers .