
  • 网络personality dimension
  1. Eysenck人格维度与心向量图横面T环顺钟向运行及发生心脏神经官能症相关性分析

    Analysis of Correlation between the Eysenck 's Dimension of Personality and the Clockwise of Horizontal Plane T Loop in Vectorcardiogram with Cardiac Neurosis Patients

  2. 结果:P300的振幅与TCI的持续性、损害回避人格维度呈负相关,P300潜伏时与TCI的新奇性探求人格维度呈负相关。

    Results : The P300 amplitude was negatively related to the Persistence and the Harm Avoidance dimension scores of TCI ; P300 latency was negatively related to the Novelty Seeking score of TCI .

  3. 结果:精神分裂症高危组在SPQ中的阴性分裂型人格维度上分数明显高于正常对照组。

    Results : The score of negative schizotypal dimension in SPQ in the individuals at high risk was higher than in the normal controls .

  4. 编辑主体的人格维度及理想人格特征

    The Personality Dimension of Editing Subject and Their Ideal Personality Traits

  5. 中西方外向性人格维度的内涵分析&中西方人格量表在中国人群中的测量

    An Analysis of the Contents of Chinese and Western Extroversion Dimension

  6. 中国人的开放性&西方开放性人格维度与中国人的人格

    Chinese Openness : Western Openness Personality Dimension and Chinese Personality

  7. 中国人有没有独立的“神经质”人格维度?

    Is neuroticism an independent dimension of Chinese personality structure ?

  8. 人格维度与行为抑制的相关研究

    Correlations and Regressions between Personality Dimensions and Behavior Inhibition

  9. 性别角色与基本人格维度的相关研究

    Relationships of Gender Role and Fundamental Personality Dimensions

  10. 结论:人格维度对心身症状有一定的预测能力。

    Conclusion : Personality dimensions could predict individuals ' psychosomatic symptoms in some degree .

  11. 情绪稳定性在我国儿童人格维度中不是一个比较稳定的维度。

    " Emotional Stability " was not a stable dimension in Chinese personality structures .

  12. 作为人格维度的时间洞察力研究

    Time Perspective as the Trait of Personality

  13. 医学生的人格维度、对专业的满意度可以有效地预测医学同理心的水平。

    Medical students ' personality dimensions and professional satisfaction can predict the level o empathy effectively .

  14. 母亲人格维度在不同职业上的差异不显著。

    There are mo significant differences of the different type of occupation for five dimensions of maternal personality .

  15. 大学教师工作压力的现状及其与人格维度关系的研究

    Research on the Current Situation of Job Stress of University Teachers and the Relationships between Their Personality and Job Stress

  16. 人格维度中的善良对社会职业压力灵活性,社会职业压力刻板性具有中介作用。

    Finally , kindness is a mediator of both social occupational stress on self-flexibility and social occupational stress on self-stiffness .

  17. 欺负行为与人格维度中的神经质和精神质有显著相关,被欺负行为与精神质有显著相关。

    The bully behavior is related to the neuroticism and psychoticism dimensions ; The victim behavior is related to the psychoticism .

  18. 人格维度中的善良可以预测组织人事压力与社会职业压力。

    Using regression analysis , alternatively , kindness can serve as a significant predictor of both organizational-relational stress and social occupational stress .

  19. 文中讨论了西方的神经质人格维度在中国人的人格结构中没有独立出现的原因,以及从本土角度探讨中国人独特人格结构的意义。

    The absence of neuroticism in Chinese personality , and implications of exploring Chinese personality by indigenous research are discussed in the present article .

  20. 本研究则采用心理科学研究的规范和方法,在中国文化背景下,从人格维度和工作维度同时出发,探讨工作满意度与积极-消极情感的关系。

    Through the method of Psychology , the study probed into the relationship between job satisfaction and positive-negative affect ( PA-NA ) in the Chinese culture .

  21. 他们补充道,亲和性(善良、有同情心和合作精神的人格维度)与偏爱苦味呈负相关。

    Agreeableness - the extent to which a person is kind , sympathetic and cooperative - was negatively correlated with bitter taste preferences , they added .

  22. 目的探讨脱毒后阿片类依赖者人格维度、特质层面的特点以及人格障碍的类型特征。

    AIM : To explore the features of dimension and characteristics and to study the characteristics of the personality disorder types of opium addicts after detoxification .

  23. 目的探讨不同性别、年龄、职业和婚姻状况的被试在才干人格维度上的特点。

    ObjectiveTo investigate characteristics of Talents , one of seven dimensions of Chinese personality , as a function of occupation , gender , age , and marital statues .

  24. 调查内容包括年龄、性别、年级等人口学基本特征,以及16种人格维度和10个心理健康维度水平。

    The questionnaires include the basic demographic characteristics such as age , gender , and grade , and the 16 traits and 10 levels of mental health dimensions .

  25. 本文通过对性别角色起源与发展的介绍以及近年来性别角色与人格维度方面相关研究的简要述评,以期望深入的了解性别角色与人格发展的社会意义。

    The article aims to review the origin and development of sex roles and current researches on sex characteristics and personality dimensions involved to further reveal their social implications .

  26. 结果大学生情绪反应中恐惧情绪反应异常人数最多,占总人数的17.86%,神经质和精神质人格维度是主要内在影响因素。

    Results There were 17.86 % students of total whose score in dreadful factor go beyond normal , which was the primary in the five emotion responses and neuroticism and psychoticism were the inner effective factors chiefly .

  27. 目的:观察高等职业学校女学生注意力、短时记忆、气质、人格维度等心理状况,探讨其与学习成绩的关系,及4种气质与4个人格维度之间的关系。

    AIM : To investigate the psychological status such as attention , short-term memory , temperament , personality dimensions , and probe into the relationship of psychological factors with study grades , and the correlation between 4 types of temperament and four personality dimensions in female students .

  28. 验证了修正的JD-R模型,其中工作要求对情感衰竭和去人格化维度有显著的影响;

    The JD-R model was validated : job demands affect distinctly the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization dimension of job burnout ;

  29. 人格各维度对主观幸福感有显著的预测作用。

    And personality of different dimensions can predict subjective sense of happiness remarkably .

  30. 大学生主体性人格的维度包括主动性、独立性、自信心、责任感、预见性和坚持性六个维度。

    Subject personality has six dimensions including subject , responsibility , independency , forecast , confident and persistency .