
  1. 能力目标:培养学生归纳概括能力和演绎推理能力;

    Ability aims : Develop students'the ability of summary and deduction .

  2. 高中生数学合情推理与演绎推理能力发展的研究

    The Ability Development Research of Reasonable Deduction and Logic Deduction of High-school Students

  3. 传统数学教学比较注重发展学生的演绎推理能力,忽视了合情推理能力的培养。

    Chinese traditional mathematics teaching emphasizes on argument inference , while ignores the function of reasonable inference .

  4. 所以,在培养学生演绎推理能力的同时也应重视合情推理能力的培养。

    Therefore , while raises the student deductive reasoning ability also to take seriously to develop the plausible reasoning ability .

  5. 五种意识是:主体意识、发展意识、问题意识、创新意识、合作意识。五种能力是:同化与顺应能力、经验归纳与演绎推理能力、理解或解释能力、反思能力和理性直觉。

    The five kinds 6f consciousness are : the consciousness of subject , of development , of problem , of creation and of cooperation .

  6. 你的反应很大程度上不仅说明了你回答明面上的问题的能力,还说明了你的演绎推理能力。

    How you respond says a lot about your ability to not only answer the obvious question , but also your deductive reasoning skills .

  7. 由于本体语言具有强大的演绎推理能力,目前采用本体来表示服务的语义信息是一种最佳的解决方案。

    Because ontology languages possess strong deduction and ratiocination ability , currently , adopting ontology to represent services ' semantic information is one of the best solutions .

  8. 长期以来,我国数学教育工作者注重采用形式化的方式发展学生的演绎推理能力,忽视了学生合情推理能力的培养。

    Since long ago , our country mathematics educator pays great attention to the use " the formalization " the way develops student 's deductive inference ability , neglected the student to gather the reasonable inference ability the raise .

  9. 这些才智包括:演绎推理的能力和对古典文学知识的掌握,也就是我们所指的学术能力。

    That real intelligence consists in the capacity for a certain type of deductive reasoning and a knowledge of the Classics originally , what we come to think of as academic ability .