
yǎn shuō cí
  • speech;address
  1. 作为一种独特的语言变体,英语演说辞在西方国家占有重要的地位。

    As a kind of unique language variety , English public speech is extremely important in the western world .

  2. 奥巴马的竞选演说辞中词汇重复出现的频率很高,甚至同一词汇在不同语篇中反复出现,有效地构成了统一连贯的语篇。

    In Obama 's campaign speech , the repetition of words can be frequently found , even the same word is repeated in many different discourses , which forms a coherent dis-course effectively .

  3. 演说辞情景语境和语篇衔接的特点&GettysburgAddress演说辞的语篇分析

    The Characteristics of Context of Situation and Cohesion in a Speech & Analysis on Gettysburg Address from Functional Grammar Perspective

  4. 第二章是对英文演说辞的调查研究。

    Chapter two is concerned with the survey of English speeches .

  5. 奥巴马总统就职演说辞的修辞赏析与翻译

    Appreciation and Translation of Rhetorical Devices in Obama 's Inaugural Speech

  6. 因此,演说辞在发表前,都经过精心准备。

    Therefore , these public speeches are carefully prepared before being published .

  7. 正当她准备发表演说辞之前。

    Then moments before she was scheduled to deliver the opening remarks .

  8. 他演说辞的内容和语气都受到了审查。

    His speeches were vetted for content and tone .

  9. 英语演说辞中的修辞功用与翻译的等值

    English Speeches ' Rhetorical Functions and Equivalent Translation

  10. 因此,美国总统的就职演说辞具有很强的说服意图。

    Therefore , the rhetoric of the American presidential inaugural address bears strong intention of persuasion .

  11. 鉴于其功能的强大性,隐喻也同样广泛应用与美国总统就职演说辞中。

    Powerful as it is , metaphor is pervasive in American Presidential Inaugural Addresses ( APIAs ) .

  12. 时跨两个多世纪的演说辞,其语言特色随着社会的进步和时间的迁移发生了一定的变化。

    For these speeches which span over two centuries , their language styles change with time flying and social development .

  13. 对英文演说辞的分类,组成,特征和功能进行了概括。

    In this chapter , the classifications , components , features and functions of English speeches will be elaborated on .

  14. 悼词,国庆演说辞,谴责词,告别演说等都是富于词藻的演说。

    Eulogies , National Day orations , speeches of condemnation , farewell addresses , etc are instances of epideictic discourse .

  15. 并对被选做语料的英语演说辞的语境进行分析。

    The contextual analysis of the selected English public speeches will be conducted to explore the determinatives factors of three metafunctions .

  16. 因与翻译有着天然的联系,它同样也可用于英文演说辞的翻译研究中。

    It can also be applied in translation studies of EPS for there is a natural connection between translation and FS .

  17. 协会主席的演说辞为我们认识和研究美国史学的演变过程,提供了一部比较完整和自成一体的文献集。

    Association president speeches provide for us a more complete and self-contained archives to understand and study the American historical evolution process .

  18. 在对多篇最具代表性的德谟斯提尼演说辞进行详细文本分析的基础上,笔者将从四个主要方面阐述这一主题。

    By a thorough analysis of some most typical speeches from Demosthenes , the author chooses four important aspects to expatiate on this subject .

  19. 修昔底德通过这些演说辞和对话录意在表明人的言语和行动全都建立在希望之上,而希望本质上又由爱欲引起。

    In these episodes , Thucydides shows that human speeches and deeds are all based on their hope while hope is essentially inspired by Eros .

  20. 以韩礼德系统功能语法的框架,从情景语境与纯理功能的关系以及衔接系统的度,对葛底斯堡演说辞进行语篇分析。

    Systemic Functional Linguistics , as the theoretical framework , is applied to the analysis of a text " Gettysburg Address " by Abraham Lincoln from the perspective of context of situation and cohesion .

  21. 第三章用意在于探索功能文体学在英语演说辞翻译研究中的必要性和依据,并建立了基于功能文体学的英语演说辞的翻译框架。

    Chapter three aims to explore the necessity and justifications of FS to English public speeches translation . Then the author tries to establish a framework of applying FS to English public speeches ' translation .

  22. 协会主席在他们的演说辞中对历史学家在教学与研究中遇到的困扰,对历史学家在传播历史知识过程中的地位和作用展开了富有启发的探讨。

    In their speeches , the Association presidents carried on illuminated discourses in terms of distress encountering historians in their teaching and research , and the statuses and roles of historians in the process of communicating history knowledge .

  23. 亲爱的罗德:这一个多星期我一直为了我的告别演说辞忙个不停,我边写边修改,现在终于对它感到满意了。

    Hi Rode , I 've been engaged in writing and embellishing my valedictorian speech for more than one week , and I 'm finally satisfied with it . All that I should do is to memorize it .

  24. 这些发现有助于实现美国总统就职演说辞的社会语用目的,即阐释施政纲领,表达特定的价值取向和立场观点,增强演说辞的人际功能。

    These two findings are conducive to achieve the socio-pragmatic purposes of Inaugural Addresses : either to illuminate the administrative program or to express some value orientation and standpoint , or both , so as to increase interpersonal functions .

  25. 修昔底德精心编排这两篇瘟疫叙事前后的演说辞为的是展现伯里克利如何在不同的形势下引导雅典人爱上自己的城邦,并为了追求建立伟大的功业和留下永久的记忆而承受各种苦难。

    Thucydides deliberately inserts the Great Plague in the middle of the two speeches in order to display how Pericles , under different situations , persuaded the Athenians to love their city-state and to undergo various sufferings for the purpose of marvelous achievements as well as everlasting memory .