
chuí qiú
  • croquet
槌球 [chuí qiú]
  • [croquet] 在草坪或地面上用长柄木槌击球,使之穿过一连串铁环门的室外游戏

槌球[chuí qiú]
  1. 你可以参加南边草坪上的槌球游戏。

    You can engage in croquet on the south lawn .

  2. 她跟自己玩槌球的时候欺骗了自己。

    She cheated herself in a game of croquet she was playing against herself .

  3. 有些细节很明了:在午餐会上一名年轻的求职者鲁莽地把工党贵族RoyJenkins的槌球打进了花圃里的事,亦或是Crosland关于大使夫人的浅薄方面的一些言论。

    There is delight in small details : the chill that settled on a lunch party when the young jobseeker had the temerity to hit the croquet ball of Roy Jenkins , a Labour grandee , into the flower bed , or Crosland 's views on the inanities of ambassadors ' wives .

  4. 王后说,你会玩槌球吗?

    Shouted the Queen , ` Can you play croquet ? '

  5. 它紧凑的外场地包括一个网球场和一个槌球草坪。

    Its compact grounds contain a tennis court and a croquet lawn .

  6. 你们玩槌球吗?是的,王后陛下。

    Do you play croquet ? Yes . Your Majesty .

  7. 棒球、板球和槌球有什麽不同?

    What 's the difference between baseball , cricket , and croquet ?

  8. 这是爱丽丝见过的最奇怪的槌球游戏!

    It was the strangest game of croquet in Alice 's life !

  9. 王后转向爱丽丝:“你会打槌球吗?”

    The queen turned to Alice . " Can you play croquet ? "

  10. (台球)球桌,弹子台槌球游戏中击球的棒子。

    A billiard table a mallet used to strike the ball in croquet .

  11. 我要清除这片丛林建个槌球草坪

    I 'm clearing the jungle for a croquet lawn

  12. 这套槌球游戏是克雷格喜好的,没错吧?

    This croquet set is right up Craig 's street , isn 't it ?

  13. 槌球游戏中使用的木球。

    A wooden ball used in playing croquet .

  14. 爱丽丝想,可还从来没见过这样奇怪的槌球游戏呢?

    Alice thought she had never seen such a curious Croquet-Ground in her life ;

  15. 第6章王后的槌球游戏

    Chapter 6 The Queen 's game of croquet

  16. 开始!它是排球、羽毛球、网球还是槌球游戏?

    Here we go , is it , volleyball , badminton , tennis or croquet ?

  17. 槌球中使用的弓形结构。

    An arch used in croquet .

  18. 现在咱们再去玩槌球吧。王后对爱丽丝说。

    ` Let 's go on with the game , ' the Queen said to Alice ;

  19. 在那时,槌球很受欢迎,并且槌球的场地直接可以用来玩网球。

    Croquet was highly popular at this time , and the smooth croquet courts proved readily adaptable for tennis .

  20. 就算你穷尽一生掌握了全部的语言,那么在工程、槌球、水彩等方面也许会很糟。

    If you spent your life mastering all languages , you might still suck at engineering , croquet , watercolor , etc.

  21. 爱丽丝还在想着这个事,猫又接着问:今天你去跟王后打槌球吗?

    Alice was thinking about this , but the Cat went on , 'Are you playing croquet with the Queen today ? '

  22. 你怎么说都行,猫说,你今天同王后玩槌球吗?

    ` Call it what you like , ' said the Cat . ` Do you play croquet with the Queen to-day ? '

  23. 马球运动中用来击球的槌棒。禁止打棒球、垒球、高尔夫球、槌球等。

    A mallet used to strike the ball in polo . No baseball 、 softball 、 golf 、 croquet or similar sport allowed .

  24. 1877年,在全英格兰槌球俱乐部的赞助下,英格兰在小城温布尔登举办了首届网球锦标赛。

    The first tennis championship in England took place in1877 sponsored by the All England Croquet Club at a little place called Wimbledon .

  25. 用力击球(如用板球棒).槌球游戏中击球的棒子。

    Give the ball a hard smack , eg with a bat in cricket a mallet used to strike the ball in croquet .

  26. 爱丽丝还在想着这个事,猫又接着问:“今天你去跟王后打槌球吗?”

    Alice was thinking about this , but the Cat went on , " Are you playing croquet with the Queen today ? "

  27. 整个槌球游戏进行中,王后不断地同别人吵嘴,嚷着砍掉他的头或砍掉她的头。

    All the time they were playing the Queen never left off quarrelling with the other players , and shouting ' Off with his head !

  28. 国王和刽子手就发疯似地跑来跑去到处找,而其他人又回去玩槌球了。

    So the king and the executioner ran wildly up and down looking for it , while the rest of the party went back to the game .

  29. 今天,信托组织鼓励会员像财产的集体业主一样,躺在草坪上,弹奏古老的钢琴或是享受着槌球游戏的乐趣。

    Today , members are encouraged to feel almost like collective owners of its properties , lounging on lawns , playing ancient pianos or enjoying games of croquet .

  30. 槌球游戏的目的是按一定的顺序将球击入一组弓形小铁门,最后击中中心的木桩。

    The objective in a game of croquet is to strike your ball through a set of hoops in a particular order before finally hitting the central peg .
