
  • 网络Memorial buildings;monument
  1. 使用纪念建筑物、古建筑的单位,应当负责建筑物的保养和维修。

    Units which use memorial buildings or ancient architectural structures shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of these buildings or structures .

  2. 身为世界著名的纪念建筑物之一,艾菲尔铁塔吸引了众多目光,但当初可不是所有巴黎民众都喜欢这座铁塔。

    As one of the world 's most famous monuments , the tower has attracted a lot of attention , but not all Parisians welcomed its construction .

  3. 依法核定作为文物保护的纪念建筑物和古建筑等的修缮,依照文物保护的有关法律规定执行。

    Renovation of memorials and ancient buildings certified by law as cultural relics for protection shall be carried out in accordance with relevant laws of protection of cultural relics .

  4. 第五条属于集体所有和私人所有的纪念建筑物、古建筑和传世文物,其所有权受国家法律的保护。

    Article 5 Ownership of memorial buildings , ancient architectural structures and cultural relics handed down from generation to generation which belong to collectives or individuals shall be protected by state laws .

  5. 国家指定保护的纪念建筑物、古建筑、石刻等,除国家另有规定的以外,属于国家所有。

    Memorial buildings , ancient architectural structures , stone carvings , etc. , designated for protection by the state , unless governed by other state regulations , shall be owned by the state .

  6. 在可获得的情形下,石材通常是纪念性建筑物较喜爱使用的材料。

    Where available , stone has generally been the preferred material for monumental structures .

  7. 此作品复制并放大了上世纪60年代湖南韶山滴水洞的一处历史纪念性建筑物的必要部分。

    This work copies and enlarges of a section of1960s historical architecture from Shaoshan Dishuidong , Hunan Province .

  8. 联合国教科文组织对世界文化遗产的选择出现转向,原来倾向于选择纯纪念性建筑物,近期更注重选择带有人文情调的遗址。

    The choice of world cultural heritage by the UNESCO has been changed from the pure memorial buildings to the relic sites of humanity .

  9. 在去年由安全部门领导们列出的受到威胁的纪念物和建筑物清单中,比萨斜塔的排名靠前。

    The tower scores high on a list of monuments and buildings at risk , drawn up by security chiefs last year .

  10. 三摩地也是一个印度教纪念塔所使用的名词,一座纪念死亡的建筑物(与坟墓相似,但没有遗体。)

    Samadhi is also the Hindi word for a cenotaph , a structure commemorating the dead ( akin to a tomb , but without remains ) .