
jì shí wén xué
  • documentary literature;non-fiction
  1. 余音纪实文学革命论

    On Revolution in Documentary Literature

  2. 关键词:《妞妞&一个父亲的札记》;周国平;纪实文学。

    Key Words : " Girl & A father 's reading notes "; Zhou GuoPing ; Documentary literature .

  3. 刘易斯写了13本小说和10本纪实文学作品。

    Lewis is the author of thirteen novels and ten non-fiction books .

  4. 本系列丛书将包括小说和非小说类纪实文学作品。

    The series will include both fiction and non-fiction

  5. 家园意识:全球化背景下纪实文学的生态守护

    Home Awareness : Ecological Conservation of Report Literature against Globalization Background

  6. 论纪实文学审美意象的建构

    About the Constructing of Aesthetic Images of On-the-spot Literature

  7. 论新时期纪实文学的自然主义真实观

    On the naturalistic reality conception of the Actual literature in the new period

  8. 论海外华人的亚纪实文学&从张爱玲《小团圆》谈起

    Overseas Chinese Semi-Fictitious Literature : Through the Reading of Eileen Chang 's Little Reunion

  9. 出版短篇小说集《忧郁村落》,长篇纪实文学《挺进美利坚》等。

    She published short story anthology " Sadness Village ", long documentary writing " Go to America ", etc.

  10. 第四,从理论与实践的结合上对新时期纪实文学的弱点和不足进行了较为全面、系统的探讨。

    The weak points and shortcoming of realistic literature are discussed and researched generally here from both theory and practice .

  11. 第二,从时代特征入手,分析了新时期纪实文学崛起的时代原因和生存环境。

    Getting hands first on the feature of the new generation , the cause and living settings of realistic literature are analysed here .

  12. “新写实小说”的出现是大众文化消费的需要、文学内部自身发展嬗变和纪实文学的刺激等多种因素交互作用的结果。

    The emergence of neo-realist novels is the combination of people 's cultural requirement , literature 's internal development and realist novel 's stimulus .

  13. 纪实文学作品的重要特征之一,便是它的“真实性”,为此它为后人留下了弥足珍贵的“史料”。

    One of the important features of documentary literature is its " reality ", which keeps many valuable " historical materials " for posterity .

  14. 在与当代文学中的有关滇缅抗战的纪实文学和小说相比较中来看历史叙述的差异。

    In contemporary literature , with regard to Yunnan and Burma anti-Japanese war documentary literature and fiction in the historical narrative of the comparison view difference .

  15. 新时期迅猛崛起的报告文学,是当代纪实文学文体的出发点和生长源。

    The starting point and growing source of the contemporary on the spot writing style is the reportage which springs up rapidly at the new period .

  16. 但纪实文学的主体精神与内在品格却依然在坚持知识分子良知写作的作家中得以保持和坚守,彰显出他们维护正义、关怀民众、积极干预社会公共利害关系的人文精神。

    But the writers of conscience have sticked to the mainstream of documentary writing , upholding justice , showing care for the masses and defending public interests .

  17. 近年来,有关国内同性恋者生活的纪实文学作品和社会学、心理学文献开始与大众见面。

    In recent years , the concerned domestic homosexual lived the real-life literature work and the sociology , the psychology literature started with the populace to meet .

  18. 通过对这些文体的考察,可以认清当代纪实文学文体演进的大致面貌。

    Through the investigation into these styles , we can see the general outlook of the evolution of the writing style of the contemporary on the spot literature .

  19. 第三,用新的文学观念和思路进行系统考察和梳理,从整体上论述了新时期纪实文学的美学成就。

    Using a fresh and new literary view and the better way of thought , through observing and studying here I remark the contribution of the research on beauty of realistic literature by and large .

  20. 在以虚构为前提的文学理论语境中,“纪实文学”这个概念的突围而出,标志着文学观念正在发生深刻的变化。

    In the literary theory context for which invention is the premise , the concept " documentary literature ", which has made itself out with much effort , represents that literary views are changing deeply .

  21. 电视纪实作品和文学作品一样,都是对生活高度的、艺术的浓缩和提炼,它们的生命来源于生活,同时它们也积极地反作用于生活。

    Just like literature , TV documentaries are rooted in life .

  22. 小说中采用纪实成分与文学自然主义有联系。

    The use of documentary elements in novels is associated with literary naturalism .

  23. 五是纪实性的传记文学和考据性文章。

    Five is a documentary biography of literary and textual articles .