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  1. 厄瓜多尔外长纪尧姆.隆(GuillaumeLong)没有提到这些指控,但表示“导致给予(阿桑奇)庇护的情况仍然存在”。

    Ecuador 's foreign minister Guillaume Long , made no reference to the allegations , but said " the circumstances that led to the granting of asylum ( to Mr Assange ) remain . "

  2. 总理纪尧姆萦罗已经受命去组织新的政府。

    Prime Minister Guillaume Soro has been asked to form a new government .

  3. 微笑的科学分析真正开始于法国解剖学家纪尧姆-本杰明-阿芒德·杜兴·德·布洛涅。

    The scientific analysis of the smile really began with the French anatomist Guillaume-Benjamin-Amand Duchenne de Boulogne .

  4. 萨科奇的母亲安德烈及其父亲帕尔•萨科奇育有三子,分别是:纪尧姆、尼古拉和弗朗西斯。

    Sarkozy 's mother Andree and Pal Sarkozy had three sons : Guillaume , Nicolas and Francois .

  5. 如果你想要混进常春藤大学里蹭课而不被发现,那么就从人多的大课开始&这正是今年28岁的加拿大蹭课大神纪尧姆•杜马斯的建议。

    If you want to start taking classes at an Ivy League university unenrolled and undetected , says Guillaume Dumas , a 28-year-old Canadian , start with big lecture courses .