
  • 网络mathilde;Mathilda;Matilda
  1. 文章从玛蒂尔德的悲剧中叩问命运、质疑命运

    The writer criticizes and suspects the fate from the tragedy of Mathilde .

  2. 十年前,玛蒂尔德和皮埃尔的家。

    The home of Mathilde and Pierre Loisel , ten years before .

  3. 在公园,玛蒂尔德继续给让娜讲她的故事。

    In the park , Mathilde continues to tell Jeanne her story .

  4. 老师让我扮演玛蒂尔德和你扮演珍妮。

    The teacher asked me to act Mathilde and you to act Jeanne .

  5. 那天晚上,玛蒂尔德感到荣幸极了。

    Mathilde couldn 't feel more honored that night .

  6. 十年的艰辛劳动彻底把玛蒂尔德变成了一个普通家庭妇女。

    Ten years of hard work transformed Mathilde completely into an ordinary housewife .

  7. 玛蒂尔德返回宫殿希望找回项链。

    Mathilde went back to the palace in the hope of finding the necklace .

  8. 噢,说吧,玛蒂尔德,我想你会讲给一位老朋友听的。

    Oh , come , mathilde , surely you can tell an old friend .

  9. 玛蒂尔德继续向让娜讲她的那段经历。

    Mathilde continued to tell Jeanne her story .

  10. 可是,我亲爱的朋友,玛蒂尔德。

    But my dear friend , Mathilde .

  11. 玛蒂尔德回到举办舞会的宫廷询问项链。

    Mathilde returns to the palace where the ball was held to ask about the necklace .

  12. 十年后玛蒂尔德和让娜在巴黎一个公园里碰巧相遇。

    It happened that Mathilde met with Jeanne in the park in Paris after ten years .

  13. 玛蒂尔德自己没有珠宝,她不得不向朋友借一条项链。

    Mathilde had no jewellery of her own ; she had to borrow a necklace from her friend .

  14. 玛蒂尔德原以为那是一条钻石项链,但那终归不是真的钻石项链。

    Mathilde thought it was a diamond necklace , but it wasn 't a real one after all .

  15. 让娜原先和玛蒂尔德很熟悉。但当她们重逢时,让娜却认不出她了。

    Jeanne had known Mathilde very well , but she couldn 't recognize her when they met again .

  16. 像《项链》中玛蒂尔德那样,变成一个完全的家庭妇女。

    Maybe I will have two children and just like Mathilde in < necklace > , become a housewife .

  17. 哦,天哪,玛蒂尔德,不要再担心那该死的项链了,我们已经解脱了。

    Oh , God , Mathilde , do not worry about that damn necklace , and we has been relieved of .

  18. 玛蒂尔德:是不是生活从来就是艰辛,还是因为我是小孩?里昂:从来如此。

    Mathilda : If life always this hard or is it just when you are a kid ? Leon : Always like this .