
  • 网络Reflecting Pool;Reflection Pool;Reflection Pond
  1. 他的作品红芦苇便被放置于美术馆的倒影池中。

    His work Red Reeds was placed in the museum 's reflecting pool .

  2. 佩林说,她也对大批民众参加这次聚会感到骄傲,聚会人群从林肯纪念堂一直延伸到华盛顿纪念碑附近大草坪的倒影池。

    Palin said she was also proud of the large crowd which had gathered , stretching along the Washington Mall 's reflecting pool nearly to the Washington monument .

  3. 其中最显眼的两个细节是入口处的两堵红色花岗岩墙壁和后面的分层倒影池。

    The telling details are two walls of red granite at the entrance , as well as the tiered reflecting pools in back .

  4. 出挑:在二层,学生休闲区的某些区域被挑出,由此形成一楼餐厅的入口,并使学生区靠近倒影池。

    CANTILEVER : On the second floor , some area on student lounge was pushed out for approach of the restaurant entrance on the first floor and makes the student area close to the reflecting pool .

  5. 小桥流水,碧波荡漾,曲折延伸;亭台楼阁,参差高下,倒影入池。

    Inside the park are bridges over flowing streams , pavilions and towers with their shadows reflected in the water .

  6. 华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念堂都倒影在反思池中。

    It reflects both the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial .