
  • 网络Evolutionary computation
  1. 基于移动agent技术的演化计算模型

    Model of Evolutionary Computation Based on Mobile-Agent

  2. 基于演化计算和代理的QoS路由算法

    A QoS Routing Algorithm Based on Evolutionary Computation and Agent

  3. 文中应用了一种简单有效、且收敛性很好的演化计算算法&微粒群优化算法(PSO)进行问题的求解。

    A new-proposed evolutionary computation called Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ) is applied to solve the problem .

  4. TSP的演化计算

    The Evolutionary Computation of TSP

  5. 基于Prüfer数编码的演化计算方法研究&多阶段物流网络优化问题研究

    Study on Evolutionary Computation Based on Pr ü fer Number & Multi-stage Logistic Network Optimization

  6. 粒子群优化(ParticleSwarmoptimization)算法是一类启发式随机全局优化技术,是一种基于群智能(SwarmIntelligence)方法的演化计算技术。

    Particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm is a Heuristic stochastic global optimization technique , and also PSO algorithm is an evolutionary computation technique based on swarm intelligence method .

  7. 粒子群优化(PSO)算法是一种源于人工生命和演化计算理论的优化技术。

    Particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm as one of optimization techniques comes from artificial life and theory of evolutionary algorithms .

  8. 遗传程序设计(GP)作为演化计算中的一个新分支,已成为人工智能领域研究的一大热点。

    Genetic programming ( GP ) as a new evolutionary computation branch has become a hotspot in the study of artificial intelligence .

  9. 粒子群优化算法(ParticleSwarmoptimization,PSO算法)源于鸟群和鱼群群体运动行为的研究,是一种新的群体智能优化算法,是演化计算领域中的一个新的分支。

    Particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) is an evolutionary computation technique developed by Dr. Eberhart and Dr. Kennedy in 1995 , inspired by social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling .

  10. 基于演化计算的群体搜索技术,采用整数编码构造遗传算子和自适应函数,对n皇后问题进行求解,实验结果表明,本算法具有快速、有效的特点。

    Based on evolutionary computation which has the techniques about searching for group , structure operators and adaptive function in genetic algorithm with integer-encoding , solute the n-queen problem . Tests prove this algorithm is high-speedy and effective .

  11. 基于集群SPMD算法及演化计算并行研究

    Research for cluster-oriented spmd algorithm and parallelization of evolutionary computing

  12. 行为AI和演化计算则基于达尔文进化论思想,从与环境实时互动联系的角度,实现对传统AI局限的突破。

    Behavior AI and evolution calculation based on the theory of evolution , broke out the limit of tradition AI , by the way of inter connection with environment .

  13. 实际上,自从1985年以来,研究者们已经提出了许多基于演化计算的多目标优化算法,这些算法能够在一次独立的运行中同时搜索到多个Pareto最优解。

    In fact , various evolutionary approaches to multi-objective optimization have been proposed since 1985 , capable of searching for multiple Pareto optimal solutions concurrently in a single simulation run .

  14. 在此基础上,一种新的基于Prüfer数编码的演化计算方法被提出,通过算例分析,该方法的可行性和有效性得到了充分的证明。

    Furthermore , a new evolutionary computation algorithm based on Pr ü fer number is put forward , its feasibility and efficiency are proved by a numerical example .

  15. 文章以演化计算为工具,以BAN逻辑为基本的推理准则,在第一阶段随机搜索候选协议,然后在第二阶段通过冗余协议约简方案得出优化的协议。

    In the first stage , it uses evolutionary computing random search candidate of security protocols with BAN logic ; in the second stage , optimal protocol is gained from redundancy protocols with reduction scheme .

  16. 文中将最大互信息(MMI)和演化计算(EC)相结合,引入到隐马尔柯夫模型(HMM)的训练中去。

    And this has led to the local optimality of the models . This paper proposed a hybrid maximum mutual information / evolutionary computation ( MMI / EC ) architecture to be embedded in the training of HMMs .

  17. 文中采用偏最小二乘法和Chebyshev多项式建立领域模型,通过演化计算进行最优问题求解,并利用正交实验取得模型学习的样本数。

    The domain model is solved by the partial least square method and Chebyshev , and the optimal solution of model is solved by the evolutional algorithm , and the learning sample data is gained by the orthogonal test .

  18. 基于演化计算的在线手写签名验证方法实现

    Implementation of On-line Handwritten Signature Verification Based on Evolutionary Computation

  19. 复杂工程风险管理的信息密度演化计算方法

    Risk computation for complex engineering based on information density evolutionary

  20. 基于动态规划与演化计算的切换系统最优控制

    Switched System Optimal Control Based on Dynamical Programming Principle and Evolutional Computation

  21. 关于认知演化计算分支领域的研究简报(Ⅱ)

    Brief Report of Research on Cognizing the Subarea of Evolutionary Computation (ⅱ)

  22. 演化计算及其在非线性规划中的应用

    Evolutionary computation and its application in non - linear programming

  23. 传统方法和演化计算在企业资信评估中的应用

    The Application of Traditional Methods and Evolutionary Computation in Credit Assessment of Enterprise

  24. 演化计算在特征词条优化中的应用

    The Application of Genetic Algorithm in Optimizing Feature Lemma

  25. 基于演化计算的广义路径规划问题

    A Generalized Route Programming Problem Based on Evolutionary Computation

  26. 使用演化计算求解生成循环码的合法码字

    Recovering Legal-Codes of Generated Cyclic Codes by Evolutionary Computation

  27. 演化计算是基于进化论(物竞天择,适者生存)机制的群体随机搜索算法。

    Evolutionary computation is a random group search algorithm based on evolutionary mechanism .

  28. 基于演化计算的动态最短路问题

    Dynamic Shortest Path Problem Based on Evolutionary Computation

  29. 舰船噪声目标聚类分析的演化计算方法

    Evolutionary Computation for Ship Noise Targets Clustering Analysis

  30. 演化计算在参数估计中的应用

    The Application of Evolutionary Computation in Parameters Evaluation