
  • 网络absolute value;Absolute value function;Abs
  1. 它使得vx是正值,用绝对值函数。

    It makes sure vx is positive , using the absolute value function .

  2. 关于绝对值函数不可导点的定理

    On the Theorem of Non derivable Point of Absolute Value Function

  3. 大学微积分中关于绝对值函数的处理方法

    The Treatment Method of the Absolute Function in Calculus

  4. 带有绝对值函数的积分方法

    A integral method of the function with absolute value

  5. 求绝对值函数的导数是高等数学的一个难点。

    It is a nodus to solve the derivative of absolute value function .

  6. 带绝对值函数式的导数的求法

    How to Evaluate the Derivative of a Function Formula with Absolute Value SPLIT-PHASE METHOD

  7. 关于绝对值函数分析性质的讨论

    On Several Analytic Characters of absolute value function

  8. 文献[1]解决了绝对值函数的求导问题,本文将它推广到更一般、更普遍的分段函数的情形。

    In Reference ( 1 ), the question of derivation of absolute value function has been solved .

  9. 本文证明了一个公式,能较全面地解决绝对值函数的求导问题。

    The paper proves a formula , amd solves the problem that absolute value function solve the derivative in the round .

  10. 本文介绍了研究式教学法在两类特殊函数&幂指函数和绝对值函数的导数计算教学中的应用。

    The article introduces the application of the research-style teaching method in teaching derivative calculation of two kinds of special function-the power-exponential function and the absolute value function .

  11. 本文通过引入一个参量&伏安特性曲线的弧长,并吸取分段线性函数的绝对值函数表达法,建立了一种新的分段线性电阻网络的描述法和分析法。

    By introducing a parameter , which is the length of the voltage-current characteristic curve of piecewise-linear resistor , into the description of the characteristics of the resistor , it is possible to analyze a piecewise linear resistive network topologically .

  12. 随着计算机的广泛应用,过去一些难以计算的复杂函数现在变的简单了,并且得到广泛应用,如本文中最大值函数和绝对值函数,它们被应用到一个统计量的计算中。

    With using of compute in all kinds of fields , some functions that is difficult to compute in the past , become simple now , for example , looking for maximum functions and abuse functions are used in computation of statistics .

  13. 提出了双向差分绝对值函数作为自动调焦评价函数,在20μm范围内以变步长实现了正确聚焦,获得质量较高的图像效果,为进一步实现微操作打下基础。

    A new evaluation function of total absolute differential value was put forward . In the range of 20 μ m , the correct focus was gained and good image was obtained , this is a good foundation to further implement of micromanipulation .

  14. 带有绝对值符号函数的不定积分

    Indefinite Integral of Function with the Symbol of Absolute Value

  15. 关于取绝对值的函数可微性的讨论

    Discussion on the Function of Absolute Value Differentiability

  16. 基于约束独立成分分析理论,以峭度的绝对值为对比函数推导出一种快速一单元ICA-R算法。

    Based on constrained independent component analysis , a fast algorithm for one-unit ICA-R is proposed when absolute value of kurtosis is considered as contrast function in this paper .

  17. 其主要的建模过程是:通过固定维度的新离散数列,建立二次或高次多项式等拟合函数;以残差平方和最小准则确定关联阈值;通过残差绝对值计算筛选函数。

    Its main modeling process is that : first , establishes a second or a polynomial fitting function through the fixed dimensions of new discrete sequence ; second , determines the associated threshold by the squared residuals minimum standards ; the third , Screens function by the residual value calculation .

  18. 绝对值与二次函数

    Absolute Value and the Second power of Function

  19. 在第三章中,在对小波分析的基本理论进行简要概述之后,我们介绍了一个寻找函数断点的定理,可以通过比较小波系数绝对值的大小找到函数的间断点。

    After a brief introduction of wavelet , in chapter three we demonstrate a theorem which is used to find the breakpoint of a function by comparing the wavelet coefficient of different position .