
jué duì quán lì
  • absolute right
  1. 听众爆发出欢呼声,不断高呼“核能是我们的绝对权利”。

    The crowd responded with cheers chanting , " Nuclear energy is our absolute right . "

  2. 无论在战场上还是在非战斗期间,他们都拥有任意审判一个士兵的绝对权利。

    A commissar retains the absolute right to administer justice both on and off the battlefield .

  3. 土地的所有权行使及于土地的上下,土地所有权人享有上及天宇,下及地心的绝对权利。

    Exercising of land ownership reaches the surface and the underground .

  4. 都能了解到对方的绝对权利。

    Right of the other side to a point of view .

  5. 它是国王绝对权利的象征。

    It was a symbol of the king 's complete power .

  6. 安全部队被授予入户搜查的绝对权利。

    Security forces were given sweeping powers to search homes .

  7. 受教育权具有绝对权利属性。

    Right to education has the attribute of absolute power .

  8. 根据绝对权利,全部土地都归国家所有。

    All land belongs of right to the state .

  9. 对自由的绝对权利;对这一头衔不可取消的拥有权。

    An indefeasible right to freedom ; an indefeasible claim to the title .

  10. 法制就是在这个社会上没有拥有绝对权利和不受监督的权利的人。

    Legal system is in this to did not have absolute right and the person that do not get supervised right socially namely .

  11. 贷款人有绝对权利随时修订贷款利率及其他一切费用。

    Interest on the Loan and all other charges shall be subject to variation from time to time at the Lender 's absolute discretion .

  12. 政委是帝皇法则的传达者,拥有执行判决和惩罚士兵的绝对权利。

    A commissar is the bearer of the Emperor 's Law , and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement , sentence and punishment .

  13. 因此,在近代机械-原子论文化思想模式的主导下,近代美国财产法理念主张的是个人财产的绝对权利,强调的是个人利益的支配地位。

    Therefore , led by mechanistic-atomism ideological paradigm , modern American property law stresses the absolute right of individual property and the dominant position of individual advantage .

  14. 本公司拥有绝对权利,安排客户广告于“宣传易”广告专辑内广告播放之先后次序。

    IEM shall have the absolute right to arrange the sequence in which the Advertisement ( s ) in the " TV Easy " Advertising Programme are telecasted .

  15. “他有一个奇特的宗旨,即为了解救奴隶,一个人有绝对权利以武力来干涉奴隶主”(亨利·戴维·撒罗)。

    " It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect right to interfere by force with the slaveholder , in order to rescue the slave "( Henry David Thoreau ) .

  16. 如果一个人的权利对别人而言意味着责任,而且这样的权利还在不断扩张,正如美国社会的情况一样,那么就会变成所有人都拥有绝对权利而没有人需要再履行责任。

    And if one 's rights are other peoples'duties , and these rights keep expanding their scopes , as in the case of America 's , if everyone has absolute rights then no one has duty anymore .

  17. 然而,由于这三大理论预设本身难以自洽,故古典学术自由观把学术自由作为一项绝对权利,排斥任何形式的社会干预的观点是有缺陷的。

    But because it is very difficult for each of the three theoretical pivots in itself to be self-justified , the notion that academic freedom is looked on as an absolute right , which excludes any sort of social interference , is faulty .

  18. GA有绝对的权利否决或者批准委员会的结果。

    GA has full right to reject the results of the Commission , or approve .

  19. 难道我们没有绝对的权利沉迷在自怜里吗?

    Don 't we have every right to wallow in self-pity ?

  20. 税务检查员绝对有权利查看公司档案。

    The tax inspector had complete access to the company files .

  21. 绝对财产权利只能保证形式自由。

    Absolute property right can only guarantee liberty in form .

  22. 作为个人,他绝对有权利说出自己的想法。

    As an individual , she is absolutely entitled to think aloud .

  23. 埃及目前的宪法的基础是保证了穆巴拉克和他政党绝对的权利。

    The Egyptian constitution had been written with built-in guarantees to keep Mr Mubarak and his political party in power .

  24. 对于实质自由和平等目标的实现,绝对财产权利既没有存在的必要性,也不具备存在的道德合理性。

    To realize the goal of essential liberty and equality , absolute property right is neither necessary nor rational in morality .

  25. 但隐私从来都不是一项绝对的权利,相关的辩论也不应成为推迟一些紧迫而且困难的抉择的理由。

    But privacy has never been an absolute right and the debate about this should not become a reason for postponing urgent and difficult decisions .

  26. 你绝对没有权利采取的另一个灵魂的生命,而事实上,这种可憎的事发生,是一个显示你如何迟钝一些。

    You have absolutely no right to take the life of another soul , and the fact that such abominations occur is an indication of how retarded some of you are .

  27. 但是,财产权本身的社会义务性又决定了它不是绝对的权利,为了公共利益的需要要被国家合法剥夺。

    However , the duty inherent in the property right decides that the property right is not absolute and it is to be deprived of by the law for the public blessedness .

  28. 该权利并非绝对自由的权利,而是受到法律限制的权利。

    The right is not an absolute freedom , but a restrictive right .

  29. 物权是指物权人对物所享有的直接利益并具有绝对性的权利。

    The real right is refers to the real right person the direct benefit which enjoys to the thing and has the absolute right .

  30. 因此,为了建立实现实质自由和平等的和谐社会,必须采取措施对绝对的财产权利加以限制。

    Therefore to establish a harmonious society where essential liberty and equality can be realized , measures must be taken to restrict absolute property right .