
rén quán xuān yán
  • Declaration of Human Rights;bill of rights;Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
人权宣言[rén quán xuān yán]
  1. 半个多世纪前,美国率先倡导联合国1948年通过的《世界人权宣言》。

    More than a half-century ago , America led the way in advocating for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , adopted by the United Nations in 1948 .

  2. 三年之后,联合国正式通过世界人权宣言。

    Three years later , the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .

  3. 它也是《世界人权宣言》的核心。

    This right is a key part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .

  4. 我希望你们,伟大的中国人民,与我们一起庆祝人权宣言发表60周年并且为推广和加强人权做出贡献。

    I hope you - the people of the great nation of China - will join us in celebrating the 60th anniversary and contribute to the spreading and consolidation of human rights .

  5. 今年是联合国《世界人权宣言》发表60周年的重要年份,我们必须加倍努力,以保障全人类与生俱来的自由和人格平等。

    In this important year when we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights , it is imperative to redouble our efforts in ensuring that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights .

  6. 英国皇室在其官网上证实,该法案“修改了《人权宣言》和《王位继承法》的条款,终结了长子继承制的体系,在之前的体系下,年幼的儿子可以取代年长的女儿的皇位继承顺位。

    As the royal family 's official website confirmed , the Act " amended the provisions of the Bill of Rights and the Act of Settlement to end the system of male primogeniture , under which a younger son can displace an elder daughter in the line of succession .