
  • 网络rights system;system of rights
  1. 域名的利益体系不是单一的结构,而是二元的权利体系。

    The interest of the domain name is not a single structure , but the binary system of rights .

  2. 重构我国公务员权利救济制度,需要厘清公务员法律关系,其关键在于形成完善的公务员权利体系和机关人事管理职权。

    In order to re-construct the system of rights remedy of civil servants in China , the legal relations of civil servants must be clarified , and its key is formation of sound system of rights of civil servants and function of administrative organs ' personnel management .

  3. TRIPS协议开宗明义便提出知识产权是私权,这种私权性质的定位,使得知识产权在民事权利体系中找到依托并得以进一步发展。

    The TRIPS agreement comes straight to the point that " the intellectual property rights are the private power ", this localization of private power nature , causes the intellectual property rights to find in the civil right system to depend on and can further its development .

  4. 人格权是民事权利体系中重要的组成部分。

    Personality right is an important part of civil right system .

  5. 论劳动权利体系及其分析工具&兼论劳动权利的一种新的研究范式

    On the System of Labor Rights and Its Analytical Means

  6. 论我国纳税人基本权利体系的构建

    On the Construction of Basic Right System of Tax-payers in Our Country

  7. 在股东权利体系中处于核心地位的是股东表决权。

    Voting right is the core of shareholders ' rights .

  8. 它应该成为环境法权利体系的核心。

    It is the core of the right system of environmental law .

  9. 从企业权利体系的侧面看劳动力股权

    Reviewing Labor 's Share Right From the Perspective of Enterprise Right System

  10. 在公民权利体系中,财产权居于重要地位。

    In the system of civil rights , property occupies an important position .

  11. 类型化与开放性:劳动权利体系若干理论问题

    Classification and Openness : Several Academic Problems in the System of Labor Rights

  12. 消费者的知情权是消费者权利体系中的基础性权利。

    The right to know is basic in the consumers ' right system .

  13. 第二、完善林权的原权利体系。

    Second , original rights system of the forest rights should be improved .

  14. 表决权是股东权利体系中一项至关重要的权利。

    The right to vote is an essential right in shareholder 's right system .

  15. 《性权宣言》以性自由权为核心构筑了性权利体系。

    Establishes a system of sex right with the core of the sex liberty .

  16. 试论中国基本权利体系的重构

    On rebuilding the fundamental rights system in China

  17. 并且这一权利体系并不是封闭的,是有可能不断丰富的。

    And this right system is not closed but open to renewals and update .

  18. 权利体系设计。

    The designing of the right system .

  19. 人格与财产二元权利体系面临的困境与突破&以人格商品化为视角展开

    The dilemma and the destiny that faces the dual right system of personality and property

  20. 国有土地产权制度完善的要点是建立方便使用权市场运作和日常管理的土地使用者权利体系。

    The reformation is to facilitate the operation of the market and the right system .

  21. 著作权的权利体系研究

    Research on the Right System of Copyright

  22. 人身权益的保护具有盲区,人身财产二元权利体系具有局限,这就要思索突破这种弊端。

    Protections of the personal rights have blind spots , and dual rights system has limitations .

  23. 我国当前集体林地产权制度的权利体系比较混乱,林地所有权与使用权、收益权、处分权等存在一定程度的重合和冲突。

    In our country , there are some conflicts in current collective forestland property rights system .

  24. 知识产权的使用与转让是知识产权权利体系中的重要内容。

    The use and transfer of intellectual property rights are an important aspect of the system .

  25. 摘要大陆法系和英美法系国家土地利用权利体系存在较大差异。

    Civil law and common law countries have a quite different system of land use rights .

  26. 浅议非人类生态权利体系的构建

    Establishment of Non-Human Ecological Rights

  27. 没有沉默权的权利体系是不完备的权利体系。

    Therefore , the right to silence is an indispensable component of a comprehensive system of rights .

  28. 第一,建立统一完善的股东知情权权利体系。

    First of all , to establish a unified and consummate system of the shareholder right to know .

  29. 二是民事权利体系的建构与利益生长性之间的矛盾。

    Secondly , there are some contradictions between the system of civil fights and the growing of legal interest .

  30. 不同的宪法文化与体制孕育着不同风格与特色的基本权利体系。

    The different constitutional culture and system give birth to the essential rights of the different types and characteristics .