
  • 网络Theory of power;power system
  1. 权力论:合法性合理性研究

    On Power : A Study of Legitimacy and Rationality

  2. 所有权性质与高管现金薪酬结构&基于管理权力论的分析

    Ownership and CEO 's Pay Structure : An Analysis Based on Managerial Entrenchment

  3. 从福柯的话语权力论看中美贸易谈判

    On the Sino-US Trade Negotiation from the Perspective of " Discourse Power "

  4. 福柯的微观权力论解读

    Study on Foucault ′ s Micro-Power Theory

  5. 在近代公众舆论观向现代公众舆论观转型的过程中,公众权力论逐渐让位于管理控制论。

    In the process of transition from modern theory to contemporary theory , public opinion as the public power was replaced by management Cybernetics .

  6. 从这个意义上讲,霍布斯的君主权力论,与我们现代所讲的,行政权和行政机关,有很多相似的特性。

    And , in that respect , Hobbes'sovereign has many of the features or characteristics that we come to associate with what we call modern executive power or executive authority .

  7. 管理层权力论认为现实中独立董事往往本质上是由管理层任命的,因而独立董事愿意做出对管理层有利的薪酬安排。

    The management power theory claim that the independent directors are substantively appointed by the management , so the independent directors are grateful to the management and will support management in management remuneration scheme .

  8. 本文将从行政管理思想的理论基础、行政权力论、行政实施理论、人事行政理论、宏观经济管理思想等几个方面对董仲舒行政管理思想作以简要论述。

    The article gave brief discussion on DONG Zhongshu 's thoughts of administration from theoretical basis , administrative power , the theory of administrative implementation , the theory of personnel administration and the thoughts of macroeconomic management .

  9. 尼采的“权力意志论”辨析

    A discrimination of nietzsche 's " theory of the will to power "

  10. 中国农村二元权力结构论

    On the Binary Structure of Rural Power of China

  11. 刑事羁押权力制约论

    On the Restriction of the Power of Custody

  12. 叙述中的权力&论《富兰克林自传》中的男权意识

    Power in Narration & an Analysis of Male Chauvinism in the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

  13. 他的权力意志论、超人理论、价值观等可视为后现代主义思潮的重要来源。

    His power will theory , superman theory and values are the important sources for the post-modernism .

  14. 最后将权力意志论与马斯洛的自我实论作比较分析,特别是比较了超人和自我实现者的概念。

    Maslow . Especially the dissertation compares the " Superman " with the " Self-Actualization Person " .

  15. 有关高校与学生的法律关系的理论有两种,即特别权力关系论和民事、行政二重关系论。

    There have two theories about the legal relation between universities and students , they are special power relation and civil plus administrative relation .

  16. 尼采的权力意志论源于叔本华的生存意志论。

    Nietzsche 's " theory of the will to power " takes root in Schopenhauer 's " theory of the activity of the will " .

  17. 尼采哲学主要包括三大相互联系的部分:价值重估、权力意志论、超人学说。

    The philosophy of Nietzsche includes three related parts , namely , the reappraised value , the will to power and the theory of superman .

  18. 正是在这一背景下出现了一种新的企业权力转移论,认为知识型企业将出现劳动雇佣资本这种新的组织结构。

    Just under such background some scholars put forward a new opinion that the new organization construction of labor empolyment capital in high enterprises is coming into being .

  19. 文章具体分析了企业社会责任的理论来源,从协调发展论、权力让渡论和规避国家干预论等角度比较充分地阐释了企业承担社会责任的理论依据。

    The theory of harmonious development , the theory of releasing rights and the theory of eluding the state interferences will expound the origins of the corporate social responsibility .

  20. 当代官场小说的艺术缺陷,一是情节单一化、人物简单化、创作模式化,二是权力决定论的思维模式,三是人文资源的匮乏,缺乏创作厚度。

    One is single plot , character simplification , creative modeling . Two is the thinking mode of the power deciding on everything . Three is the lack of creativity thickness .

  21. 这些国际合作理论可被冠之以权力合作论(霸权合作论)、制度合作论、文化合作论和社会合作论,它们之间存在争论。

    These international cooperation theories can be named Power-cooperation Theory ( Hegemony-Cooperation Theory ), Institution - cooperation Theory , Culture-cooperation Theory and Society-cooperation Theory . However , dispute existed among them .

  22. 本文在研究思路上,跳出了传统的财富一权力决定论,通过历史分析,确证了中国传统政治生活中经典知识与权力的密切互动关系,推进了知识政治学的研究深度。

    Through the historical analysis , it proved that the close interaction relation of classical knowledge and power in traditional political life in China , and advanced the knowledge politics research depth .

  23. 在权力存在论中,分析了行政许可权产生和存在的历史背景和社会经济根源,对行政许可权的功能予以明确,将其定性为一种适度干预的管理权。

    In power existence theory , I analyse the history background of administrative power of permit producing and existing , and the source of social economy , I define the function of administrative power of permit , and qualitatively analyse to be a kind of the right intervention management power .

  24. 股份有限公司权力机关改造论

    Reform on the Organ of Power in Company Limited by Shares

  25. 组织理论的权力观述论

    Narration on the Outlook of Power in Organizational Theories

  26. 行政权力运行监督论

    Administration Power Runs the Theory of Supervising

  27. 拯救与逍遥:中国文论的话语权力&从存在论意义对失语症的思的观照

    Salvation and Unrestrainedness : the Language Power of Chinese Literary Theory ── The Reflection on Aphasia from the Theory of Existentialism

  28. 然后,基于管理学中的善治理论、经济学中的利益相关者理论、政治学中的学生权力理论以及系统论搭建本课题的基础理论框架,为研究的深入开展提供理论支撑。

    It also provides theoretical support for depth research based on good governance theory , stakeholder theory , student power theory which have been integrated and systematized in the theoretical framework .

  29. 现代平衡论不过是对传统控权论的扬弃,控制行政权力应当是平衡论的核心。

    The contemporary theory of balance is just only the extension of the traditional theory on control of administration and the control of administrative authority should be the core of the theory of balance .

  30. 传统现实主义的联盟理论将权力作为主要的分析变量,其理论基点是权力平衡论,认为联盟是权力的增强器,是权力平衡的工具;

    The classical realist alliance theory chooses power as the main analytical variable and assumes balance-of-power as its basic theoretical proposition and supposes that alliances are tools to aggregate power in order to achieve the balance of power .