
  • 网络appearance of right
  1. 但为保护善意第三人利益,各种学说都需要与权利外观理论相结合,以维护交易安全。

    All theories need to be combined with the theory " appearance of right ", hereby to maintain the security of transaction .

  2. 以往理论下的对于抗辩的限制主要表现在对权利外观理论的借用。

    Previous theories focused counterpleaded restriction on borrowing exterior right theory .

  3. 这是一种对权利外观的信赖保护。

    This is a kind of protection of the reliable interests and rights appearance .

  4. 但此与表见代理类推适用无关,而是权利外观理论所致。

    However , this kind of protection results from the right appearance theory rather than the analogy of the bill apparent agency .

  5. 本文从登记的权利外观出发,研究不动产是否适用善意取得制度。

    Starting from the right facies of registration , this paper studies whether the goodwill obtaining system can be applied to real estate .

  6. 以表示主义为原则,意思主义为例外的意思表示解释原则,为权利外观理论的实践化提供了有用的工具。

    The explanation principle of meaning expression that takes the expressionism as principle and the meaning-ism as exception provides a useful tool for the implementation of the right appearance theory .

  7. 票据表见代理的理论基础为权利外观理论,其为善意第三人信赖利益的保护提供了正当性基础。

    The theoretical foundation of bill apparent agency is the right appearance theory which provides legitimacy foundation for the good protection of the reliance interest of the bona fides third party .

  8. 权利外观理论,打破意思自治、契约自由这一传统民法认识,为保护交易安全、交易秩序,维护诚实信用找到了有力的武器和根据。

    The theory of right appearance breaks the traditional understanding that civil laws consist of meaning independence and contract freedom , and finds the powerful weapon and foundation to protect the transaction security and order and maintain the honesty and credit .

  9. 不动产善意取得的价值在于保护善意第三人信赖登记的权利外观而与无权让与人交易所享有的利益和维护交易活动的动态安全。

    The significance of goodwill obtaining of real estate is to protect the interest of the third party of goodwill in exchanging with the man who has no right in registration and to safeguard the dynamic security of the exchange activities .

  10. 可以说这就是造成特殊动产与不动产在权利外观、善意标准等方面巨大差异的本质原因。

    This article makes clear that the significance of registration for special movables and immovables , to some extent , it is the essential reason why the special movables are differ from immovables in right appearance , standard of acquisition in good faith and other aspects .

  11. 物权的对世属性需要权利外观来表征权利的存在,既然法律确定了物权的表征方式,那么必然要保障该方式所确立的权利表征功能,即需要赋予登记簿以公信力。

    The real right of rights to the attributes needed to represent the appearance of existence , since the legal rights of property rights of characterization determined way , then must guarantee the way established rights characterization function , which needed to give register with credibility .

  12. 但如果涉嫌侵权产品的外观设计没有落入权利人外观设计专利权的保护范围,则不构成侵权。

    However , if the accused infringing product design right owner does not fall into the scope of protection of patent right for design , does not constitute infringement .

  13. 严格的适用条件,保证了权利失效是通过权利人的外观表现,参酌法律价值取向而作的一种客观的法律价值判断。

    The strict applied prerequisites make it sure that estoppels by waiver is an objective value judgment of law on the basis of the value selection of law by the creditor 's outward appearance .