
jiàn jiē zhàn yǒu
  • indirect possession
  1. 论间接占有与物权立法

    Indirect Possession and Chinese Real Right Law

  2. 但是笔者认为,间接占有制度在学理上比较成熟,在大陆法系国家立法中多有体现,我国物权法制订过程中应当设定间接占有制度,以利于对间接占有人的保护。

    But I think , we should establish indirect possession system in real right law of our country in order to protect the indirect occupant .

  3. 我国物权法中应规定间接占有制度

    Indirect Possess Regulation Should be Formulated in Property Law

  4. 最后,笔者建议尊重间接占有的存在。

    Finally , the writer suggests the existence that the respect indirectly occupies .

  5. 占有的权利推定规则仅适用于自主占有人、间接占有人。

    In case of indirect possession , the presumption is applicable to the indirect possessor .

  6. 票据丧失占有,既要丧失直接占有同时也要丧失间接占有;

    Second , the loss of negotiable instrument including the loss of directly occupy to and indirectly occupy ;

  7. 间接占有是德国、瑞士及我国台湾民法典中的重要内容。

    Switzerland Indirect procession is an important regulation in the civil code of Germany , Swaziland and Taiwan .

  8. 同时将处分和间接占有排除在支配概念之外。

    At the same time , the concept of disposal and indirect possessionis excluded from the concept of domination .

  9. 无论是间接占有,还是观念交付,都缺乏客观的物质形态,并不具有物权公示的效果。

    Regardless of being indirect possession , the idea payment , lacks the objective material shape , does not have the real right public announcement effect .

  10. 对于我国的物权法是否应该确立间接占有制度,学者一直存在争论。

    As to the thing that whether the real right law of our country should establish indirect possession system , scholars have been disputed all the time .

  11. 第五部分结语:这一部分主要是总结全文并对我国有关间接占有立法进行评析以及对后续立法提出相关建议。

    Part V Conclusion : In this section , the author will make a sum-up of this paper as well as making some analysis and suggestion of possession system legislation in China .

  12. 另外,在承认间接占有这一当前经济社会中广泛存在的占有方式的基础上,承认质权之间也可以产生广泛的竞存可能。

    In addition , on the basic of admitting the indirect possession which largely exist in the economic society , the article admits that the pledge right also can bring abroad competitive-existed .

  13. 间接占有制度的确立,最大的好处是可以让间接占有人不必基于物所有权人的身份,而是以占有人的身份直接要求不法侵害占有物的第三人停止侵害并赔偿损失。

    The main advantage of establishment of indirect possession is that indirect occupant can ask the the third person to stop destroy and compensate for the losses on the basis of occupant .

  14. 其次,根据占用资金行为是否具有现实交易基础,概括出占资行为的两种方式,即直接占用公司资金和间接占有公司资金。

    Secondly , in according to whether the funds occupied has the reality of transaction , the present paper distinguishes the behaviors into two types : direct and indirect occupation of funds .

  15. 第四部分否定间接占有后相关冲突的解决:这一部分主要论述的是在不承认间接占有时,相关冲突通过其他制度的引入可以得到更好的解决。

    Part IV the Resolution to the Disputation Coming from Denying the Indirect Possession . In this section , the disputation will be solved better by introducing some other systems when denying the indirect possession .

  16. 第三部分间接占有功能之否定:在这部分中本文对间接占有的各项功能进行了一一的批判和否定,得出间接占有的这些功能早已名存实亡的结论。

    Part III Denial of Function of Indirect Possession : In this section , the author criticizes and denies all the function of indirect possession and comes to a conclusion that the function has not existed .

  17. 第一部分间接占有的历史演变:在这部分主要是考察各国立法例并得出结论,即在各国的立法例上,法律的天平更倾向于废除间接占有的一端。

    Part I the Historical Evolution of Indirect Possession : In this section the author reviews the legislation of indirect possession of kinds of countries and then draws a conclusion that abolishment of indirect possession is more adoptable .

  18. 社科院的物权法草案建议用占有合并制度来代替间接占有制度,以保护间接占有人的取得时效利益。

    Real right law draft of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences propose with occupy , amalgamate system come on to replace and occupy the system indirectly , in order to protect making prescroption interests of " indirect occupant " .

  19. 为顺应时代发展需要,在实践中逐步发展出一种以移转间接占有为前提,与传统的现实交付方式截然不同的交付手段&观念交付。

    In order to comply with the need of development of era , a kind of new way to hand over goods has appeared in practice , which is under the prerequisite of occupying indirectly and completely different with the traditional way of handing over the goods really .

  20. 在英语测试中,对词汇直接或间接的测试占有相当重要的地位。

    Vocabulary testing is an important type of English testing .

  21. 然而,却难以直接测量可占有性,因此,许多学者都通过检验各种保护方式在保护产品和工艺创新竞争优势中的有效性来间接研究可占有性。

    However , appropriability is difficult to measure directly , so many researchers have been trying to investigate it indirectly by examining the effectiveness of various means of protection .

  22. 关于主观要件问题,巨额财产来源不明罪的主观要件表现为对持有明显超过其合法收入的巨大差额财产的故意,对客体侵害的间接故意和非法占有财产的目的。

    Part four is about subjective element . This crime 's subject element is intention of possessing obviously extra legal property .