
  • 网络indirect communication
  1. 直接交往关系得以突显,间接交往关系进一步延伸;

    The direct contact relations can highlight , and the indirect contact relations obtain further extend .

  2. 中国和罗马历来被认为是古代世界上的两个超级大国,张骞的旅行为中国和罗马之间首次间接交往开辟了道路。

    His journey opened the way for what have been thought to be the first indirect contacts between the ancient world 's two superpowers , China and Rome .

  3. 第三,打工人员的生活方式日益城市化、私密化和交往圈子的扩大,间接阻碍邻里交往,削弱邻里交往意愿,疏远了邻里关系。

    Finally the urbanized and private way of life , the expansion of the circle indirectly hinder the interaction of neighborhood , weaken the will and alienate the relationship of rural neighborhood .

  4. 第一,打工人员的流动导致邻居人数的缩减,局限邻里交往对象的可选择性,间接减少邻里交往时间,进而减少了邻里互动,稀释了邻里关系。

    First of all , the movement of workers leads to a reduction in the number of neighbors 、 limits the alternative of neighbors then indirectly reduce the time between the Neighborhood , thereby reducing the interaction neighborhood and sparse the neighborhood relations .