
  • 网络Indirect effect
  1. 合同解除的溯及力,主要有四种学说,分别是直接效果说,间接效果说,折衷说,以及清算关系说。

    There are four theories of retrospective effect of termination , that direct effect theory , indirect effect theory , compromise effect theory and clearing relationship theory .

  2. 关于合同解除后是否有溯及力这一问题,理论界一直有争议,主要存在三种学说,即直接效果说、间接效果说、折衷说。

    About which , the theorists have been controversial and there are three main theories , namely that the direct effect , indirect effect that the compromise said .

  3. 干预的效果包括直接与间接效果两部分:一是治愈病人而减少的DALY损失,二是降低传染而减少的DALY损失。

    Effectiveness of intervention was composed of two aspects : direct benefits to the patient treated , and indirect benefits to others though reduced transmission of tuberculosis , and DALY is the index .

  4. 结果显示,病患的气喘知识透过提升自我照顾能力以降低疾病严重度,进而其生活品质产生显著的间接效果;

    The results of the hypothetical models indicated that knowledge had a significant indirect effect on quality of life , via the mediation of self-care behavior and disease severity .

  5. 清算关系说,弥补了直接效果说逻辑上的缺陷,比间接效果说更能实现合同解除的价值和功能,比其折衷说更有确定性。

    This theory makes up the legal defect of direct effect theory and can realize the value and function of termination of contract more effectively than indirect effect theory and is more stable than the compromise effect theory .

  6. 运用因子分析法对政策的实施效果进行了分析,得出政策实施的直接效果主要为合作社的经济效果,政策实施的间接效果主要为政策的溢出效应。

    This paper analyzes the implementation effect of the policy using factor analysis . The direct effect of policy implementation is mainly the economic effects of cooperatives , and the main indirect effect of policy implementation is the policy spillover effects .

  7. 本文对矿产品价格波动条件下采矿边际品位调整的基本理念和分析方法进行了阐述,并深入地分析了高价格高品位策略实施的制约因素和间接效果。

    The paper elucidates the basic concept and analyzing method of adjustment of cutoff grade under the fluctuation of mineral products and analyzes in depth the restricting factors and indirect effects of the implementation of high price , high grade strategy .

  8. 至于其间接作用效果,根据FDI与本地投资和人力资本的互补性程度衡量,则基本没有。

    And there is no or little indirect contribution of FDI to economic growth according to the complementary extents between FDI and local investment , human capital .

  9. 通过持续改进,不断提高企业生产效率。论文最后对实施方案进行直接和间接的效果评价。

    The rate of productivity was raised by the means of continual improving . Last , the thesis evaluated direct and indirect effect of the plan .

  10. 本文通过实证分析发现,活力型企业文化对供应链合作关系质量具有显著的积极影响,而且与关系质量的灵活性和沟通性两个子维度都有着显著的间接影响效果。

    Through the empirical analysis the thesis finds that the adhocracy culture has the remarkable forward correlation with the relationship quality and its two sub-dimensions : relationship frequency and relationship facilitation .

  11. 根据果肉厚度及肉径比对可溶性总蛋白质及干、鲜重的间接选择效果较好,但会引起可溶性总糖含量的降低。

    The effects of indirect selection for total soluble protein content and fruit dry weigh , fruit fresh weight through fruit flesh thickness and T / D were superior , but the total soluble sugar content would be decreased .

  12. 给予经融方面问题的咨询可能起到间接的治疗效果。

    Referrals to financial counseling might have indirect therapeutic value .

  13. 实施氛围不仅直接作用于实施效果,而且通过技能变量间接影响实施效果。

    Implementation climate affect implementation effect directly and indirectly by skills variable . 2 .

  14. 二是结果要素上,行政行为直接产生法律效果,而准行政行为则间接产生法律效果。

    In terms of result elements , administrative acts cause direct legal effects but quasi-administrative acts cause indirect ones .

  15. 结果表明,在选择强度相同时,利用某一性状对单株薯重进行间接选择的效果不如对单株薯重直接选择的效果好。

    The results indicated that the effect of direct selection of one character on fresh tuber weight per plant was better than that of the indirect selection on a certain character under the same selective intensity .

  16. 研究的统计结果显示组织长期认同与知学习成效之间的正向关系,以及工作循序晋升与组织长期认同者透过内部移转意愿对知学习成效所造成的间接正向影响效果。

    Our statistical results demonstrate a positive direct effect of long-term attachment link to knowledge learning effects , and two indirect positive effect linking advancement and long-term attachment through willingness to internal transfer with personal learning effects .

  17. 企业固定资产折旧提取的过程,就是固定资产价值向产品成本和经营费用转移的过程,折旧的多少,影响了企业利润,进而产生了间接抵税效果,本文就此作用作了初步分析。

    The process of depreciation extraction of enterprise fixed assets is the process of shifting the fixed assets value on product cost and operating cost . The amount of depreciation influences the profit of enterprise and has an indirect tax balance effect .

  18. 最大吸氧量直接、间接测定法的效果比较

    Comparison between the direct and indirect measurement of maximum quantity of respiratory oxygen

  19. 然而,这种间接光照的效果并不像天光那样明显。

    However , this indirect illumination will not have as much of an effect as the skylight .

  20. 准行政行为是行政主体运用职权以观念表示的方式作出的间接产生行政法律效果的行政行为,具有行政行为的预备性、中间性及阶段性等特征;

    Quasi-administrative act is defined as factual expression with indirect administrative legal force rendered by administrative bodies when exercising administrative power .

  21. 准行政行为是相对于法律性行政行为而言的一个理论概念,即指行政主体运用行政权以观念表示的方式作出的间接产生行政法律效果的行政行为。

    Quasi-administrative Conduct is a theoretical concept related to legal administrative conduct . That is , administrative subject uses the administrative authority to perform an indirect administrative legal effect .

  22. 现在言归正传,我的思维能莫名地提供给我为什么《麦克白》里的深夜叩门之声会直接或间接地产生一些效果。

    But to return from this digression , my understanding could furnish no reason why the knocking at the gate in Macbeth should produce any effect , direct or reflected .

  23. 教学内部规律主要是教学内容的间接性与教学效果的速效性的辩证统一规律、教与学的辩证统一规律;

    The internal law of teaching mainly refers to the dialectical unity of the indirectness of teaching content and the speed and efficiency of teaching effect , and the teaching and the learning ;

  24. 本文比较了用活精子、精子涂片不加固定及不同固定方法对间接免疫荧光检测效果的影响和精子抗原性保存问题。

    The influences of different treatment methods such as living spermatozoon , spermatozoa smear without fixation and different fixing methods on determination effect of immunofluorescence ( indirect method ) and the conservation of spermatozoon antigenicity are compared .

  25. 第二章分析《魔桶》中的间接引语和自由间接引语及其效果。

    The second chapter analyzes indirect speech and free indirect speech and their effects in The Magic Barrel .