
jiàn jiē dài lǐ
  • indirect agency;indirect representation
  1. 间接代理中第三人损害赔偿问题研究&兼与曾世雄教授商榷

    Study of Third Party 's Claim for Compensation in Indirect Agency

  2. 如何看待间接代理制度,显然需要进一步的理论讨论。

    It needs further academic discussions on how to look at indirect agency system .

  3. 民法代理仅包括直接代理,报关代理包括直接代理和间接代理。同时,笔者还将报关代理行为与其他类型的代理行为进行了一一比较。

    The author also compares Customs Broking with other kinds of agent .

  4. 间接代理略论论自主的学习者

    A Study of Indirect Agency On Autonomous Learner

  5. 论我国间接代理制度的设置

    On Stipulation of Indirect Representation in Our Country

  6. 关于商业间接代理制度问题的研究

    Research on the Indirect Mercantile Agency System

  7. 应将间接代理纳入代理关系的范畴;

    The concept of indirect agency should be brought into the scope of agency relation .

  8. 间接代理略论

    A Study of Indirect Agency

  9. 间接代理制度研究&以《合同法》第402条与第403条为中心

    Research on the Indirect Agency System & Centering on the Articles 402 and 403 in the Contract Law of PRC

  10. 我国的外贸代理制立法是一种混合的形式,包括直接代理和间接代理等类型。

    The legislation of Foreign Trade Agency System of our country is a mixture of Direct Representation and Indirect Representation .

  11. 间接代理制度在两大法系的差异主要表现在代理理论基础、间接代理制度设计以及制度价值取向等方面。

    The major differences lie in the theoretical foundation , the indirect representation and the value of the system construction ect .

  12. 在介绍大陆法系一般理论的基础上,分别选取大陆法系的典型国家法国、德国、日本和瑞士介绍间接代理制度在这些国家的表现。

    Introduce the general theory of civil law , select in France , Germany , Japan and Switzerland to introduce their indirect agency .

  13. 当前,应以制定《民法典》为契机,完善我国代理立法,尤其是间接代理制度。

    Formulation of Civil Code should be taken as a turning point to consummate the agency law , especially for the indirect agency system .

  14. 间接代理在传统民法中具有与直接代理完全不同的特点,两者的制度基础也存在重大差异。

    The transplant of indirect agency system to China is quite occasional , as it is shown by the legislation process of Contract Law .

  15. 国际商业代理可分为直接代理、间接代理、隐名代理,在大陆法系和英美法系下,它们各有不同特点。间接代理制度在英美法系和大陆法系的差异非常明显。

    International commercial affairs agent system can be divided into direct agent , indirect agent , and sleeping agent . They have different features under the systems of mainland , Britain and America respectively .

  16. 中国合同法借鉴了英美法经验,确立了间接代理制度,并且自设立以来倍受争议。

    In the contract law of the People 's Republic of China , the experience of the common law is utilized and the undisclosed principal is established and is disputed violently from the beginning .

  17. 间接代理,是指以自己名义为本人之计算而为法律行为,其法律效果首先对间接代理人发生,再依内部关系转移于本人的一项法律制度。

    Indirect agent , refers to as my own name and for the calculation of legal acts , the legal effect of the first occurrence of indirect agents , and then transferred to himself by the internal relations of a legal system .

  18. 通过选用公司内部治理结构指标和财务指标来间接衡量代理成本,并运用因子分析法对代理成本变量进行了分析,再运用多元线性回归分析方法来研究代理成本因素对上市公司股利政策的影响。

    The selection of indicators of internal governance structure and financial indicators to indirectly measure the agency costs . The agency costs variables were analyzed in the factor analysis . Then researching agency cost factors on the impact of dividend policy of listed companies in the multiple linear regression analysis .

  19. 现代企业理论则主要研究了契约理论、资产专用性理论、间接定价理论、代理理论、团队理论、利益相关者理论等特别着重研究了这些理论对组织变革的影响。其次对企业组织本质进行研究。

    Modern enterprise theory which make main study on contractual theory , asset specificity theory , indirect pricing theory , agent theory , team theory , stakeholder theory and so on , with particular emphasis on the impact on organizational change . Secondly , enterprise organizational nature study .