
jiàn jiē sǔn shī
  • indirect losses;consequential damages;remote damages
  1. 卡特彼勒对意外或间接损失不承担责任。强制性法律另有规定的除外。

    Caterpillar is not liable for incidental or consequential damages unless imposed under mandatory rights .

  2. 如果因违约而引起的所有间接损失都由违约方承担,必然会打击当事人从事交易活动的积极性或徒然增加交易成本,从而造成社会经济活动的停滞与资源的浪费。

    If the breaching party undertake all the consequential damages incurred by breach of contract , it will bring down the transaction activity of the parties or increase the cost of transaction , which cause the inactivity of social economy and waste of resource .

  3. 三是应赔偿全部直接损失和合理的间接损失;

    Thirdly , to complete direct damages and reasonable indirect damages ;

  4. 对其他损失或间接损失,邮政部门不承担赔偿责任。

    Posts will not compensate for other loss or indirect loss .

  5. 最后还讨论了地震间接损失的估算方法。

    Finally an evaluation method of indirect earthquake loss is also discussed .

  6. 基于健康寿命损失的事故伤残间接损失统计

    Estimation of Indirect Accidental Loss Based on Health Life Loss

  7. 给公司带来直接或间接损失。

    causing a direct or indirect loss to the organization .

  8. 论侵权的间接损失认定

    The Determination of the Consequential Loss Caused by Infringement

  9. 我们还投保间接损失险和利润损失险。

    We 're also covered against consequential loss , and loss of profits .

  10. 安全生产事故人员伤残间接损失统计研究

    Study on the Indirect Loss Statistics of Casualties Caused by Work Safety Accident

  11. 侵犯商业秘密罪中的重大损失既包括直接损失,也包括间接损失。

    The heavy loss in the commercial espionage includes direct loss and indirect loss .

  12. 这是间接损失的一个例子。

    That 's an example of consequential loss .

  13. 该责任的赔偿范围不仅包括直接损失,还应当包括间接损失。

    Scope of compensation includes not only direct losses , but also indirect losses .

  14. 在污染赔偿成本中包含了几乎所有的直接和间接损失。

    Pollution Compensation costs are included in almost all of the direct and indirect losses .

  15. 侵权损害行为所导致的间接损失的形式是多种多样的。

    The consequential loss caused by the infringing act may be various in its forms .

  16. 企业资产的损失既包括直接损失,又包括间接损失。

    The loss of an enterprise 's assets includes both direct loss and indirect loss .

  17. 不仅赔偿直接损失,还应有限度地赔偿间接损失;

    Not only compensates loses directly , but also should have the limit compensation indirect loss ;

  18. 汶川地震四川重灾区森林景观变迁及间接损失研究

    Study on Variation of Forest Landscape and Indirect Loss in Sichuan Seriously Disaster Area by Wenchuan Earthquake

  19. 被害人遭受的重大损失,应指商业秘密被侵犯后给权利人造成的实际损失,既包括直接损失也包括间接损失。

    The victim has suffered heavy losses should be the practical losses , include direct losses and indirect losses .

  20. 因而,其故障不仅对变压器本身造成损失,同时也会因变压器故障而波及电力网络,给用户造成间接损失。

    Therefore the fault damages transformer itself , affects the power system network , and brings loss to users .

  21. 由线虫造成的直接和间接损失相当严重,应给予足够的重视。

    The losses caused by root nematode directly or indirectly is heavy , it must be given enough attention .

  22. 间接损失包含人的生产力的损失以及家畜的生长速度、繁殖能力和产奶量的下降。

    Indirect costs comprised human productivity losses and the reduction in growth , fecundity and milk production in livestock .

  23. 另外,外派人员海外派遣的失败给跨国公司带来的间接损失有时可能会比其带来的直接损失要惨重得多。

    In addition , the indirect loss to the multinational corporation can be much heavier than the direct loss .

  24. 珠江三角洲生命线工程震害总体经济间接损失分析

    An analysis for indirect losses of general economics by earthquake disaster about lifeline engineerings in the Pearl River Delta Area

  25. 仅美国海岸发生的溺水事件每年造成的直接和间接损失就达2.73亿美元。

    Coastal drowning in the USA alone accounts for US $ 273 million each year in direct and indirect costs .

  26. 风险潜伏于企业经营管理活动的各个环节,不仅会给企业带来巨大的直接损失,还有可能造成无法估量的间接损失。

    Risks lurking in all aspects of production and operation , not only resulted in a direct loss of indirect losses .

  27. 由齿轮箱故障引起的机组停运事件时有发生,由此带来的直接和间接损失也越来越大。

    Wind turbine outage event caused by gearbox fault have occurred occasionally , the losses of direct and indirect are growing .

  28. 由于缺工以及生产力下降所造成的间接损失是腰背痛所致经济损失的主要部分(84%)。

    Indirect costs related to work absence and productivity losses accounted for the majority ( 84 % ) of total costs due to LBP .

  29. 我们认为,可诉求赔偿的损失包括直接损失和间接损失(可得利益损失)。

    We hold that , the losses which may be indemnified shall include direct losses and indirect losses ( losses in acquirable interests ) .

  30. 对预评估的结果进行分析,讨论了各承灾体之间的相互作用对间接损失的影响,验证模型和系统的功能。

    Through analysis of results , we discussed the interaction between the main agents and the indirect losses . Validate the model and system functions .