
yànɡ kān
  • magazine sample
  1. 每晚我都要收到样刊。

    I 'm going to start reiving the book every night .

  2. 你不能把样刊带出办公室。

    You never , ever take that book out of the office .

  3. 我的邻居,她偷了我的样刊。

    My neighbor . she 's the one who has the book .

  4. 还有一次,一本中文杂志写了一篇介绍他的文章,还通过电子邮件给他发送了样刊。文章洋洋洒洒好几页,但全部都是杜撰的。

    And the time a Chinese magazine wrote a multi-page , entirely fictitious profile of him , and then emailed him a copy .