
  • 网络Sample pretreatment;pre-treatment
  1. 超临界CO2萃取在环境样品预处理中的应用

    Application of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction in Environmental Sample Pretreatment

  2. 考察了样品预处理、背景缓冲溶液pH、十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)浓度、进样时间对苯甲酸测定过程中的富集效果的影响。

    The effects of sample pretreatment , pH in background solution , SDS concentration and injection time were investigated .

  3. 研究了精对苯二甲酸(PTA)生产污水中杂质对氨氮测定方法的影响,探讨了适合于测定该污水氨氮含量的样品预处理方法。

    This paper studied a new pretreatment sample method for determining the content of Ammine nitrogen of PTA production Sewage .

  4. 固相萃取(SPE)正是在这种情况下兴起并广泛应用的样品预处理技术。

    Solid Phase Extraction ( SPE ) rises and becomes the widely used sample pre-treatment technology in this context .

  5. 原子吸收分光光度分析中样品预处理的研究&发样中痕量锌的AAS分析

    Studies on the pretreatment for the sample in atomic absorption spectrophotometric analysis & determination of Trace Zinc in hair by AAS

  6. 结果表明利用蛋白胨琼脂培养基结合SDS化学法样品预处理可以明显提高放线菌的检出机率;

    The result showed that adopting protein agar medium after pretreatment with SDS chemical method could significantly improve the benefit of isolating actinomyces from soil .

  7. 讨论了应用超临界流体萃取法进行样品预处理时的条件选择:超临界流体的选择,列举了数种常用的超临界流体,详尽介绍了CO2的特性及其在样品预处理中的应用范围;

    Discussion on selection of sample disposal , and pre-treatment conditions while applying supercritical fluid extraction , such as : selection of SF ; characteristics of CO2 and its application to sample pre-treatment and range ;

  8. 固相微萃取(SPME)是本世纪九十年代迅速发展起来的一种新颖的无容剂样品预处理技术。

    Solid-phase microextraction ( SPME ) is a new solvent-free sample preparation which has been developed rapidly in 1990s .

  9. 用气相色谱法测定了强力生发灵甲液中的人参皂苷Re与R(g1),给出了样品预处理和样品分析的最佳条件。

    Ginseng saponins R_e , R_ ( g1 ) in China hair lotion ( CH5 + ) liquid A as the trimethylsilyl derivatives are detected by the gas chromatography and the optimal operating conditions are presented .

  10. 讨论了采用偏最小二乘法(PLS)建立校正模型过程中样品预处理及利用常规吸收峰优选波长的方法。

    The sample pre-treatment during setting up the correcting model by partial least-squares ( PLS ) and the way of optimizing wavelength according to normal absorption peak are discussed .

  11. 夹流式细胞破裂芯片具有与细胞分离芯片和脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)提取芯片相集成的潜力,可实现对复杂生物样品预处理操作,为实现微全分析系统打下良好基础。

    The sandwich-type microfluidic biochip for cell lysis potentially integrated with the biochip for cell separation and the biochip for deoxyribonucleic acid extraction could enable complete pretreatment of complex biologic samples , which can lay the foundation for realization of miniaturized total analysis system .

  12. 表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)光谱技术具有检测速度快、灵敏度高、对样品预处理要求低的优点,在有机污染物分子检测领域得到广泛应用。

    Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy ( SERS ) is an Analytical technique which has many advantages , such as : rapid detection , high sensitivity , low demand on the sample preparation .

  13. 采用微渗析取样作为样品预处理技术,与高效液相色谱电化学检测联用,建立了一种测定血中半胱氨酸(Cys)和谷胱甘肽(GSH)的新方法。

    A method to determine cysteine ( Cys ) and glutathione ( GSH ) in human blood by combination of microdialysis sampling technique with high performance liquid chromatography by electrochemical detection was proposed .

  14. 在确定实验样品预处理消解方法前,将微波法和加热法分别对样品进行消解发现,加热消解中Al、Ca、Mg等元素损失比微波消解严重。

    Before finding out the better sample digestion method , by the means of digesting samples through two different ways which are microwave digestion and heat digestion it shows that the microwave digestion is better than heat way because that the elements such as Ah Ca 、 Mg etc.

  15. 提出了HCl-H2O2微波快速消解难溶AuZr、AuAgZr合金的新方法,优化了样品预处理及EDTA滴定以测定Zr(IV)含量的条件;

    A novel method of microwave-assisted digestion with HCl-H2O2 for the difficultly dissolved gold-zirconium and gold-silver-zirconium alloys was developed . The conditions of sample pretreatment and determination of zirconium with EDTA titration were optimized . quick ;

  16. 建立了用于茶叶研究的衍生化GC-MS的方法,对预处理条件进行了全面考察和优化,确定了样品预处理方法,用70%的甲醇水溶液作为最佳提取溶剂。

    The main results were as follows : A GC-MS metabolomics method for tea analysis was established . Sample pretreatment method was developed . Extraction solvent and derivatization conditions were investigated and optimized . The optimal extraction solvent was 70 % methanol solution .

  17. 综述了基于MEMS技术的3类具有不同功能的样品预处理生物芯片,介绍了样品预处理芯片的原理、结构、分类及应用,并探讨了其发展趋势。

    It is detailed to introduce three kinds of sample pretreatment biochip with different function based on MEMS in this contribution . The principle , structure , specification , application of the sample pretreatment biochip were described . This review provides a thorough overview of the developments .

  18. 系统地讨论了大气中PAHs的研究状况,并就近年来大气中PAHs的污染状况及来源解析、采样技术、样品预处理、分离分析方法进行了详尽的阐述。

    Development on the research of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) in atmosphere is reviewed in this paper . The general situation of pollution , source analysis , sampling , pretreatment , separation and measurement of PAHs in atmosphere are discussed in detail .

  19. 从实验上科学的分析了水质样品预处理的必要性,并从理论和实践上介绍了NH3-N,总氰、苯胺&硝基苯和六价铬几种监测要素的预处理方法。

    By experiments , the importance and necessity of pretreatment of water sample has been analyzed scientifically , and pretreatment methods for monitored elements including NH_3-N , PCN , Cr ~ ( 6 + ) and Aniline-Nitrobenzene are introduced .

  20. 固相微萃取(SPME)是一种新型的样品预处理技术,由于具有操作简单、选择性高、样品量小、无需萃取溶剂等优点近些年来在分析监测中得到了飞速发展。

    Solid-phase microextraction ( SPME ) as a new sample pretreatment technology have been developed rapidly in recent years since it possesses several attractive features including simple operation , small sample volume , solventless extraction , and high sensitivity .

  21. 以甲氰菊酯为分析对象,将一种新型的样品预处理技术底物固相分散法(MSPD)应用于测定土壤中农药残留。

    The matrix solid-phase dispersion ( MSPD ) method , a newly developed sample pretreatment technique , was used to analyze the pesticide ( fenpropathrin ) residue in soil .

  22. 微流控芯片上原位聚合固相萃取样品预处理

    Sample Pretreatment by In-situ Polymerized Solid Phase Extraction on Micro-Fluidic Chip

  23. 痕量有机氯化合物分析中的样品预处理方法

    Methods of Sample Pretreatment in the Analysis of Trace Organic Chlorides

  24. 砷形态分析方法及其样品预处理技术研究进展

    Recent Development of Sample Pretreatment Techniques and Speciation Analysis for Arsenic

  25. 用于样品预处理的超声波设备的应用及进展

    Application and Trends in Ultrasonic-based Equipments for Pretreatment of Analytical Samples

  26. 方法:样品预处理采用乙腈蛋白沉淀法。

    METHOD S : Plasma samples were treated by protein precipitation .

  27. 土壤及沉积物样品预处理的新技术&微波萃取法

    A novel sample preparation method for soils and sediments microwave-assisted extraction

  28. 测定大气颗粒物中金属含量的样品预处理

    Sample pretreatment for the determination of metals in the atmospheric particle

  29. 用于定量分析类固醇雌激素内分泌干扰物的样品预处理方法

    The Sample Pretreatment Methods of Steroid Oestrogens Endocrine Disruptors in Quantitative Analysis

  30. 固相萃取是近年来发展较快的样品预处理技术。

    Solid-Phase extraction ( SPE ) is a fast-developing sample preparation technique .