
  • 网络equivalence;equivalency;equifinality
  1. 多变量PI控制器与鲁棒控制器间的等效性

    Equivalence of Multivariable PI Controller and Robust Regulator

  2. GCL与CCL复合衬垫的等效性分析

    Equivalence analysis of GCL and CCL composite liner

  3. 阿司匹林维生素C泡腾片的体内过程及生物等效性

    Relative bioavailability of effervescent tablet of aspirin-vitamin C in healthy volunteers

  4. 复方对乙酰氨基酚维生素C泡腾片人体生物等效性研究

    The clinical pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of paracetamol and Vitamin C compound effervescent tablet

  5. 目的:研究重庆科瑞制药有限公司生产的青霉素V钾片(以下称试验药)的人体生物等效性。

    Objective : To study the bioequivalence of phenoxymethylpenicillin potassium tablets .

  6. 目的:研究青霉素V钾颗粒剂在健康人体中的相对生物利用度,评价其生物等效性。

    Aim : To study the pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of penicillin ⅴ potassium in healthy volunteers .

  7. Excel在生物等效性贝叶斯法统计运算中的应用

    Application of Excel in Bayesian Statistics of Bioequivalence

  8. 着重分析了聚氯乙烯(PVC)非线性蠕变行为的时间-应力等效性。

    We focuse on studying the nonlinear creep behavior of PVC under room-temperature using the time-stress equivalence .

  9. 介绍用电子表格(Excel)编制双交叉设计的生物等效性检验分析表格的方法。

    The method to analyze 2 × 2 crossover designed bioequivalence test by EXCEL form was introduced .

  10. RP-HPLC法测定人血浆中醋酸甲羟孕酮及片剂生物等效性研究

    Determination of medroxyprogesterone acetate in human plasma by RP-HPLC and study of bioequivalence

  11. 目的建立一种HPLC检测法,以测定人体血浆中奥沙普秦的药物浓度,并对两种奥沙普秦肠溶片生物等效性进行评价。

    Aim An HPLC method was established for the study on pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of oxaprozin enteric tablet in healthy volunteers .

  12. FDA仿制药申请生物等效性数据资料提交指导原则介绍

    Interpretion of FDA guidance on submission of summary bioequivalence data for abbreviated new drug application

  13. 方法20名健康男性受试者随机交叉口服单剂量试验和参比甲钴胺片剂1500μg后,用微粒子捕捉酶免法测定血清中甲钴胺浓度,并评价2种制剂的生物等效性。

    Methods A single oral dose 1500 μ g of tested and referenced mecobalamin tablets were given to 20 healthy volunteers in a randomized cross - over .

  14. HPLC法测定茜草饮片中大叶茜草素的含量复方甘草酸苷分散片生物等效性研究

    HPLC determination of rubimaillin in Chinese herbal pieces of Radix et Rhizoma Rubiae Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of compound glycyrrhizin dispersible tablet in healthy volunteers

  15. 最后本论文利用机载雷达回波的时空等效性,提出了一种三孔径机载SAR动目标检测方法。

    At last a new method of three-antenna SAR MTD by using the equivalent space-time echoes of array antenna is proposed in this paper .

  16. 而后,证明了隧道效应与传播TE模的截止波导的等效性。

    It is been proved that the tunneling effect and propagation of TE wave in cutoff waveguide are equivalent .

  17. 目的:研究po氨糖美辛肠溶片在20名健康志愿者体内的相对生物利用度和生物等效性。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the relative bioavailability and bioequivalence of glucosamine indometacin enteric-coated tablets in 20 healthy volunteers .

  18. 对比两种P矩阵的模拟结果,说明了峰峰值耦合模方程和有效值耦合模方程分析频响的等效性。另外对频率跟随器的试验进行了分析。

    The simulated curves by the two P matrixes are compared . It is proved that the peak to peak values COM equations and the effective values COM equations are equivalent for analyzing frequency response .

  19. HPLC-MS法评价氟康唑胶囊的人体生物等效性

    Bioequivalence Assessment of Fluconazole Capsules in Human Plasma by HPLC-MS

  20. HPLC-MS法对两种尼莫地平制剂的生物等效性的研究

    Studies on bioequivalence of two nimodipine tablets in healthy volunteers by HPLC-MS

  21. 复方二甲双胍格列本脲片溶出度及生物等效性研究二甲双胍格列本脲片中两种成分的离子对HPLC法测定

    Research on Dissolution Rate and Bioequivalence of Glibenclamide and Metformin Compound Tablets ; Determination of two components in metformin hydrochloride and glibenclamide tablets by ion-pair HPLC method

  22. 目的:研究受试制剂头孢克肟干混悬剂(A)、胶囊剂(B)和参比制剂(C,头孢克肟胶囊,世福素)的人体生物等效性。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the bioequivalence of suspension formulation of cefixime ( A ), capsule formulation of ce-fixime ( B ) and reference preparation ( C : Cefixime Capsules or Cefspan ) in human body .

  23. 方法:利用Excel编制双交叉设计的生物等效性贝叶斯法分析表格,简化后验概率计算步骤。

    METHODS : The procedures of the posterior probability calculation were simplified by means of the Excel-programmed double crossover designed Bayesian statistics analytical table for bioequiavailability .

  24. 目的:对健康志愿者进行维生素E的药物动力学研究,以评价胶丸剂的生物等效性。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the pharmacokinetics of Vitamin E nicotinate in healthy volunteers and to evaluate the bioavailability of the Vitamin E nicotinate soft capsule and market Vitamin E nicotinate capsule .

  25. 本课题从Petri网的实用性着手,详细研究了Petri网的分析和化简技术,在此基础上对Petri网的原图和化简图的等效性进行了分析。

    The thesis commence on practical of Petri net , studied the analysis and simplification techniques in detail , analyzed the equivalence between original diagrams and simplified diagrams .

  26. 有缺失数据的生物等效性评价的MCMC方法

    Bioequivalence Assessment with Missing Data Using MCMC

  27. 先验概率可以根据马尔可夫随机场(MRF)和吉布斯分布(GD)的等效性,用GD的概率估计。

    The prior probability can be estimated by using the equivalence of the Markov random fields and the Gibbs Distribution ( GD ) .

  28. 我理解,MOH需要开展一项关于尼古丁贴片的生物等效性试验。

    I understand that the MOH want to conduct a Bioavailibility Test for the Nicotine Patch .

  29. 考虑塑性区修正的有效应力强度因子Ke与弹塑性J积分参量KJ在失稳扩展前保持了良好的等效性。

    The plasticity modified stress intensity factor K e and J integral were found to be equivalent in description of the crack growth on steel pipeline .

  30. 文中对网络的记忆容量和此种网络在以特定的学习方式学习后与Hopfield网络的等效性方面进行了讨论。

    The paper discusses the memory contents of the network and the equal effectivity of it compared with the Hopfield network after learning in a special learning mode .