
  1. 针对读者自发来稿、通讯员来稿和约稿这三类稿件,介绍了等、靠、要三种不同的组稿方法,以及在应用这三种方法过程中必须注意的几个问题。

    The three methods of solicit contribution in enterprise science and technology periodical are waiting , depending and asking .

  2. 薄弱学校办学不能等、靠、要,应充分利用学校现有条件,强调教育观念的革新,教学的重新设计和组织,办学潜能的充分开发,使劣质教育资源转化为优质教育资源。

    In order to convert inferior educational resources into superior ones , low-performing schools should make the most of the existing condition , lay more emphasis on the reform of educational thoughts , the redesigning and reorganizing of teaching .

  3. 谈职工医院怎样向现代化医院快速提升:(1)破除等、靠、要的思想观念,为向现代化医院提升奠定思想基础。

    It is also discussing how to advance rapidly the hospital to be a modern one - that is to throw off the idea of waiting for and begging for something from leader but constructing the ideology foundation to be a modern hospital .

  4. 随着油田主辅分离改革力度的加大,油田物业要想在激烈的市场竞争中求得生存与发展,必须转变依赖油田的等、靠、要思想。

    Along with the further reform of oilfield to separate the supplement industry from the main industry , oilfield property must change the dependent mentality of " waiting for "、" relying on " and " asking for " in order to get survival and development in intense market competition .