
  1. PAS包括三个子系统:项目管理子系统、组织级资产库管理子系统和立项管理子系统。

    PAS consists of three subsystems : the project management sub-system , organizational-level asset library management system and project management subsystem .

  2. 提出水土保持项目管理体制创新&BOT投融资管理模式,建议在废黄河流域水土保持综合治理中尝试进行BOT投融资模式的立项管理。

    An innovative idea of water and soil conservation project management is put forward - the BOT management mode , and also a suggestion is made to carry out the BOT investing and financing mode in the comprehensive treatment of water and soil conservation in the old-yellow river basin .

  3. 医学科研立项管理中的关联规则挖掘

    Association Rule 's Mining Used for Medical Scientific Research Projects Management Applications

  4. 规范油田基本建设项目立项管理

    Project Management for Regulating Oilfield Capital Construction Projects

  5. 实验室项目立项管理的研究

    Discussion on Established-Project Management in Laboratory Building

  6. 本文详细介绍了完成一个学生科研立项管理系统的设计开发思想与步骤。

    This paper introduces the students to complete a research project management system design and development ideas and steps .

  7. 在科研项目的生命周期中,使科研项目的立项管理、过程管理、验收管理构成一个完整的管理整体模型。

    During the life cycle of research programs , managing staff must integrate the program establishment , process management and testing management into a single task .

  8. 其次对项目立项管理、项目立项管理、设计过程管理、协同设计管理等进行了详细的设计,讨论了它们的详细功能及算法实现过程。

    Secondly , project management , project project management , design process management , collaborative design management carried out a detailed design , to discuss the details of their function and algorithm implementation process .

  9. 本文的研究为军工企业实施技术创新管理提供理论参考,同时为相关企业构建管理体系,技术发展路线图制定,立项管理起到一定的借鉴和参考作用。

    In the meanwhile , these studies have a certain effect on experience and reference for the relevant enterprises to set up a system of management , establish technical development route map and manage project determination .

  10. 同时科研项目立项管理工作繁重、项目评估还停留在专家手工评审、管理部门手工收集、整理汇总评估材料,不能体现气象信息化、科学化的要求。

    Heavy scientific research project management , project evaluation remains the expert manual review , the administrative department of manually collecting , collating summary assessment materials and does not reflect the requirements of the meteorological information , scientific .

  11. 科研管理是一个科研院所内部管理的核心部分,包括项目申报、立项管理、过程控制、成果管理、奖励管理、专利管理、科研经费管理等多项管理职能。

    Research management is a scientific research institutes of the core of the internal management , including project application , project management , process control , research achievements management , incentive management , patents management , science and technology funds management .

  12. 整个系统分为四个子系统,用户管理子系统、项目管理子系统、组织级资产库管理子系统、立项管理子系统,其中,用户管理子系统部分是根据使用需要增加的内容。

    The whole system is divided into four subsystems , the user management subsystem , project management subsystem , organization-level asset base management subsystem , project management subsystem . the user management subsystem is increased which based on need of the user .

  13. 同时积累经验和教训,找到适合沙区监控项目建设的有效项管理办法,并为今后在具体的工作实践当中为其它项目的立项管理和项目的验收管理工作提供借鉴和指导。

    Accumulated experience and lessons learned , to find a suitable sand control project construction zone management practices and effective items , and for my future work practice , other projects of the project management and project management provide a reference of acceptance and guidance .

  14. 在系统的设计阶段,论文主要给出了系统各功能模块的数据流图,包括项目申报管理数据流图,项目立项管理数据流图,项目合同管理数据流图,项目验收管理数据流图。

    In the design stage , the paper gives the system function modules of the data flow diagram , including project management data flow diagram reporting , project project management data flow diagram , data flow diagram project contract management , project acceptance management data flow diagram .

  15. 在科研项目立项管理中,常常需要找到相似的科研项目申请(简称科技项目查重),以避免重复立项或提高评审效率等。通过计算科技项目申请书的相似度,可以解决上述问题。

    To avoid duplicate projects and improve efficiency , in the approval management of science projects , peploe always want to find similar science projects ( Finding Duplicate Science Project for short ) . To get the similarity between different science project applications , we can solve the above problem .

  16. 医院应加强对新技术、新项目的全过程管理,从实行项目准入制度入手,强化项目的立项管理、目标管理、政策管理、常态管理、风险管理、绩效管理、成果管理和经济管理。

    It is therefore imperative for the hospital to strengthen the process management of new technologies and services , starting from the implementation of the service accession system and focusing on the management of service establishment , goals , strategies , normalcy , risks , performances , results and economy .

  17. 把握物理化学研究前沿,完善科学基金重点项目领域立项与管理工作

    Improving the Management of NSFC-sponsored Key Programs for Research into the Frontiers of Physical Chemistry

  18. 高校科研课题的立项与管理浅议

    A Talk About the Setting up and the Administration of the Research Items in Colleges and Universities

  19. 对延边参与西部大开发项目选择、立项及管理的思考

    Reflections on Project Choice , Project Establishment and Project Management For Yanbian 's Participation in Development of Western China

  20. 申报用户通过项目申报模块申报项目后,项目管理员可通过后台对项目进行审核、立项等管理。

    Declare user through the project declaration module declares project , project managers through the backstage to project review , project management .

  21. 根据项目管理的周期理论,把横向科研项目的管理可分为立项阶段管理、实施过程管理、验收阶段管理和项目结题阶段管理。

    According to the cycle theory in project management , TRP can be divided into the phases of project approval , implementation , acceptance and accomplishment of the project .

  22. 科研项目立项评审智能管理系统

    Intelligent Management System for Evaluation of Science Research Projects

  23. 这将有益于测绘项目的立项申报及管理。

    It is useful for application and management of project of surveying and mapping .

  24. 分析项目设计、谈判、立项阶段的管理工作,完成项目实施进度计划。

    This part analyzes project design , project negotiation , stage management , and makes up the project schedule .

  25. 目前科研经费的使用和管理上监督弱化,重立项、轻管理的现象较为普遍。

    At present the use and management of research fund was monitoring weakened , the phenomenon of stressing item and overlooking management was general .

  26. 加强机制创新,强化立项、购置管理,调动实验人员的积极性,是提高大型精密仪器使用效益的重要措施。

    We should strengthen the mechanism creation , improve the management for purchasing and give full play to the experimental staff to improve the efficiency in using large precision instruments .

  27. 基于模糊系统、神经网络、遗传算法和粗糙集等软计算的协作技术,建立了科研项目的立项评审智能管理系统。

    Intelligent management systems for evaluation of science research projects based on synergetics of soft computing that is the technology integrated with fuzzy systems , neural networks , genetic algorithms and rough sets is introduced .

  28. 科技计划项目管理系统提供对目前地市科技管理部门管理的科技计划项目从申报、立项、实施管理、验收、后期追踪的全过程管理。具有查询、打印、统计分析等功能。

    The management system will provide a full-process supervision towards the projects directed by the scientific and technological administrative department including declaration , establishment , with the function of requiring , typing , statistic and analyzing , etc.

  29. 采取完全随机抽样的方法,调查曙光医院承担过科研课题的负责人75名,调查内容包括调查对象的基本情况、对科研课题立项、过程管理、结题管理以及管理理念、方式的看法等。

    Investigating 75 people in charge of scientific research projects in ShuGuang hospital by the way of random-sampling survey about basic information of subjects and opinions on project approval , process management , management of checking , concept of management , method , etc.3 .

  30. 世界银行贷款项目业主立项决策阶段的管理

    Client 's Management to World Bank Financed Project during Project Preparation Stage