
  • 网络tent card
  1. 对建档立卡贫困户搞产业缺启动资金的,提供扶贫小额信贷支持,5万元以下、三年以内,免担保、免抵押。

    It ensures officially registered poverty-stricken households get a three-year loan of up to 50000 yuan for their start-ups without any guarantee or mortgage .

  2. 根据工信部印发的推进网络扶贫实施方案,到2020年,全国12.29万个建档立卡贫困村宽带网络覆盖比例将超过98%。

    More than 98 % of China 's 122900 registered poor villages will have access to the internet by 2020 , according to a plan for internet poverty reduction published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology .