
lì zhì
  • be determined to;be determined;resolve;be bent to;make up one's mind;aim to do sth.
立志 [lì zhì]
  • [aim to do sth.;be bent to;be determined to; make up one's mind] 立下志愿,树定志向

  • 立志改革

立志[lì zhì]
  1. 反省:重新立志,一生心存感恩,并一生为他人舍己服事。

    Reflection : Renew your resolve to serve others with a thankful heart this lifetime .

  2. 他立志要在而立之年以前攒够100万美元。

    It was his ambition to accumulate a million dollars before he turned thirty

  3. 这是劝诫立志成为小说家者“不要丢了正业”的一种温和方式。

    It 's a kind way of telling aspiring novelists , ' Don 't give up the day job ' .

  4. 他立志要当一名宇航员。

    He is determined to become an astronaut .

  5. 哈利立志做一名医生。

    Harry aims at becoming a doctor .

  6. 她立志成为一个物理学家。

    She designs to become a physicist .

  7. 他立志要在这个夏天减肥。

    He trained his sights on losing weight over the summer .

  8. 若立志高远,则成果卓著。

    If you set your sights high you will achieve a lot more .

  9. 受褚嬴影响,时光也逐渐找到自己的梦想,立志成为一名围棋高手。

    Influenced by Chu , the boy gradually finds his passion and dedicates himself to becoming a master player .

  10. 我会被训练成一名航空电子专家,这是一个主要由男性统治的维护领域,所以我立志要成为最优秀的,我被自己的雄心壮志搞得心烦意乱,根本无暇顾及自己的直觉。

    I was training to be an avionics specialist , a primarily male-dominated field of maintenance and therefore I was always on guard trying to be the best and not be any less than that . So I was naturally distracted by my goals and not in touch with my normal sense of intuition .

  11. 拿到哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)的工商管理硕士(MBA)后,自己就立志要成为创建数码时尚产业的第一人。

    I had an MBA from Columbia University and was determined to be the first to construct a digital fashion industry .

  12. 解决方式有许多:俄勒冈州的参议院罗恩o怀登最近表示,支持“立志法案”(ASPIREAct,TheAmericaSavingforPersonalInvestment,Retirement,andEducationAct)中提到的给全体儿童设立储蓄账户的提议。

    There are multiple ways : Senator Ron Wyden ( D-Ore. ) has recently voiced his support for a universal savings accounts for children , modeled on the ASPIRE Act .

  13. 他参与了广受欢迎的中国版《飞黄腾达》(TheApprentice)节目,给那些立志要像他一样的企业家们提供建议。

    He stars in a popular Chinese version of'The Apprentice , 'in which he dispenses advice to entrepreneurs who aspire to be like him .

  14. 立志成为专业的K-GOLD首饰制造、批发商。

    Determined to become a professional K-GOLD jewellery manufacturer , wholesaler .

  15. Truss表示:作为我们长期经济计划的一部分,我们立志提高学校的教育水平让年轻人学到他们得以立足的技能。

    Mrs Truss said : As part of our long term economic plan , we are determined to drive up standards in our schools and give our young people the skills they need to succeed in the global race .

  16. 尽管LPP可能是核能创业公司中唯一一个靠众筹来拉资金的公司,但它也像它的小兄弟们一样,立志要把死气沉沉的核能行业搅得风生水起。

    While LPP might be the only crowdfunded member of the group , it is determined like its young peers to shake up the staid nuclear industry .

  17. 现在,摆脱合作伙伴后,索尼的首席执行长平井一夫(KazuoHirai)立志要将智能手机发展为索尼的一大支柱业务。

    No longer bound to that partnership , Sony Chief Executive Kazuo Hirai has pledged to make smartphones a pillar of its business .

  18. 圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)曾说过,如果中国和印度立志学习西方的消费文化,两国人民将像蝗虫般迅速将世界掠夺一空。

    Mahatma Gandhi once said that if China and India were to aspire to a western-style consumer culture , their citizens would quickly strip the earth bare like locusts .

  19. 我的选择就是要做一个技术熟练的开发人员还是成为一名经理,而我从来没有想要成为一名经理&至少没想成为一名拥有MBA学位并立志成为业内领军人的经理。

    The choice was to be a journeyman developer or become a manager , and I 've never wanted to be a manager & at least not a manager who went for an MBA and had ambitions to be a captain of industry .

  20. “DECOLOR”提倡科学健康的性行为,所有DECOLOR人立志为全人类健康、安全、快乐的性生活而不懈努力。

    " DECOLOR " To promote healthy sexual practices of science , people all determined to DECOLOR Of all mankind health , safety , and happy sex life and make unremitting efforts .

  21. 德国生产工程研究会(WGP)立志改革工程教学,以改变德国优秀工程人员短缺的状况。

    The German Academic Society for Production Engineering ( WGP ) has the aim to reform engineering studies , in order to counteract the existing shortage of well-trained engineers in Germany .

  22. 千千万万的年轻球手立志要想成为象他那样的英雄。

    And thousands of young players aspire to be like him .

  23. 我立志要在班里做优秀的学生。

    I aim to be a top student in our class .

  24. 他们立志把自己全部献身于这项任务。

    They are willing to wholly devote themselves to the task .

  25. 他年轻时立志当一名漫画家。

    As a youth , he chose to be a cartoonist .

  26. 从立德、立志及艺术修养三个方面进行论述。

    From establishment of morality and to discuss the two aspects .

  27. 另一个方面从立志方面阐述谢枋得的作家观。

    Another aspect to elaborate from the Xie Fang writers view .

  28. 立志说:熊十力的阐释态度论&熊十力阐释思想研究之一

    Theory of Aspiration : Xiong Shi-li 's Thought On Hermeneutical Attitude

  29. 她立志攀登事业的顶峰。

    She was aiming for the top in her career .

  30. 信靠它!在基督里重新立志信靠。

    Trust it and put your faith afresh in Christ .