
yuán zhǎnɡ
  • Principal;sb. in charge of a garden/park/etc.
  1. 在对B幼儿园进行了个案研究的基础上,研究者对园长应如何走向道德领导总结了三点归纳性建议,并对自己的研究方法进行了反思。

    Based on the case study in B kindergarten , the researcher summarizes three suggestions about how to head for moral leadership by the kindergarten head . And the researcher ponders the research method .

  2. 动物园园长丹尼斯W凯利上周来到中国协商新的熊猫租借方案来代替在12月6号到期的一千万租借大熊猫十年的租约。

    Zoo Director Dennis W. Kelly was in China last week seeking to negotiate a new panda arrangement to replace the 10-year , $ 10 million lease that expired Dec. 6 .

  3. 动物园园长当时说Arturo实在太老了,不能被安全的运送。

    The zoo director at the time said Arturo was too old to be safely moved .

  4. 黑猩猩乐园的园长兼首席执行官凯茜·威利斯·斯普雷茨(CathyWillisSpraetz)在电子邮件中表示,该保护区有立即接收25只黑猩猩的空间,还打算为2016年初再接收25只安排地方。

    Cathy Willis Spraetz , the president and chief executive of Chimp Haven , said in an email that the sanctuary had space to take 25 chimps immediately and planned to make space for 25 more in early 2016 .

  5. 幼稚园园长;持续专业发展;专业能力。

    Kindergarten director ; Continuing professional development ; Professional competence .

  6. 新任命了一位幼儿园园长。

    The school has a new director of the kindergarten .

  7. 苏北农村幼儿园园长心理健康的调查分析

    A Survey on the Preschool Principals ′ Mental Health in Northern Rural Jiangsu

  8. 教师对园长信任度的调查分析

    An Analysis of Survey on Kindergarten Teachers ' Trust Degree to the Principal

  9. 身为幼儿园园长的他,对付小孩子可谓是他的专长了。

    As a kindergarten director , he is really good at dealing with kids .

  10. 卡罗勒斯·克鲁西乌斯在16世纪末担任这花园的首任园长。

    Carolus Clusius was the first director for this garden in the late 1500s .

  11. 主持人:谢谢园长。

    Compere : Thanks to our principal .

  12. 本地动物园的园长说三只猴子从动物园逃走了。

    The director of the local zoo says that three monkeys escape from the zoo .

  13. 上海市幼儿园园长危机管理的意识和行为研究

    On the Consciousness and Action of the Head of Kindergartens ' Crisis Management in Shanghai

  14. 该公园园长有一个远大的目标。

    The park owners have lofty goals .

  15. 纪念园园长哈里·约翰逊解释他们为什么选一名中国雕塑家来进行这项艺术创作。

    Museum President Harry Johnson explains why a Chinese sculptor was picked to create the statue .

  16. 幼儿园园长的声音十分威严,所以大家都听她的话。

    The head of the kindergarten has such a commanding voice that everyone there obeys her .

  17. 直到伊甸园长出第一颗菩提,我们才学会孤寂。

    Until the Eden principle 's the first bodhi , our ability and learning will be lonely .

  18. 其次,园长的专业素质与管理水平等对幼儿教师专业化水平也有一定的影响。

    Secondly , the speciality capability and management level of the kindergarten 's head also affect it .

  19. 众所周知,要办好一所幼儿园,教师是基础,园长是关键。

    As we all know , teacher is the foundation and principal is the key for running a kindergarten .

  20. 这个“吸管套圈”的游戏真有趣,看,各位园长玩得多投入。

    This Straw game was so interesting . Look , all of the principals and teachers were so participative .

  21. 幼儿园园长认为,这样的拼养活动考验的不止是孩子,还有父母。

    The headmaster of the kindergarten believes such pooling activities test not only children , but also the parents .

  22. 本片导演是刚刚执导了《动物园长的夫人》的尼克?卡罗。

    Niki Caro , who most recently helmed " The Zookeeper 's Wife , " will helm the project .

  23. 提高园长的专业素质与管理水平,促进教师专业化发展;

    Improving speciality capability and management level of the kindergarten 's head , advancing specialization of infant teacher of infant ;

  24. 公园园长韩国林解释了为什么他决定把这些公交车装扮成这样。

    Guolin Han , president of the park , explained why he decided the buses were the way to go .

  25. 基于此,本研究对园长的培训问题进行了深入地探讨。

    This paper makes research on the training issues over the principals of kindergarten standing on the point of position competency .

  26. “这台大象跑步机看上去就是普通跑步机的超大版。”阿拉斯加动物园副园长帕特里克·兰皮说。

    " It looks just like a big people treadmill ," said Patrick Lampi , assistant director of the Alaska Zoo .

  27. 问卷主要从两个维度即意识和行为维度,对园长危机管理的现状进行调查研究。

    The questionnaire mainly investigates the status quo of kindergarten crises management from two perspectives , namely , consciousness and action .

  28. 更新观念:革新民办幼儿园园长的权力观、领导观与教师观。

    To update the concept : Innovation of private kindergarten principals ' power view , view and the view of teacher leadership .

  29. 动物园园长再三道歉,并亲自给佩妮姨妈泡了一杯加糖的浓茶。

    The zoo director himself made Aunt Petunia a cup of strong , sweet tea while he apologized over and over again .

  30. 妈妈曾是一位优秀的幼儿园园长,在我小时候就重视培养我全面发展。

    Mather once was a competent head of a kindergarten , she stressed to cultivate me with every respect when I was young .