
  • 网络garden space
  1. 浅谈园林空间及其处理中的材料运用

    On the Landscape Garden Space and the Material Used to Decorate it

  2. 太原市学府公园园林空间与游人行为活动初探

    On exploration for garden space and tourist behavior activities in Xuefu garden of Taiyuan

  3. 厕所由建筑师藤本壮介(SouFujimoto)设计,是个共200平米的园林空间,抬头能看到天空,周围是一排排花盆。

    Designed by architect Sou Fujimoto , it is a 200 square meter landscaped space where the sky is above you and you are surrounded by rows of flower boxes .

  4. 亮点在厕所隔间。厕所由建筑师藤本壮介(SouFujimoto)设计,是个共200平米的园林空间,抬头能看到天空,周围是一排排花盆。

    The star is the " stall . " Designed by architect Sou Fujimoto , it is a 200 square meter landscaped space where the sky is above you and you are surrounded by rows of flower boxes .

  5. 传统的现代&江南园林空间遐思

    The Modern Tradition & Pondering on the Gardens of South China

  6. 现代园林空间设计中的一些问题

    Some Personal Views on the Design of Modern Gardens in China

  7. 中国古典园林空间构形及可理解度之量化分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Space Configuration and Intelligibility in Chinese Traditional Garden

  8. 苏州古典园林空间分析及其现代空间表现

    The Space Analysis and Modern Expression of Suzhou Classical Garden

  9. 实体与表现&中国古典园林空间意识与实体要素

    Entity and display ─ Entity elements and space consciousness of Chinese Classical Garden

  10. 论佛寺园林空间构成&以普陀山普济寺、法雨寺、慧济寺三大寺为例

    Analysis on Space Construction at Gardens of Temples

  11. 现代建筑空间与中国传统庭院、园林空间的潜在关联

    The Potential Relationship between Modern Architectural Space and Traditional Yard and Garden of China

  12. 论苏州园林空间的艺术特征

    The Space Artistic Characteristics of Suzhou Classical Gardens

  13. 园林空间的质量直接影响着园林的景观效果。

    The quality of the landscape garden space has a direct effect on the landscape .

  14. 关于园林空间的思考

    Thoughts on Landscape Design

  15. 园林空间与雕塑&以包头南海景区北入口广场设计为例

    Landscape Architecture and Sculpture & Case Study of the Design of Northern Entrance Square of Baotou Nanhai Lake Park

  16. 探讨如何在一个狭长且为纵向的微尺度空间中,通过现代的设计手法,营造形散神聚的园林空间。

    The paper discusses about how to create a beautiful garden space in a small and long space with modern designing skills .

  17. 内部空间对苏州传统园林空间布局的鉴戒,使得空间具有传统中式布局特色;

    Inside space sums up drawing lessons to Suzhou tradition gardens spatial distribution mainly , has the tradition Chinese style space characteristic ;

  18. 本文试图通过对网师园的空间分析来解释园林空间的构成和复杂性的缘由,总结出园林空间的特征。

    Through the space analysis of Master-of-Nets Garden , the paper trys to explain the space constitution and the reason of its complicacy .

  19. 园路既是引导人赏景,又可以增加园林空间,丰富园林景观。

    Garden road not only guide people to admire the scenery , but also increase the space of garden and enrich the scenic spots of park .

  20. 论文通过对其的深入研究,补充与完善了园林空间理论体系,促使其设计方法的不断更新、完善。

    Through this in-depth study , we complement and improve the theoretical system of landscape garden space , and prompt its design method becoming more updating and perfect .

  21. 目前国内景观设计师过于追求景观功能和形式而忽略对园林空间意境的创造,致使现代景观徒有其表,缺乏意境。

    Nowadays , seeking effect and form of the landscape while ignoring the creating for poetic imagery of Garden space , which cause the modern landscape without artistic conception .

  22. 上篇为空间分析,从对江南私家园林空间的切身感受出发,探讨其整体性生成的内在机制。

    The first part is about space analysis , at the beginning , characterize the space felling of private garden , researches on the mechanism how wholeness come into being .

  23. 本文主要分析了园林空间设计与艺术的关系,并论述了园林空间中视觉因素在体现园林空间艺术性中的作用和意义。

    The paper mainly analyzes relations between the garden space design and art , and discusses the function and meaning of the garden space visual factors in the garden space artistry .

  24. 过渡空间将是我国园林空间设计的一个重要发展模式,对其的运用将会越来越广泛和普遍。

    Transition Space will be the design of our garden space as an important mode of development , and the utility of the landscape architecture will become more and more extensive and widespread .

  25. 几千年来,墙被不断注入丰富的内涵,取得了极高的艺术成就,在景观园林空间特色的形成中占据着不可替代的地位,是景观园林中简练而有神的一笔。

    For thousands of years , walls have been constantly infused with rich connotation , and achieved high artistic achievement , which play an irreplaceable role in the formation of garden space characteristic .

  26. 主要从传统二维绘图和计算机三维形态生成两个方面,探讨了计算机三维形态生成在风景园林空间设施方案构思中的影响,以及由此带来的设计方法和观念的变革。

    This article , from the viewpoint of traditional two-dimensional drawing and computer-assisted three-dimensional morphological formation , discusses the impact of computer-assisted three-dimensional morphological formation on landscape space facilities design as well as the reform in design method and conception .

  27. 分析规划更加适合日照地区的观光茶园的功能分区、道路系统与旅游体系的构建;努力营造茶文化和地域文化氛围浓郁的自然的生态的独特的可持续的园林空间。

    Analysis and planning is more suitable for tea tourism Rizhao area functional zoning , road system and travel System ; strive to create a regional culture of tea culture and rich natural ecology of the unique and sustainable garden space .

  28. 同时,又以现代园林空间文化特征为标准,筛选提炼出古典园林空间文化元素,进一步对其进行适应性的改良,加入新的现代设计元素,使之对现代园林具有更大的借鉴意义。

    Meanwhile , standard on the modern landscape architecture space culture , refined the elements of Chinese classical garden space culture , made adaptation improvement , added new modern design elements to make it more relevant to the modern landscape architecture .

  29. 文章主要从“保护先人生态文化遗产、营造现代园林空间、重置温馨养生居室、爱护环境从我做起”四个方面,对新时期生态文化建设进行思考。

    An inquiry is made into the cultivation of ecological culture in the new era in terms of conserving the cultural heritages of our ancestors , creating modern gardening space , rebuilding pleasing and comfortable living quarters , and protecting our natural environment .

  30. 中国古典园林的空间创造具有明显的民族文化特征。

    Chinese classical gardens display very distinctive national and cultural features .