
  • 网络Summer Palace;The Summer Palace in Beijing;Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden in Beijing
  1. 北京颐和园西堤古柳组织培养体系的建立

    Tissue Culture Technique of Ancient Willows from the Summer Palace , Beijing

  2. 如果他们做到了这些,我将很乐意亲自动身,带上这两件中国青铜兽首,把它们送回北京颐和园。

    If they do that , I would be very happy to go myself and bring these two Chinese heads to put them in the Summer Palace in Beijing .

  3. 基于时间地理学的景区旅游者时空行为模式研究&以北京颐和园为例

    A Study on Temporal-Spatial Behavior Pattern of Tourists Based on Time-Geography Science & A Case Study of Summer Palace , Beijing

  4. 北京市颐和园野生高等植物调查

    An Investigation on the Wild Higher Plants of the Summer Palace in Beijing

  5. 以北京的颐和园为例。

    Take the Summer Palace in Beijing for example .

  6. 位于北京的颐和园是皇家园林的代表。

    The Summer Palace , located in Beijing , is the representative of royal gardens .

  7. 位于北京西郊的颐和园是中国最好的古代园林。

    The Summer Palace , featuring the best of China 's ancient gardens , is located in the western suburbs of Beijing .

  8. 圆明园坐落在北京西郊,与颐和园紧相毗邻。

    Yuan Ming ' Yuan , located on the western outskirts of Beijing , is adjacentto the Summer Palace .

  9. 这条路线包括北京的故宫和颐和园,西安兵马俑和壮族聚居的平安村。

    The itinerary includes the Forbidden City and Summer Palace in Beijing , the Terracotta Warriors in Xi ' an and Ping ' an Village , inhabited by the Zhuang ethnic group .