
yuán qū
  • park;territory/area of a garden/park/etc.
  1. 如果你得不到任何赔偿,向园区所有者投诉。

    If you can 't get any satisfaction , complain to the park owner .

  2. 因为是在创业园区,非食品类产品的税率是3.5%,而不是通常的7%。

    Because it is in an enterprise zone , taxes on non-food items are 3.5 % instead of the usual 7 % .

  3. 首钢园位于北京市石景山区,曾经是一处空置的工业园区,如今是北京市的一个城市新地标。

    Apart from the traditional venue , once a vacated industrial site in Shijingshan district , Beijing .

  4. 产业孵化器与研究和技术园区不同,旨在帮助创业公司和成立初期的公司。

    Business incubators differ from research and technology parks in their dedication1 to startup and early-stage companies .

  5. 高新技术区指的是有大量高技术人员居住的高档且配套完善的郊区或城镇。居民受雇于附近的办公园区,园区中多是高新技术产业。

    Nerdistan is an upscale and largely self-contained suburb or town with a large population of high-tech1 workers employed in nearby office parks that are dominated by high-tech industries .

  6. 研究和技术园区倾向于大规模的项目,其中有企业,政府或学校的实验室,以及小规模的公司等等。

    Research and technology parks , on the other hand , tend to be large-scale projects that house everything from corporate2 , government or university labs to very small companies .

  7. 南奥兰治县就是典型的高新技术区,有大量新建、且非常高档的办公园区,通过收费公路网连接起来,还将建设高速公路。封闭社区中居住的几乎都是受过大学教育的专业人士和技术人员。

    South Orange County is a classic nerdistan -- largely newly built , almost entirely2 upscale office parks , connected by a network of toll3 roads and superhighways to planned , often gated communities inhabited almost entirely by college educated professionals and technicians .

  8. 基于GIS的农业科技示范园区土壤和土地资源管理研究

    Soil and land resource management using GIS in the agricultural demonstration zone

  9. 基于GIS的丰都三合水土保持生态园区土壤侵蚀危险性评价

    Assessment on Danger of Soil Erosion in Sanhe Ecological Orchard Based on GIS

  10. 园区网环境中部署P2P网络的关键技术探讨

    A study of key technology on deploying P2P system in campus network

  11. 基于PKI的园区网络安全系统平台设计

    Design on a PKI Based Security System Platform for Campus Networks

  12. 利用ACL技术对园区网络实现精细化控制

    Drawing upon ACL to Realize Finely Garden Area Network Control

  13. 园区网部署VoIP新思路

    A New Way VoIP Disposition in LAN

  14. 运用GIS技术研究浙江省衢县白水畈农业科技示范园区土壤肥力状况及其空间分布变异。

    The soil fertility status and their spatial variability in Baishuifan agricultural demonstration zone were studied by application of geographic information system ( GIS ) .

  15. 简析ERP发展进程及在我国的实施途径生态工业园区建设中的耦合问题及其实施途径研究


  16. 北大园区室内挥发性有机物(VOCs)的研究

    The Research of Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOCs ) in the Buildings of Peking University Campus

  17. 介绍了网络性能测试的现状、性能指标,通过对园区网络连接Internet的速度测试,分析网络流量规律。

    Firstly , we gave the status and metrics of network performance measure . Secondly , through the Internet connection speed test from campus network , we analyzed the network traffic laws . ( 3 ) The characteristics of campus network traffic were analyzed .

  18. 在园区网上我们采用了最新的MPEG-4编解码技术对音视频进行压缩,较好的解决了有限成本前提下码流大小与媒体质量的平衡问题。

    We compress the AV media with the MPEG-4 on the campus network and commendably solve the balance problem between bit rate size and media quality under the limited cost .

  19. 因此,我们利用802.1x协议的优点与特性,成功的应用在我院家属区宽带园区网建设中,为今后后续网络建设打下了良好的基础。

    For the virtue of 802.1x protocol , we used it in the local network of our dormitory area and laid a good foundation for subsequent network constrction .

  20. 本论文探讨了生态工业园区的建设理论与国内外的建设实践,结合作者参与的两个EIP规划研究项目,对生态工业园区的代谢分析、共生分析和集成三个方面展开研究。

    This dissertation discusses the constructing theory and practice home and abroad , combining the two planning items , aims to research the metabolize analysis , symbiosis analysis and integration .

  21. 从空间特性的角度对高教园区中教育资源的种类和分布进行了分析,提出应用GIS的地图可视化和空间分析的方法来展示和管理教育资源,为园区来访者和园区管理者服务。

    It analyzes the categories and distribution of education resource in college district from the perspective of spatial characteristic , and suggests using GIS 's visual mapping and spatial analyzing capability to lay out and manage education resource in order to serve the need of campus visitors and administrators ;

  22. 园区经济五项指标的GM模型为园区经济发展规划提出了量化依据,模型的拟合精度满足要求。

    That is an actuality way with the dynamic analysis and outlook . The five GM models of THIP area economic indexes would support the economic development planning of THIP in quantificational basis . The models intend to match the accuracy of the requirements .

  23. 基于构建好的指标体系,提出了AHP-灰色关联分析评价模型,即采用AHP法确定指标权重,采用灰色关联分析法动态评价园区可持续发展水平。

    Based on the built index system , the paper proposes an AHP-grey relation analysis evaluation model , which adopts the AHP method to determine index weight , and uses grey relation analysis method to evaluate the sustainable development level of a park dynamically .

  24. 为了解北京大学园区室内空气质量,对园区不同类型房屋内CO、CO2与NMHC(非甲烷烃)浓度进行测定。

    To explore the indoor air quality of Peking university , the concentrations of carbon monoxide ( CO ), carbon dioxide ( CO 2 ) and non methane hydrocarbons ( NMHC ) in the indoor air were measured in different types of rooms of Peking university .

  25. 上海化学工业区(SCIP)秉承绿色经济循环经济的理念,在大力发展经济的同时,也致力于环境保护工作,而位于化工园区内占地22公顷的人工湿则是这一工作的重要体现。

    Shanghai Chemical Industry Park ( SCIP ) adhering to the concept of " green economy " and " circular economy " . It committed to environmental protection , while developing the economy vigorously , and 22 hectares of constructed wetlands in SCIP is an important manifestation of this work .

  26. 从数字园区、数字政府到数字海淀

    A Course from Digital Park , Digital Government to Digital Haidian

  27. 2010年上海世博会园区游客步行交通需求分析

    Walking Transport Demand Forecasting of Visitors in the 2010'Shanghai Expo Arena

  28. 影响园区功能定位、产业选择的主要因素;

    The influence factors of park function orientation and industry choice ;

  29. 农业科技园区发展的动力机制初探

    On Dynamic Mechanism of the Development of Regions for Hi-tech Agriculture

  30. 港口物流园区建设风险分析与评估

    Risks Analysis and Evaluation of Harbor Logistics Park ′ s Construction