
  1. 他们说每组的优胜队相互之间要打七场比赛以决胜负。去年决赛中,市队与联队交锋,市队获胜。

    They say that the top teams in each group play off seven games against each other . City met United in the final last year , and City won .

  2. 康复之后我很想打球,但队医坚持他的老一套,头头是道地说我每场只能打七分钟,而我每天都会训练两小时——我可不管这些算术上的问题。

    And when I came back I want to play . The doctor came with his old theory that you can play only seven minutes a game , but I am practicing two hours a day . I am saying , well , I don 't agree with that math .

  3. 在过去的六天时间里,塞雷娜·威廉姆斯打了七场比赛,在单双打中均晋级四分之一决赛。

    Serena Williams has played seven matches in past six days in reaching the quarterfinals in singles and doubles .

  4. 第二年我打了七场就伤了脚,错过了65场比赛。

    The next year when I came back I broke my foot ; I was out of 65 games .

  5. 钱德勒:但是我们有六个人,所以我们只需要被打到七次。

    Chandler : Yes but there 's six of us so we 'd only have to get struck 7 times .

  6. 显然,勇士不想回达拉斯打第七场,因为那样会对小牛很有利。

    Obviously , the Warriors don 't want to come back to Dallas for a seventh game , which would heavily favor the Mavericks .

  7. 当然,雄鹿队有几场比赛表现不太好,但是愤怒的字母哥在第五场比赛后回到更衣室里就向球迷们担保了,这个系列赛将会回到密尔沃基打第七场比赛。

    Sure , the Bucks haven 't been great for a couple games , but an angry Giannis virtually guaranteed in the locker room after Game 5 that this series will come back to Milwaukee for a Game 7 .

  8. 根据预测,下一周绝对正常兽就会开始他们惯常的迁徙,那时整个村子都将再次陷入狂热:大家狩猎,在几千头隆隆而过的野兽中杀掉大约六打甚至七打。

    Next week it was anticipated that the Perfectly Normal Beasts would appear again for their regular migration , whereupon the whole village would once again be plunged into frenetic action : hunting the Beasts , killing perhaps six , maybe even seven dozen of the thousands that thundered past .

  9. 把这报告打成一式七分。

    Type the report in septuplicate .

  10. 这支球队在今年的季后赛中,在没有一个超级巨星的情况下,与全实力的勇士还差一点打了抢七。

    This is a team that took two games off the full-strength Warriors in this year 's playoffs without a single superstar .