
dǎ mó
  • polish;sanding;burnish;rub-down;shine;make smooth
打磨 [dǎ mó]
  • [make smooth;polish;shine;burnish] 磨或擦器物表面,使光滑精致

打磨[dǎ mó]
  1. 该工具系统能工作于300m以浅的海域,完成水下钢缆切断、船体和水下结构物表面的清刷、打磨等工作。

    The tool system can be operated in the sea no deeper than 300 meters . It can be used to cut underwater wire rope and to clear and polish the surfaces of hull and underwater structures .

  2. 当然,它还需一些打磨。

    It can still use a little polish , of course .

  3. 你可能得用玻璃砂纸打磨一下地板。

    You may need to give the floor a rub-down with glasspaper .

  4. 用砂纸打磨表面,然后再上油漆。

    Rub the surface with sandpaper before painting .

  5. 打磨木头的表面,为刷清漆做准备。

    Rub the surface of the wood in preparation for the varnish

  6. 他们开始工作,用砂纸把木制品打磨平滑。

    They were settling to their work , rubbing down the woodwork with sandpaper .

  7. 在上清漆前,要彻底打磨这扇门并把尘土清洗掉。

    Rub down the door and wash off the dust before applying the varnish .

  8. 用砂纸仔细而轻柔地打磨表面。

    Sand the surface softly and carefully .

  9. 这个房间和餐厅的木地板都已经被刮除涂层并进行了打磨上蜡。

    The floorboards in both this room and the dining room have been stripped , sanded and sealed .

  10. 这木料上到处是凹坑,需用砂纸打磨一下。

    The wood is full of pits and needs sanding .

  11. 如果采用火焰气刨,则应将其打磨至可见光亮的金属表面

    If back-gouging is applied , grinding to bright metal is required .

  12. 经过八年的演技打磨,胡先煦最终获得了出演《棋魂》主角的机会。

    Hu won the chance to play the protagonist3 of Hikaru No Go after an eight-year acting endeavor .

  13. “Simplicity”经常被认为是终极的正装表以及高级钟表打磨技术的基准。

    The Simplicity is always regarded as the ultimate dress watch and as a benchmark in terms of finishing .

  14. Y以及Z轴导轨经由淬火处理打磨而成,内置有螺纹。

    X , Y , Z Axis guides at recirculating rollers on hardened and ground guides , inserted with screws .

  15. 基于PMAC打磨机进给伺服系统的研究

    Study on Servo Feed System of Chip Grinder Based on PMAC

  16. 300M钢喷丸强化工艺中打磨问题的研究

    Study on the Influence of Polishing after Shot Peening on 300M Steel

  17. “我认为越年轻的创业者越愿意‘慢慢打磨’其业务,”康韦表示,“Facebook就是一个很好的例子,以充分的耐心慢慢打磨。”

    " I think younger entrepreneurs are more willing to'slow brew'their business ," said Conway . " Facebook is the best example of a company that was slow brewed with plenty of patience . "

  18. 这给BX系列新型鼓式削片机、双鼓轮刨片机和筛环式打磨机用于竹材碎料的生产、竹材的综合利用开发提供了可靠的理论和现实依据。

    Supply theoretical and actual data for BX series drum chipper , knife-ring flaker and double-steam mill to produce bamboo particles .

  19. 《蝙蝠侠大战超人》和《正义联盟》相继落败后,华纳兄弟公司希望最新版的DC蝙蝠侠电影能够获得成功,因此华纳给了里夫斯大量时间来打磨剧本。

    Warner Bros. , in giving Reeves plenty of time to develop the script , is hoping the latest iteration of the DC icon is done right , following the disappointments of " Batman v Superman " and " Justice League . "

  20. 针对某打磨机器人的位姿误差分析,提出一种采用二进制和实数值混合编码的遗传BP网络法,同时优化网络结构和权值矢量;

    For the pose error analysis of a polishing robot , on the basis of Vittorio granularity coding method , an improved genetic neural BP network combining binary with real-value coding is proposed with the network architecture and weight vectors optimized .

  21. 在我这行里,我已经是个老手。我在摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)打磨了七年后,开始为一家规模达数十亿美元的纽约对冲基金管理衍生品投资组合。

    I was already a veteran of my chosen profession , having honed my skills at Morgan Stanley for seven years before managing the derivative portfolio at a multibillion-dollar New York hedge fund .

  22. 本文基于国内某航空企业的需要,对300M钢零件喷丸强化后打磨处理对其强化效果的影响及其影响机理进行了研究。

    Based on the requirement of a domestic aviation enterprise , the influence of polishing after shot peening on 300M steel and its mechanism are studied in this paper .

  23. 对打磨后的亚稳奥氏体不锈钢进行了阳极60s~280s+阴极30s~280s,9h电脉冲处理。

    Worn metastable austenite stainless steel was treated with electric pulse of anode 60s ~ 280s + cathode 30s ~ 280s for 9h .

  24. 对传统的过氯乙烯腻子进行了改性,以适应现代化涂装的要求,确保腻子刮涂后2h即可打磨。刮刀涂布刮痕的产生及解决措施

    The traditional perchlorovinyl putty is improved to meet the requirements of modern coatings . The putty can be polished 2 hours after blade coating . The Countermeasures to the Scratch in Blade Coating Process

  25. SLS系统制作的原型表面粗糙,因此在使用前,应对原型进行后处理(浸树脂液,并固化,或浸液体蜡料,最后打磨表面);

    As SLS prototypes ' rough surface , they should be after-treated ( dip liquid resin , solidify , or dip liquid wax , grind the prototypes ' surface ) before used .

  26. 恢复涂层设计尺寸而打磨部件的镀铬层时,本体金属的打磨过热会造成在镀铬层下形成UTM和OTM。

    When grinding chrome to finish dimensions , overheating the base metal can create UTM and OTM formations under the chrome .

  27. GZM型钢轨辙叉打磨机的设计与运用

    Design and Application of GZM Frog Grinder Rail Damage

  28. 参照区段出现了越来越多的RCF问题,而相同条件下的经过打磨的区段却一点RCF问题都没有,纵剖面仍然很平滑。

    The reference sections showed growing RCF problems , while ground sections in otherwise identical conditions had no signs of RCF and displayed a smooth longitudinal profile .

  29. 采用三次谐波励磁的同步发电机,通过AVR电路产生稳定的380V三相交流电,可以带动打磨机、空气压缩机等功率较大的电动工具;

    It can generate a steady 380 V three phase alternating current through an AVR circuit , and can drive heavy electric tools such as polisher , air compressor and so on .

  30. KDT-300型胎面自动打磨机简介

    Brief on KDT-300 automatic tread buffing machine