
dǎ jī miàn
  • Strike surface;scope of attack
  1. 离开实际情况,错误地扩大打击面,是危险的。

    It is dangerous to depart from actual conditions and mistakenly enlarge the scope of attack .

  2. 在区别待遇和总的打击面上,半老区亦是如此。

    In the semi-old Liberated Areas the differences in treatment and the total scope of attack should be the same .

  3. 法国检察官升级了欧洲方面针对美国科技巨头的打击面越来越大的税收战,对谷歌(Google)的巴黎办事处发起清晨突袭。

    French prosecutors have turned up the heat in the spreading European tax war against US technology giants , with an early-morning raid on Google 's Paris office .

  4. 他打击面过大,以至于他失去了跟其他一切的联系。

    He was so focused on smiting bad guys that he lost track of everything else .

  5. 我出力打破了邪说和谬见。所以,实际搞的结果,打击面极小,教育面极大。

    So the actual result was that the target of attack was very narrow and a great many people were helped through education .

  6. 实验中,采用了方便有效的加温、降温的方式和在入射杆的被打击面粘多层胶布的整形技术。

    A convenient and effective heating , cooling method and the technology of multi-layer plastic sheets against the surface of the incident was applied . 4 .

  7. 这不仅扩大了其打击面,而且刑法轻易介入其它法律可以很好解决的领域,不利于其它法律效用的应有发挥。

    In this case it enlarges criminal area , and lets Criminal Law interfere in other law field easily , and then reduces other law 's validity of law .

  8. 对人的处理,要取慎重态度,严格区分两类不同性质的矛盾,要扩大教育面,缩小打击面。

    In making decisions about people , we should be cautious , distinguish strictly between the two different types of contradictions , widen the area of education and narrow the scope of attack .

  9. 一场打击面更小的运动比如说,让投资者抛售采煤和燃煤企业(排放温室气体最多的行业)的股票会更明智,并且有可能起到作用。

    A more focused campaign for example , to make investors sell stocks in the coal-mining and coal-burning companies that produce the most greenhouse gas emissions would be more sensible and likely to work .

  10. 原因在于对相关知识理解的不彻底可能导致办案中打击面过宽、放纵犯罪的情形,难以实现案结事了的社会效果。

    Because of the related knowledge understanding isnot completely may result in the case of attack is too wide , indulgence of crime situation , difficult to achieve " the case is finalized " social effect .

  11. 这种恐怖活动很有可能演变为有组织、有纲领的恐怖主义,但在可以预见的将来,不大可能发展成上世纪最后1/4世纪那样规模大、频率高、打击面广的恐怖主义。

    However , in the foreseeable future , it is unlikely to evolve into terrorism on large scale , in high frequency and with broad targets to attack like that in the last quarter of the past century .

  12. 但书的价值就在于限制刑法的不当适用,缩小刑法打击面,将情节显著轻微危害不大的行为排除在犯罪圈之外。

    But the value of proviso is to limit incorrect application of criminal law , which will narrow the scope of attack , place " the plot is obviously minor and the harm is not great " outside the criminal circle .

  13. 多枚导弹打击不规则面目标瞄准点的遗传算法优化

    Aim-point 's Genetic Algorithm Optimization for Multi-missiles Attacking Irregular Area Target

  14. 地地战术导弹是打击防区外地面军事目标的重要武器之一。

    The ground to ground tactical missile is one of the important weapons that attack ground target located outside of defense area .